Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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supremacy after repeal of, 4 554-5, 586 ;effect of repeal on Canadian trade, 10 399.Navy, American, in War of 1812. Its weakness, 3 197-8 ; inefficiency of civilian control,198-9 ; strength during war, 199 ;successin single-ship actions, 199, 216 ;laurels won,200.Navy, British. Increase during War of theAustrian Succession, 1 <strong>23</strong>3 ; <strong>com</strong>parisonbetween French and British (1756), 246-7;increasing prosperity under war conditions,262 ; destroys French mercantile marine,262-3 ;its <strong>com</strong>bination with army beforeQuebec, 279 ;inferior in ships to the Frenchand superior in seamen, 280-1 ; engagementwith French ships near Sydney, 13 222-3 ;deterioration after Seven Years War, 3 76 ;enforcement of right of search leads to Warof 1812, 193-4, 195 ;inferior in ships andin personnel to Americans (1812), 199-200 ;tion in Quebec on, 171-2 ; purchase of Niobeand Rainbow, 171. See also Defence.Navy Island, Niagara River. Held by a rebelforce, 3 366, 7 388.Neal, George. Pioneer Methodist in UpperCanada, 11 305.Nechaco River. Simon Fraser s descent ofFraser River to, 4 657.Needham, Joseph. Chief justice of VancouverIsland (1858), 22 389.Neele, Sir Paul. Original member of Hudson sBay Company, 1 166.Neff, J. R. Member of first legislative assemblyof North-West Territories, 19 2<strong>23</strong>; <strong>23</strong>1, <strong>23</strong>4,240, 243, 244.Negabamat, Noel (d. 1666), of Sillery. Ac<strong>com</strong>panies Father Druillettes on mission to NewEngland, 2 332.Negroes. Proposed introduction as slaves toNew France, 2 507 ; proposed settlement atBurchtown, Nova Scotia, 13 <strong>23</strong>7 ; deportation of twelve hundred from Halifax toSierra Leone (1792), 246 ; settlement offugitive slaves near St John, 191 ; repeal ofPrince Edward Island Act of 1781 declaringthat baptism of slaves should not exemptthem from bondage (1825), 3G2-3 ; Presbyterian mission to colony at Buxton, 11 278 ;number in New Brunswick (1913), 191 ; asCanadian immigrants, 7 531.Neilson, Henry Ivan (b. 1865). Landscapepainter, 12 625.Neilson, John (1776-1848). Leads nationalismon constitutional lines, 3 304, 374 ; opposedGENERAL INDEX 141to Union, 298, 4 412, 15 169 ; witness beforeCanada Committee, 3 306 ;withdraws support from Papineau, 312 ;his analysis andcriticism of the Ninety-two Resolutions, 317,318-19 ; aids in inspection of schools, 16420-1.Neilson, Samuel (d. 1793). Publisher of QuebecMagazine, 12 521.Nelles, Abram. Anglican clergyman at Brantford,11 2<strong>23</strong>.Nelles, Samuel S. Principal of Victoria College,11 335 ;his services to Victoria, 18 390.Nelligan, Emile. French-Canadian poet, 12469-70.Nelson, David. Executed for shooting anIndian, 13 171.Nelson, Hugh (d. 1893). Member of councilof British Columbia, 21 176; lieutenantgovernor(1887-92), 218.Nelson, Robert (1794-1873). Leader in insurrection in Lower Canada, 3 363.strength of personnel in 1812, 203 ; Canadianprovincial marine in War of 1812, 207-8. Nelson, Samuel (1792-1873), American jurist.Sea Power :object of Britain and France in Commissioner in arranging Treaty of Washsecond Hundred Years War, 1 <strong>23</strong>1 ; in ington, 6 48.Seven Years War, <strong>23</strong>1, <strong>23</strong>2, 247, 270, 310, Nelson, Wolfred (1792-1863). Personal charac2 441 ;in War of 1812, 3 200, 203, 207, 214- teristics, 3 364; banished to Bermuda for par215, <strong>23</strong>6, 269, 270-1 ;in the Napoleonic wars, ticipation in Lower Canada Rebellion,4 394-5.13 254 ;influence of, on growth and security Nelson, B.C. Settlement of Doukhobors at,of Nova Scotia, 227, 250-1, 252. See also 20 306.Defence.Nelson River. Its drainage area, 9 22.Navy, Canadian. Inception of movement for, Neree, Levasseur de. His estimate of loss by6 167-9 ;divided opinion on, 169 ; proposed burning of Little Seminary of Quebec, 16creation of fleet unit, 170 ; Lauriers Naval 389.Service Bill (1910), 170-1 ;nationalist agita Nesbet, James (18<strong>23</strong>-74). Presbyterian ministerto Red River settlers, 11 286 ;builds schoolhouseat Kildonan, 20 426 ;first Presbyterian missionary to Indians of North- West,11 286 ;founds mission of Prince Albert, 19203 n. ; projects an academy at PrinceAlbert, 20 451, 467.Nesselrode, Carl Robert, Count (1780-1862),Russian statesman. Explains object ofUkase of 1821, 8 917 ; defines Russianclaims in Bering Sea, 918 his ; proposedboundary-line in Alaska, 922-3 ;on Russia sdesire to reserve part of mainland, 9<strong>23</strong> ; andobject of British <strong>com</strong>panies in securing foothold in Alaska, 9<strong>23</strong> ;on advantages of anatural and continuous mountain boundary,926 ;and the Dryad case, 928-9 and n.Netherlands, King of the. His award in theSt Croix-St Lawrence boundary reference(1831), 8 810.Netherlands. Given benefit of Canadian intermediate rates (1910), 9 <strong>23</strong>8.Netley. Lake Ontario vessel, 10 494.Nettle, Richard, superintendent of Fisheries forLower Canada, 16 560 ; establishes firstfish hatchery in Canada, 560.Neutrality, Treaty of, between France andGreat Britain (1686), 2 355, 8 881-2.Neutrals, Indian tribe. Territory of, 1 62-3 ;missions to, 63, 2 405, 407 ; description oftheir country, 1 64 ; characteristics of, 66 ;their dispersal, 67, 68-9 ; reappearance of, 67.Nevada. Lakes freighter, 10 557.Nevers, Edmond de (1862-1906). His literaryworks, 12 481-2.

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