Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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134 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESMonckton, Robert (1726-82). Captures FortBeaus6jour, 13 89-90 ;assembles Acadiansat Fort Cumberland, 95 ;builds FortFrederick, 128 ; brigadier at siege of Quebec,1 279, 284, 285, 286 ;Wolfe s plans ofattack on Beauport submitted to, 289 ; 290,291, 295, 296 ; wounded, 305 ;succeeds to<strong>com</strong>mand on death of Wolfe, 4 427 ;endorses13 341.Egmont s petition,Moncton. Shipbuilding at, 10 583-5 ; supplied with natural gas, 14 700.Mondelet, Charles Joseph Elzear (1801-76).His letters on education, 16 471-2.Mondelet, Dominique (d. 1863). Called tocouncil and expelled from Lower Canadaassembly, 3 315, 4 478.Monet, Dominique (b. 1865). Opposes sendinga contingent to South African War, 6 141.Money. See Currency and Banking.Mongolian. Allan liner, 10 606.Monitor. Her fight with the Merrimac, 14 386.Monk, Frederick Debartzch (1856-1914). Opsigns from Bowell ministry, 6 126.Montauban, Payes de. His estimate of Canada sshipping (c. 1749), 10 483 and n.Montcalm, Louis Joseph, Marquis de (1712-59).Sketch of, 1 249 ; changes his opinion ofthe habitant as a fighting man, 15 82; onmanners of women of Quebec, 95 ; hamperedby Vaudreuil, 1 250, 257, 263-4, 265, 267, 276,280, 282, 291-2, 294 ; captures Oswego(1756), 252, 253; strategical significance ofthe capture, 253 ;endeavours to stopmassacre by Indians at Fort William Henry,259, 260 and n. ;at Ticonderoga (1758),265-7 ;victorious but sick at heart, 267 ;Montmorency, Henri, Due de (1595-1632).Viceroy of Canada (1620-24), 2 319 ;foundsdefensive plan of (1759), 272 ; strength of his new merchant <strong>com</strong>pany, 390 392.;forces, 272 ; promoted, 276 ;death of his Montmorency and Charlevoix Railway Company.daughter, 277 instructed to; keep some Introduces electric light into Quebec (1881),foothold in America, 277 ;his last alter 15 318.native, 280 ; strength of his forces at Quebec, Montmorency River. Wolfe seizes its left bank,281, 282 ;re<strong>com</strong>mends occupation of L6vis 1 284; abortive attack on French positionheights, 284 ;his defence of the Mont-on, 285-6, 289.morency, 286 ; anticipates Wolfe s finalplan, 292, 293, 294, 300 ;on the Plains ofAbraham, 300-2 ;letter of, to British <strong>com</strong>mander, 306 ;death of, 305, 307.Montcalm. Ice-breaker on the St Lawrence,10 564.Montchretien, French economist. Influences2 320 n.,Richelieu on colonial trade policy,452-3.Monteagle. Canadian Pacific Railway steamship, 10 617.Monteith, Nelson. Minister of Agriculture ofOntario, 17 184, <strong>23</strong>2 n., 18 581.Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de(1689-1755). Favours freedom of trade, 2446 n.Montezuma. Canadian Pacific Railway steamship, 10 613.Montgolfler, fitienne (1712-91). Vicar-generalof Montreal, 11 15 ;confirmation of hiselection as bishop of Quebec opposed byMurray, 16-17 ; resigns his rights to appointment and suggests election of Abbe&quot; Briand,poses Naval Service Bill, 6 171.Monk, George Henry. Alleges disloyalty against 17.John Fillis, 13 122-3.Montgomery, Donald (d. 1893). Principal ofMonk, Sir James (d. 1826). On maladministra Normal School, Charlottetown, 14 537 ;tion of justice, 3 125 ;on French-Canadian chief superintendent of Education, Princedisaffection, 148 ; as chief justice impeached Edward Island, 538.by Lower Canada assembly, 278-9 ;leader Montgomery, James, lord advocate of Scotland.of anglicizing party, 11 35.Organizes Scottish immigrant settlement inMonkman, Joseph. Dissuades Indians from St John s Island, 13 358.joining Riel, 6 37.Montgomery, Lucy Maud. Her Anne of GreenMonmouth. Canadian Pacific Railway steam Gables and other stories, 12 564-5.ship, 10 613.Montgomery, Richard (1736-75). Prepares toMonnoir College. Founded (1853), 16 432. invade Canada, 3 80-1 ; captures St Johns,Monro, Lieutenant-Colonel. His surrender of 81, 82 ; joins forces with Arnold, 85 ;atFort William Henry, 1 257-9.tempts to detach loyal merchants in Quebec,Monroe, James (1758-1831), American minister 87 ;his summons to Carleton to surrender,at London (1803-7), president (1817-25). 87 his ; general orders of 15th December,Concludes unratified boundaries agreement 88-9 ;attack on the Pres-de-Ville and deathwith Great Britain, 8 771, 783, 840 ;reviews of, 90-2.negotiations affecting boundary east and Montgomery, Captain. Slaughters Canadianwest of Lake of the Woods, 840 ; promul prisoners at Chateau-Richer, 1 288.gates the Monroe doctrine, 861, 920 ;re<strong>com</strong>mends establishment of military post atmouth of the Columbia, 861.Montague, Walter Humphries (1858-1915). ReMontgomery. Steamboat on Collingwood-Chicago route, 10 546.Montgomery s Tavern. Skirmish at, in Rebellion of 1837, 3 365-6, 7 387.Monticello. Lake Superior steamboat, 10 543.Montmagny, Charles Jacques Huault de.Governor of New France (1636-48), 2 326;named Onontio by the Indians, 409 ; laysout plan of Quebec, 15 299 ; opposes settlement at Montreal (1641), 2 412; ac<strong>com</strong>panies Maisonneuve to Montreal, 413 ;hostile to Company of New France, 456 ;presented with first horse brought fromFrance, 16 513.Montminy, Abbe Edouard (1808-47). Victimof typhus epidemic of 1847, 11 96.

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