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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Morrison, J. Surveys between Sissiboo Riverand St Mary s Bay, 13 116.Morrison, Mrs. Lessee of Royal LyceumTheatre, Toronto, 12 658.Morse, Robert (1743-c. 1818). On loyalist settlements at St John, 13 146.Morse, William. Anglican clergyman appointed to Paris, 11 224.Morton, John. Pioneer Baptist in BritishColumbia, 11 374.Morwenna. Steamer on Montreal-St John sroute, 10 562.Mosher, Nicholas, Junior. Discovers manganese at Tenny Cape, Nova Scotia, 14 698.Mosier, J. Captain of the schooner Mary Ann,afterwards of the Union, 10 493, 498.Mosquitoes. Gabriel Sagard s description ofhis sufferings from, 2 396.Moss, Charles E. (1860-1901). Artist, 12 608.Motherwell, William Richard (b. 1860). Hismethod of tillage, 20 559-60 ;founds Grain-Growers Association, 563 ; provincial secretary of Saskatchewan, 19 270.Moulin, Father. Missionary priest in theNorth-West, 11 140 ;and Riel s seizure ofthe church at Batoche, 1G9 ; wounded duringNorth-West Rebellion, 171.Moulton, Ebenezer. Forms first Baptist churchin Nova Scotia, 11 352.Moulton College (Baptist).M c Master, 11 369.Founded by MrsMount Allison College University, Sackville,N.B. Founded (1862), 11 336, 14 518.Mount Allison Ladies College. Founded (1 854 ),11 336.Mount Allison Wesleyan Academy. Founded(1843), 11 336.Mount Desert Island. Argall s raid on Jesuitmission on, 2 386, 13 34.Mount Edgecumbe. Sightednamed San Jacinto, 21 22.by Quadra andMount Elgin Institute. Established for education of Indian children, 5 349-50.Mount Royal. Jacques Cartier on, 1 37.Mount Royal. Canadian Pacific Railwaysteamship, 10 613.Mount Royal College (Methodist), Calgary, 20498-9.Mount St Elias.Sighted and named by Bering,21 40 ; sighted by Quadra, 22.Mount Temple. Canadian Pacific Railwaysteamship, 10 613.Mountain, George Jehoshaphat (1789-1863),Anglican bishop of Quebec (1837-63). Sketchof his work, 11 217, 218-19 first ; principalof M c Gill University, 16 496 ;his visit toRed River Colony, 11 219 ;his ministrationsduring typhus epidemic of 1847, 96.Mountain, Jacob (1750-1825), Anglican bishopof Quebec (1793-1825). His work in thediocese, 11 215 ; endeavours to secure forAnglican Church licensing of all teachers, 18278 ;on dangers incident to education inUnited States, 16 449 ;founds the RoyalInstitution, 11 36, 16 408-9 ; death of, 11 216.Mousseau, Joseph Alfred (1838-86), premier ofQuebec (1882-84). Appointed to a judgeship,15 191.GENERAL INDEX 137Motiy, Charles de. Vice-admiral of France, 127.Mowat, Sir Oliver (1820-1903), premier ofOntario (1872-96). Resigns vice-chancellorship of Ontario to re-enter public life, 6 25,17 196 n. ; his previous career, 136-7 ; reorganizes cabinet, 137 ; returned for NorthRiding of Oxford, 137-8 ;his descent fromthe bench, 138-9 ; old battles ref ought, 139 ;his legislative output in 1873, 139-41 ;settlesMunicipal Loan Fund muddle, 140-1, 18 451-452 ;and Dr Clarke s Liquor Prohibition Bill,17 142 ;and Orange Lodge IncorporationBill, 142-3 ;attacks timber policy of CrownLands department, 143-4 ;measures of 1874,145 ;his extensions of franchise, 145-6 ;issues in election of 1875, 146 ; passesCrooks Act, 149-50 ; Crooks Act declared intra vires, 160-1 his ; practice of thespoils system, 150 ; passes Education Actof 1876, 150-1 ; his Election Law Amendment Bill (1876), 152-3 ; measures of 1877and 1878, 153 ;his labours on The RevisedStatutes of Ontario, 1877, 153 ;favoursunanimity in verdicts of juries, 153 ; onpropriety of opening the hoiise with prayers,153-4 ;increase in majority in 1879, 156 ;defeated in East Toronto, 157 ; passesOntario Judicature Act of 1881, 157-8 ;andEscheats Case, 160 ;and River and StreamsBill, 161-3 ; regards provincial legislature assovereign within its own sphere, 159 ; agreesto truce in boundary dispute, 6 95 ;hispresentation of case for Ontario, 8 897, 901,905-6 and n. ;seeks to nullify federal powerof disallowance, 17 162 ;a sure interpreterof British North America Act, 164 ; allegedconcordat with Archbishop Lynch, 168 ;andseparate schools, 170 ;and freer trade relations with United States, 6 110; andreciprocity, 112-13 ; on need for caution intariff reductions, 127 ;his legislative record,17 173 ; questions validity of Marter s LiquorProhibition Bill (1893), 175-6; passes Prohibition Plebiscite Act, 176 his ; energy andmethods in passing legislation, 138, 151-2 ;his genius as a law reformer, 157-8 ; estimateof his work as provincial premier, 177-8 ;minister of justice, 6 131, 17 176-7 ; lieutenant-governor of Ontario, 190 n.Moyie. Kootenay Lake steamboat, 10 570.Mudge, Richard Z., lieutenant-colonel U.S.A.Surveys disputed Maine boundary, 8 813.Muir, Andrew, Archibald, John (jun.), Michael,and Robert. Petition for retention ofGovernor Blanshard, 21 121 ; pioneer coalminersin British Columbia, 122, 1<strong>23</strong>.Muir, Mrs Annie. One of first women settlersin Vancouver Island, 21 120.Muir, John, sen. Petitions for retention ofGovernor Blanshard, 21 121 ; pioneer coalminer,122, 1<strong>23</strong> ; member of first legislativeassembly of Vancouver Island, 112.Mulcaster, Sir Wm. Howe (1785-1837). Supporting with gunboats at battle of Chrystler sFarm, 3 249.Mulgrave, George Augustus Constantino Phipps,Earl Of (1819-90), lieutenant-governor of

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