Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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140 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESMurray, Colonel John (d. 1832). His raid onLake Champlain, 3 246-7 ;on Fort Niagara, 251.projects attackMurray, Louisa. English-Canadian author,12 548.Murray, Robert. Assistant superintendent ofEducation for Upper Canada, 18 302 ; professor in King s College, 302.Murray, Walter. Receiver-general of Quebec,4492.Murray, Walter Charles (b. 1866). Member ofBritish Columbia University Site Commission, 22 439.Murray Bay. Disbanded Highland soldierssettle at, 15 124-5 ; seigniories founded byJohn Nairne and Malcolm Fraser at, 125.Murray Bay. Steamer on Saguenay-Quebecroute, 10 551.Murray Canal, 10 520-1.Murray, Township of. Original grantees of,1744.Muscovy Company. Henry Hudson sent outby, in search of North-East Passage, 1 150 ;trade of English colonists with, 2 493.Musgrave, Sir Anthony (1828-88), governor ofBritish Columbia (1869-71). Advances Confederation movement, 21 171, 173-4, 176 ; National Transcontinental Railway. Its twoappointment suggested by Sir John Macdonald,divisions, 6 327 ;conditions of construction,172-3.Music. Special Article : Music and the Theatrein Canada, 12 643-61. Development inOntario, 644-7 ;Mendelssohn Choir ofToronto, 645-6 ; in Quebec, 648-50 ;folksongs of French Canada, 648 ; establishmentof Montreal Opera Company, 649 ; production of Barber of Seville in Quebec (1864),650 ; in Maritime Provinces, 650 ; inPrairie Provinces, 650-1.Muskoka Lakes. As a tourist centre, 10 565.Muskoka Lakes Navigation Company, 10 565.Muskrat Lake. Champlain on, 1 50.Musquash. Ship on expedition in searchNorth-West Passage (1737), 1 196.ofMyers, Frederick. Anglican clergyman atMatilda (1820), 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Myrand, Ernest (b. 1854). French-Canadianauthor, 12 485.Nairne, John (1731-1802), captain, RoyalEmigrants. At defence of Quebec (1775), 393-4 ; granted seigniory of Murray Bay(1762), 15 125, 16 508 ;in charge of necessitous loyalists at Montreal, 15 145.Nakusp and Slocan Railway.Provincial guarantee on bonds of, 22 364.Nanaimo. Development of coal-mining at, 21122-3, 22 559.Nancy. Lake vessel, 10 486.Nantes, Edict of. Revocation of, causes withdrawal of Huguenots from New France, 11254.Napanee. Private elementary school established at (before 1790), 18 278.Napier, Duncan Campbell. Secretary of IndianAffairs for Lower Canada, 4 7<strong>23</strong>.Napier, Robert (1791-1876), marine engineer.Introduces Samuel Cunard to George Burnsand David Maclver, 10 596.Napoleon. (1) Lake Superior steamer, 10 543.(2) Steamboat on Montreal-Quebec route, 10541, 551.Napper, James. His expedition in search ofNorth-West Passage, 1 196.Nashwaak River. First saw-mill in NewBrunswick erected near mouth of (1695),14 602.Nassau. District of, created (1788), 17 39 ;itsboundaries, 18 521.Natashkwan River. Leased to Labrador SalmonClub, 16 563.Nathan, Henry. Member of council of BritishColumbia, 21 176.Nation, The. Weekly paper founded to promote Canada First movement, 671.National Association of Marine Engineers o!Canada, 9 316, 321.National Club. Established by Canada Firstparty, 6 70.National Policy.See under Trade and Tariffs.National Trades and Labour Congress. Itsformation, policy, and history, 9 309-10 ;assumes name of Canadian Federation ofLabour, 310 ;its strife with Trades andLabour Congress, 311.10 459 ;timber lease in aid of, 16 535 ;steamer services of, 10 565.National Typographical Unicn. Founded(1852) ;name changed to InternationalTypographical Union (1869), 9 293-4.Nationalism. Special Article Papineau and:French-Canadian Nationalism, 3 275-3<strong>23</strong>.Effect of American Revolutionary War on,48 ; Quebec Act its armour of defence, 48 ;Le Canadien established (1806), 158, 159-60 ;consolidation of its forces, 159-60 ;its conflict with Craig, 161-7 ; Papineau and French-Canadian nationalism, 275-3<strong>23</strong> ;and insurrection of 1837, 364-5, 368-9 ;Britishpolicy and, 369-71 ;its attitude to thecouncil, to the administration, and to constitutional reform, 372-3, 374, 375-6 ; proposed appointment of a provincial agentat London, 373 ; three main planks of itsplatform, 376 ; Papineau s influence on,377, 378 ;and legislative council, 375-6 ;attitude of Durham s Report to, 4 403-5 ;nationalists opposed to Union, 406 and;creation of a Canadian navy, 6 171-2 ;itspolicy and programme, 186-8 ;and separateschools question, 187. See also FrenchCanadians.Naturalization. Inter-Dominion agreement onat Imperial Conference of 1911, 6 198.Navigation Acts, British. Provisions of, 3191-2 ; upheld by British statesmen, 192,4 537 ; The Rule of 56, 3 192 ; prescriptive right of inalienable allegiance, 193-4 ;attitude of United States government to,193-4 ; relaxed, in 1812, 203 ;influence of,on West Indian and American trade, 4 536-7,539-41 ; result of enforcement of, after peaceof 1815, 567-8; repeal of (1849), 5 224-7;partially suspended on the St Lawrence, 226 ;resumption of British mercantile and naval

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