Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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136 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESMonts, Pierre du Guast, Sieur de (1560-1611),governor of Acadia (1603-7). His expedition to Acadia (1604), 13 18-19 his ; patentfor colonization, 18 ;the boundaries of hisgrant, 18 obtains ; monopoly of fur trade,18 ; his humour in place-names, 19 ;discovers Port Royal, 20 ;his settlement atSt Croix, 20 ; founding of Port Royal, 21-2,28 ; returns to France, 29 ; revocation of hispatent, 2 449 and n., 13 32 ; fails to securerenewal of trade monopoly, 2 450 ; remainsof his settlements discovered, 8 762-3.Moodie, Mrs Susanna (1803-85). Her life andworks descriptive of Canadian life, 12 544-6,17 79.Moody, Richard Clement (1813-87). Commander of forces and chief <strong>com</strong>missioner ofLands and Works of British Columbia, 21147, 153.Moore, Sir John (1761-1809). Stationed inNova Scotia as lieutenant-captain in 82ndRegiment, 13 225 ;his intrepidity shown atMajebigwaduce, 226.Moore, Joseph. Re<strong>com</strong>mends loyalist for landgrant on the St Francis, 15 149.Moore, Thomas. Petitions for retention ofGovernor Blanshard, 21 121.Moore, Thomas Albert (b. I860). Secretary ofMethodist Church department of socialreform, 11 340.Moore, T. E. L. Joint <strong>com</strong>mander of aFranklin search expedition (1848), 5 297.Moorson, William Scarth (1804-63). Onmusical conditions in Halifax (1830), 12650.Moose Island. Granted to Governor Bernard,8 769 ; surveyed by Massachusetts, 769 ;inhabitants refuse to acknowledge jurisdiction of New Brunswick, 770.Moose Jaw. Population (1901, 1911), 20 327.Moravian Town. Raided by Hull in 1812, 3221 ; Tecumseh killed at battle of, 245.Moravians. First Labrador mission established by, 8 915.Moreau, Cesar, vice-consul of France atLondon. On climate and social conditionsin Prince Edward Island, 13 336.Moreau, Hippolyte (1815-80). Priest at Bytown,11 55.Moreau, J. B. (d. 1770). Clergyman in Lunenburg(1753), 11 204; reports presence ofAnabaptists, 352.Moreau, Louis Zephyrin (1824-1901). RomanCatholic bishop of St Hyacinthe (1875-1901),11 91.Morel de la Durantaye, OlivierGranted a seigniory, 15 39.(1641-1717).Morgan, Daniel (1736-1802). His attack andsurrender at Sault au Matelot, 3 93, 94.Morgan, John Tyler (b. 1824). Arbitrator inBering Sea seal fisheries dispute, 8 726 ;dissents from decision making sealing regulations, 745-6.Morgan, J. P., and Company. Their purchaseof bonds of Alberta and Great WaterwaysRailway Company, 19 276.Morgan, Maurice. Sent to Canada to studylegal situation, 3 40.Morice, Adrian Gabriel (b. 1859), missionarypriest. At New Westminster, 11 165 ;appointed to Stuart Lake, 166 ; invents asystem of writing, 178-9 ; honours conferredon, 196.Morin, Auguste Norbert (1803-65). Jointauthor of the Ninety-two Resolutions, 3 317 ;his opposition to the Union Bill, 15 169 ;declines to accept office in Draper s ministry,5 50 ;and Atlantic and St Lawrence Railway,10 377 ; speaker of assembly, 5 51.Morin, Germain. Student in theology at JesuitCollege, Quebec, 16 363.Morin, Paul. French-Canadian poet, 12 471.Morin. Sister of the Congregation of NotreDame, Montreal, 2 414.Mormons. The sect and its tenets, 7 536-7 ;number of immigrants in Canada, 537 ;settlements in Alberta, 19 176, 179, 20 3<strong>23</strong>-4 ;divergent views on, 7 537-8.Mornay, Louis Francois Duplessis de (1663-1741), bishop of Quebec (1727-33). A nonresident, 2 430-2.Morning. Lake Simcoe steamboat, 10 543.Morpain, Pierre de. His success as a privateer,13 64 ;marries Marie d Amours, 64 ; opposesBritish landing at Louisbourg (1745), 1 215.Morrice, James Wilson (b. 1864). His careeras an artist, 12 611.Morrin College, Quebec. The application of itsrevenues, 16 499.Morris, Alexander (1826-89). On events leading to Confederation, 5 97 ;chief justiceof Manitoba, 20 374 ; lieutenant-governor(1872-77), 19 107, 197 ; his success in arranging Indian treaties, 7 595, 597-8 ;on work ofprovisional council, 19 198-9 ; urges formation of North-West Mounted Police, 20 293 ;predicts disappearance of buffalo, 293 ;deputy leader of opposition in Ontario, 17155 ; summary of service, 155.Morris, Charles, surveyor-general of NovaScotia. Completes Holland s survey of StJohn s Island, 13 334, 338 ; and reservationsfor masting, 139, 14 616-17.Morris, Charles, Jr. First member for SunburyCounty, 13 113.Morris, Edmund (d. 1913). His portraits andlandscapes, 12 614; 635.Morris, Gouverneur (1752-1816), Americanstatesman. And prescriptive right of inalienable allegiance, 3 193.Morris, James (1798-1865), postmaster-generalof United Canada. Original director ofGrand Trunk Railway, 10 401.Morris, Roger. Peace deputy from the Micmacs,13 108.Morris, William (1786-1858). ReprecentsUpper Canada assembly on proposedappropriation of clergy reserves, 3 336.Morrison, Aulaj MacAuley (b. 1863). Memberof British Columbia Fisheries Commission,22 455.Morrison, James (6. 1861). Roman Catholicbishop of Antigonish, 11 81.Morrison, Joseph W. (b. 1783), lieutenantcolonel,49th Regiment. At the battle ofChrystler s Farm, 3 249, 250.

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