Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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142 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESNew Albion. Name given by Drake to countryround Bodega Bay on Pacific coast of NorthAmerica, 8 846 ; English claim to, 21 16.New Brunswick. Special Articles : GeneralHistory (1758-1867), 13 127-210; PoliticalHistory (1867-1912), 14 403-31. System ofwaterways and its adaptation to aboriginalinhabitants, 13 49 ;British occupation afterTreaty of Utrecht disputed by French, 127 ;growth of French settlements, 127-8 ;pioneer British settlements, 128-30 ;colonizing impeded by land speculation, 129 ;social conditions in pioneer days, 131 ;difficulty in finding a Bible with which toadminister an oath, 11 210-11 ; loyalistscontemptuous designation of old settlers, 13131 ; privateering raids during AmericanRevolutionary War, 134-8 ; formed into aseparate province (1784), 152-3 first; governor and officials, 153-4 ;members of firstcouncil and their records, 154-5 ; assembly ssubordinate position under Carleton, 158 ;rise of the Family Compact, 158-9 council;exercise both executive and legislativefunctions, 159 ; original provincial divisions,160 ; original shire-towns, 162 ; assemblyfirst elected on manhood suffrage, 163 ;constituencies and membership of assembly,163 ;first election contests, 163-4 ;attitudeto St John election appeal of 1785, 165 ;legislation of first session, 165-6, 169 ;salaries of principal government officers(1786), 166 ;entrenched position of governorand council, 167 ; assembly s sensitivenessto criticism and suppression of free speech,168 ;a period of deadlock, 179 ;and the(1854), 208 ; triumph of reform (1855), 208 ;Tilley s Liquor Prohibition Act and subsequent defeat at the polls, 209 constitution;modelled on that of Massachusetts, 282 ;under responsible government, 14 403 ;wintermarch of troops from St John to Quebec,409 and n., 410; and projected Fenian raidof 1866, 415-16 ;some disastrous conflagrations, 425-6 ;defeat of Confederation in(1865), 412 ;followed by victory (1866), 413,417 ;Confederation aided by opposition ofannexationists, 413 ; change in personnelas a result of Confederation, 418 ;lieutenantgovernorssince Confederation, 427 ; premierssince Confederation, 428, 431 ;methodadopted to secure abolition of legislativecouncil, 485. Population Estimated:English-speaking (1766), 13 129; on eve ofAmerican Revolution, 130 ;its losses in theearly days, 182 ;details of first census(1824), 195-6; disparity between sexes,195-6; (1834), 201; table of census returns(1824-1911), 193. See Agriculture Defence;;Education ;Fisheries ;Forests ;Government ; Immigration Indians ; ;JudicialSystems; Land; Liquor Traffic; Mining;Municipal Institutions Physical Features ; ;Post Office; Public Finance; Railways;Roads; Shipbuilding; Shipping; UnitedEmpire Loyalists.New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Land Company.Formed (1831), 13 202.New Brunswick Fencibles. Disbanded soldiersof settle on St John, 13 191.New Brunswick, University of. See King sCollege (New Brunswick).New Caledonia. Extent of, 21 55 ;forts established by Simon Fraser in, 56 ;conditions ofexistence, 57 ;administration of justice in,22 349-50.Patriotic Fund, 180 ;Winslow on improvedconditions of settlers, 181-2 ;a succession of New England. United colonies of formedadministrators, 184-5 ;Catholic Emancipa (1643), 2 333 ; proposed <strong>com</strong>mercial uniontion, 185 ;undisturbed condition of boun with New France, 333-4 ; divergent aimsdary during War of 1812, 186 ;south cause failure of negotiations, 335 French;eastern Maine occupied by British troops, endeavour to prevent westward extension of187 ; petition to secure, in negotiations for settlements, 349 ;trade of, with Louisbourg,peace, an uninterrupted boundary via St 1 209, 212 ; shipping attacked by FrenchJohn River, 8 783, 13 187 ; year without a privateers, 211 ;its forces lay siege tosummer (1816), 187-8; origin of various Louisbourg, 215-18 ; settlement of Maritimesettlements, 188-9 ; military settlements in Provinces from, 13 110-11, 188, 14 647;Victoria County, 191 ; nationality indicated states opposed to War of 1812, 3 196-7.by names of settlements, 192 ; provincial New England Company (founded 1649). Itscontrol of customs conceded, 198 ; quitrents,educational and missionary work among198-9 ;Dissenters Marriage Act passed, 200 ; Indians, 5 347-8.formation of separate legislative council, New England Rangers. Lay waste country200 ; assembly s criticism of Nova Scotia round Quebec and bring back scalps, 15 83.reformers, 14 482-3 ;its deadlock with New Era. Steamboat on Hamilton-Montreallegislative council on indemnity, 483-4 ; route, 10 540.assembly obtains control of the casual and New France. Name first applied by Giovanniterritorial revenues, 13 201, 14 484 ;tenure da Verrazano, 1 3 ;name given by Jacquesunder crown and membership of executive Cartier to region of his discoveries, 2 379 ;council to be no longer life appointments, 13 political system of, embodied in Roberval s204 ; part played by militia in Aroostook <strong>com</strong>mission, 316; the first settler (1617),War, 7 390-1 ;demand for reform, 13 205 ;393 ;influence of French colonial policy on,Colonial Office suggests adoption of principle 320 n. and 321 n. ; opposition of charteredof ministerial responsibility, 206 lines of; <strong>com</strong>panies to colonization and missionarysettlement (1849), 10 359; visitation of enterprise, 389; and to education, 394;cholera (1854), 13 207-8; <strong>com</strong>mercial crisis surrendered to England (1629), 1 59 ;retroceded(1632), 59; proposed joint measureswith New England against Iroquois, <strong>23</strong>32, 334-5 ;colonists prohibited from

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