Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 139and poll taxes, 408 ; taxation of franchises, Murdoch, Jasper. A grantee of township of408-9 ; licences, 409-10.Clarke, 17 44.British Columbia :development, 22 354-7 ; Murdoch, Sir T. W. Clinton (1809-91), Lordfirst municipalities, 355 ;duties and re Sydenham s civil secretary. Approves ofsponsibilities of government agents, 355-6 ; Bagot s policy, 5 35 ;declines to recognizedepartments under government control, Riel s provisional government, 19 91 n.356-7 ; legislation affecting municipalities, Murdock, George, pioneer and first mayor of380-2 ; city and township or district, 380 ;qualifications for members and Calgary. Incidents recorded in his diaryelectors, 381 ; (1883-86), 19 168-9.legislative and executive powers, 381-2 ; Murney, Captain. Builds the Prince Edwardnumber in 1913, 382 ;rural and urban at Marysburg, Lake Ontario, 10 491.finance <strong>com</strong>pared (1912 and 1897), 382-3 ; Murphy, Denis. Resignation of, as provincialfinancial standing of larger cities (1912), secretary of British Columbia, 21 228.383 n. ;method of levying taxation andrates levied, 383-4 ;taxes collected by urbanMurray, Alexander. Delegate from Manitobaon better terms, 19 118.and rural municipalities (1910), 384; im Murray Alexander, captain. Rounds upprovement exemptions, 384.Acadians at Piziquid, 13 95-6.See also Public Finance.Murray, Alexander Hunter. Constructs FortMunicipal Loan Fund. Objects of the act of Yukon, 5 307 ; 22 605.1852, 18 445 ;its method of raising loans, Murray, Sir George (1772-1846). Secretary445-6 ; borrowings between 1852 and 1856, War forand the Colonies (1828-30), 3 305, 18446 ;fosters railway construction, 446-7 ; 359proportion of municipal borrowings devoted;on desirability of judges being responsible to the crown, 3 338 ;his instructionsto railroad promotions, 447 and financial; regarding Papineau s election to speakership,crisis of 1857, 447-8 ; treasury advances on 4 472 ;annunciates Indian policy, 7<strong>23</strong> ;account of, 5 177 ;the defaulting and the states that Imperial Catholic Emancipationhonest municipalities, 18 448, 450 ;fall in Act applied to colonies, 11 76.value of municipal debentures and pro Murray, George. Literary critic, 12 529.vincial purchases, 448 ;its disastrous effect Murray, George Henry (b. 1861), premier ofon Canadian credit, 449 ; dependence of Nova Scotia. Characteristics of his adminiprovincial ministry upon borrowing muni stration, 14 396 ;at interprovincial concipalities, 449 ; political favouritism in ference of 1901, 15 212.administration, 449-50, 452 ;act extended Murray, James (c. 1719-94), governor-in-chiefto Lower Canada (1854), 450; limit placed of Canada (1764-68). Brigadier at siege ofupon borrowings and their conditions, 450 ; Quebec, 1 279, 286, 290, 295, 305attempted <strong>com</strong>promise with borrowers, 450 ;succeeds;to <strong>com</strong>mand and winters in Quebec, 308 ;agitation for transfer of obligations to pro at battle of Stevincial treasury, 450 Foy, 308-9, 310; occupies; repudiation and its Island of Montreal, 311 ; permits return ofdebasing effects, 451 ; redemption of bonds,5 180; settlement a plank in Mowat Jesuit professors, 16 364 ; powers as govers plat nor of Quebec, 4 427-8 ; governor-in-chief,form of 1872, 17 137 ;Mowat s act in 429 ; powers in administration of justice,liquidation of (1873), 140-1, 18 451-2 ;sum 3 38-9 ; authority of, on public finance, 4mary of its operations, 5 175-6, 17 263-7. 491-2 ; opposes Montgolfier s nomination asMunicipalities, Union of Canadian. Its forma bishop of Quebec, 16-17 ; instructed totion (1901), 15 314; conducts campaign in protestantize Canadians, 11 14, 16 400 ;favour of city-planning, 312.instructed to reserve masting timber, 533-4 ;Munk, Jens. Privations of his crew at Churchill on scarcity of money, 4 495 ;his ordinanceHarbour, 1 157 ;158.on the currency, 600-1 ; suggests cultivationMunn, Daniel J. Member of royal <strong>com</strong>mission of flax and hemp, 525 ; refuses demand ofon oriental immigration (1901), 21 266.British civilians for an assembly, 15 127 ;Munro, A. Member of Board of Education, eulogizes French Canadians, 3 24, 15 96 ;British Columbia (1872), 22 424.partiality for the noblesse, 129-30 ; protectsMunro, George. His munificence to Dalhousie the French, 3 76, 15 99-100 ;on injustice ofCollege, 13 263.excluding Roman Catholics from juries,Munro, Captain John. On masts cut on the 130-1 ;and the Walker outrage, 3 33-4 ;St John, and value of stock at Fort Howe, his recall demanded by traders, 34, 15 133 ;13 140, 14 GOO ;on loyalist congestion at casts opprobrium on the merchants, 3 30,St John, 13 146-7.15 135-6 ; recalled, 3 34, 15 136 ; petitionedMunro, John, captain, 1st Battalion King s to permit continuance of education work ofRoyal Regiment of New York. Signs loyalistpetitions of 1785 and religious societies, 16 401-2 ;retains governor1787, 17 35, 39.ship after return to Britain, 4 432-3 ;Muntz, Laura. Her qualities as an artist, 12 625. sketch of, 3 21 ;his difficult position, 29, 31,Murdaugh Island. Discovered by de Haven, 35 ;his feuds with fellow-<strong>com</strong>manders, 32,5 303.4 427, 15 129 ;defectsMurdoch, Beamish. His History of Novaof temper, 129 ;hitfailure to read the situation, 131-2 ; encourScotia, 12 501-2.ages race separation, 162-4.Murdoch, James (d. 1799). Presbyterian Murray, James. Justice of the peace, Vanminister in Nova Scotia, 11 258. couver Island, 21 87.

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