Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Montpetit, Andre Napoleon (1840-1908). Contributes to Journal de I Instruction publique,16 430.Montreal. Jacques Cartier on the site of, 1 36,37, 70, 74, 76 ; granted to Company of NotreDame de Montreal (1640), 2 326, 413, 455 ;founded by Maisonneuve (1642), 411-13, 1529 ; Iroquois raids on, 2 357, 413, 15 30-1 ;first habitants of, 16 507 ;first schoolsestablished, 337-9 ; planned by Dollier deCasson, 15 299-300 ; tannery established at,38 ;discrimination against traders of, 2 482 ;upper end of island colony of vagabonds,352 ;Saint-Vallier s visit to, 4<strong>23</strong>, 426 ;Brothers Hospitallers founded at (1688),428 ; anticipated English attack on, 358 ;treaty with Iroquois signed at (1701), 362 ;keeping of <strong>com</strong>mercial furs in houses forbidden, 501 ;bourse established at (1717),501 n. ; seigniories in district of, 553 ;apprehensions due to increase in Britishsettlers, 502 ;trade with New York andAlbany suppressed, 502 ;difference of pricesat, <strong>com</strong>pared with Albany, 502 ;cessationof trading expeditions from, 503 ;Montcalms council with Indians at (1757), 1 257,310 ;Canada formally surrendered at, 311 ;Anglican services held in Ursuline chapel,11 213 ;feud between troops and inhabitants, 3 33 ; Murray on the magistrates of,33-4 ;centre of revolutionary propaganda,77-8 ; baiting the military at, 78-9 ;Carletons council with Indians at, 100 ;EthanAllen s attempt on (1775), 81 ;a centre ofBritish disaffection, 108-9 ;St Gabriel StreetPresbyterian Church built, 11 265 ;seditionin, fomented by masonic lodges, 3 148 ;acentre of militant nationalism, 312 ;electionriots at, 315-16 ;Durham s reception at, 4395 ; burning of parliament buildings, 5 57 ;Anglican Church at, 11 213, 218, 220;Anglican diocese of, erected, 220 ; Anglicanbishop of, and the notes of church life withinthe diocese, 220 ; literary beginnings, 12438-9 ; population, (1663) 15 33, (1760) 3 5,(1790) 141 British; population in districtof (1765), 15 125 ;increase in population,harbour tonnage, city revenue, and area(1850-1913), 306 ; deepening of St Lawrence,306 ;increase in wharfage ac<strong>com</strong>modation,10 620; tonnage (1911), 622; increase insteam propulsion (1836-1911), 622; racialdivisions in, 15 316-17.City Government :syndic d habitationselected (1647) and suppressed (1661), 288 ;under French regime, 300 charter ; appliedfor (1786), 302 ;ordinances and improvements in early nineteenth century, 302-3 ;first charter granted (1832) and renewalrefused (1836), 291-2, 304; under charterof 1840, 304-5 ; progress since 1850, 305-6 ;streets, their growth and improvement, 306-9;history and management of water supply,309-10 ; public health evil conditions andovercrowding, 310-12 ;need for town-planning, 312 ;street railways, 312 ; lightingand lighting <strong>com</strong>panies, 313 ;franchiseabuses, 313-14 ;<strong>com</strong>mission management,GENERAL INDEX 135315-16 ;demand for Home Rule forMontreal, 316 ;racial <strong>com</strong>ponents of citycouncil (1842, 1844, 1845, and 1881), 317 ;alternate election of French- and Englishspeakingmayors, 317.Montreal. (1) Steamboat on Montreal-Quebecroute, 10 541 ; burning of, 542. (2) DominionLine steamship, 10 608. (3) Steamer onMontreal-Quebec route, 10 552. (4) CanadianPacific Railway steamship, 10 613.Montreal and Kingston Railway. Charter repealed in favour of Grand Trunk, 10 397.Montreal and New Brunswick Railway, 10 444.Montreal and Northern Colonization Railway,10 428-9, 15 180-1.Montreal Baptist College, 11 365.Montreal Board of Trade. And duty on American wheat imports, 5 219 ;its fiscal inconsistencies, 219-20, 229 ;favours repeal ofNavigation Acts, 225.Montreal, Capitulation of. Its conditions, 3 22;administrative division of province after,4 428-9.Montreal City Improvement League, 15 312.Montreal City Library, 12 439.Montreal Diocesan Theological College, 11 241.Montreal Fire Brigade. Infantry battalion, 7395.Montreal Garrison Artillery.Employed in suppression of North-West Rebellion, 7 431.Montreal Gas Light Company, 15 313.Montreal, Grand Seminary of. Opened (1840),1188.Montreal Harbour Commission. Formed (1851),15 306 ; deepening of channel on Lake StPeter by, 10 535.Montreal Herald. Publishes correspondencebetween Sir Hugh Allan and George W.M c Mullen, 6 57.Montreal Island, King William Land. Reachedby Franklin s last expedition, 5 297 and; bySimpson and Dease, 4 689.Montreal Library. Founded (1797), 16 469.Montreal Light, Heat, and Power Company, 9261 ; merger of 1901, 15 313.Montreal Medical Institute, 16 496.Montreal Mining Company. Extent of, andprice paid for its locations, 18 618 and n. ;mines at Silver Islet, 622-3.Montreal Parks and Playgrounds Association,15 312.Montreal Polytechnic School, 16 435.Montreal Protestant Normal School, 16 486-7.Montreal Sacerdotal School, 16 435.Montreal School of Comparative Medicine andVeterinary Science, 16 435.Montreal School of Dental Surgery, 16 435.Montreal, Seminary of. Contributes to expenses of war with France, 15 102.Montreal Society of Artists, 12 635.Montreal Street Railway Company, 15 312.Montreal Telegraph Company. Incorporated(1847), 15 313.Montreal Tramways Company, 15 812, 315.Montreal Transportation Company, 10 556.Montreal Water and Power Company, 15 310.Montresor. War vessel on Lake Ontario, 10494.

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