Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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138 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESNova Scotia (1858-63). Reports on the dispute between district councils and magismilitia, 7 413.Mullin, Eldon. Principal of provincial normaltrates, 435 ; district revenues of Gore andColborne (1843), 437 ; light taxation retardsschool at Fredericton, 14 556.progress, 437 ; contributions levied en inMullins, Bosanna Eleanor (1832-79). Her life corporated cities and towns, 437-8 ;amendand literary works, 12 543.ment to District Councils Act (1846), 438 ;Mulock, Sir William (b. 1843). Postmastergeneral(1896-1905), 6 131 ;Baldwin s Municipal Act of 1849 and amendminister of ments, 439-42 ; power given to aid in publicLabour, 160 ; inaugurates inter-imperial works, 443-4 ; operations of Municipalpenny postage, 5 7 ; proposes nationaliza Fund LoanAct (1852) (q.v.), 445-52tions of telegraphs and ;number oftelephones, 9 264. corporations (1868), 455; divisions counties,Mulvihil, O.M.I. Brother. Missionary in the townships, cities, towns, and villages, 456-7 ;West, 11 149.township and village councils, 457-9 ; townMunicipal Institutions. Special Articles Muni councils, 459-61 : ;boards of control, 461-3 ;cipal Systems of Quebec, 15 287-95; City term of office of representatives, 463 ; policeGovernment, 299-320 ; Municipal History of villages and police trustees, 463 ; qualificaOntario (1791-1867), 18 405-52; in Prairie tions of members, 464-5 ; municipal franProvinces, 20 395-413.chise, 466-7 ; specialNew business tax, with tableFrance : election of syndics for giving classification of business propertiesthe towns of Quebec, Three Rivers, and and their values, 468-70 ;in<strong>com</strong>e assessment,Montreal, 2 328, 15 287 ;influence of the 470 ;in<strong>com</strong>e exemptions, 470-2 ; propertysyndics, 2 331 ;Colbert s suppression of exemptions, 472-3 ;increase in taxablesyndics, 15 287-8 ; mayor and aldermen values between 1904 and 1911 (table), 473elected in Quebec (1663), followed ;by sup statistics of assessment and taxation (1886,pression of municipality, 288 ; mayor re 1896, 1904, 1906), 473 ;assessment exempquests Vaudreuil to surrender Quebec (1759), tions and taxation (1911), 474; municipal288 ; city government in, 299-301.ownership, 475-80 ; purchase of vestedQuebec development under British re interests, 475-6 : ; telephone systems andgime, 15 289-95 ;extension favoured in Lord their development, 476Durham s Report, 4 ; transportation402-3; first general facilities, 476 ; grants in aid of railways, 476 ;municipal law, 416, 15 292-3 ; present law, Niagara Falls Power Commission, 477-9 ;294-5 ; early British period, 301-2 ;Cities Western Ontario Municipal Power Unionand Towns Act of 1903, 319-20. See Mon formed, 478 ;water and light <strong>com</strong>missions,treal ; Quebec.480 ; public libraries, 481 ; park boards,Maritime Provinces. Nova Scotia :origin 481-2 ; police <strong>com</strong>missions, 482 ;local imand development, 14 478-80 ; grand jury provement system (1859-1911), 488-90;and quarter sessions, 478-9 ;reforms enacted Public Health Acts ( 1 849- 1 9 1 1 ),490- 1 ;boardsin 1879 and 1888, 479, 480 ; municipal of health, 491-2 ;Vaccination Act, 492 ;franchise, 480 ;Public Service Commission,9 265. New Brunswick :Municipalities Actlegislation, 492-3 ; expenditures for entertainment, 493 ; publicity campaign, 493-4 ;of 1877, 14 424-5 ;in counties and towns, bonus system to492-3. Prince Edward industries, 494-5 ; instituIsland, 14 507-8. tions for care of poor in urban <strong>com</strong>munitiesOntario : absence of, between 1763 and and their mode1791, 18 405 ;New of support, 495 ;houses ofEngland and Southern industry, 495-6 ; expenditures on behalf oftypes of, 405-8 ;<strong>com</strong>missions given to army poor (1886, 1910), 496; neglected children,officers, 408 ;memorial on election of town 496-7 ; indigent insane, 497 ;accounts andship officers (1786), 408-9 four new districts;audits, 497-9organized (1788), 409 ;statistics and provincialfunctions of courts Bureau of; Industries, 499-500 ;increases inof quarter sessions, 409-10 ; surveyed lands expenditures (1910 <strong>com</strong>pared with 1886),not to be designated townships but royal 500 ;accumulation of assets or liabilitiesseigniories, 411 ; adoption of designation between 1886 and 1910, 500 ; <strong>com</strong>parativetownship, 411 ;efforts to check growth of, survey of all municipal receipts and dis410-14 ;lieutenants of counties appointed, bursements, assets, and liabilities (1886 and414, 416 ;account of system established, 1910), 501-7 ;<strong>com</strong>missions and their work,414-16 ;first Provincial Assessment Act 508-9 ;Ontario Municipal Associations, 508 ;(1793), 416-17 ;Assessment Act of 1802, 419 ; supervising authorities, 509.first markets established (1801), 421 ;swine Manitoba first :general municipal act, 20not to be permitted to run at large, 421 ;333-4enlarged powers granted to towns, 422-5 ; department of Municipal Affairs,; 344; taxation, 400-10; growth of, 395-7;struggle between radical and conservative taxation of real estate, 400-1, 403-4 ;busiforces, 425, 427 ;boards of <strong>com</strong>missioners ness tax, 404-7appointed and ;statute labour and pollact rescinded, 426 ;Durham s taxes, 408 ;taxation of franchises, 408-9 ;analysis of situation, 427-8 withdrawal of; licences, 409-10.local government clauses of Union Act, Saskatchewan and Alberta :history of428-9 ;District Councils Act of 1841, 429-31 ;disputed jurisdiction, 432 growth, 20 335-6, 397-400 ;contrasted with;wardens of dis Manitoba, 336-7 ;taxation of real estate,tricts, 432-3 ;work of district councils re 401-4 ;Edmonton system of business taxaroads and bridges and education, 433-4 ; tion, 407 ; in<strong>com</strong>e tax, 408 ;statute labour

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