Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 133copper mining between 1892 and 1913, 625 ; Mississippi River. Allouez reports its existmonel-metal and its uses, 62G-7 ; sketchmapof Sudbury area, 627 ; riches of deposits, quette (1673), 101 ; its true discoverers, 75,ence, 1 80 ; reached by Jolliet and Mar-628 ; production of New Caledonia with <strong>com</strong>pared 104 n. ; source discovered by David ThompSudbury, 628. Nickel-copper sketch son, 4 665.:of nickel-copper mines of Sudbury, 9 248, Mississippi. Dominion Line vessel, 10 608.18 620, 624-8. Ochre :deposits and output Mississquoi. American success at, in War ofin Quebec, 16 594-5. Petroleum : oil-fields 1812, 3 247.of Interior Plain, 9 48-9 first ; discovery at Missouri Fur Company. Establishes tradingposton Snake River, 8 849.of discovery of deep-level oil in Pennsylvania Missouri River. Conjectured routes of LaOil Springs, Lambton County, 107 ; effecton Canadian exports, 122-3 ; experiment in Verendrye brothers to, 1 130-1, 132-3.use of, for iron smelting, 125 ; growth ofindustry, 185 Mitchell, Charles Richmond (b. 1872). Attorneygeneraland minister of Education of Alberta,; control of production byStandard Oil Company, 249 ; refining, 257 ; 19 278, 20 485 ; passesin Nova Scotia, 14 699 ;oil-fields of Newa university act, 502.Mitchell, David. His surveys in Nova ScotiaBrunswick, 9 31, 14 699 ; oil springsLambton in and New Brunswick, 13 79 ; obstructed byCounty, 18 620 ; areas and pro Acadians, 79.duction in Ontario (1906, 1910, 1913), Mitchell, George. Deputy surveyor of woods634-5 ; deposits of Alberta, 20 599. Plati in Nova Scotia, 13 78.num :deposits in Cordilleran Region, 9 56. Mitchell, Hillyard. Member of first TerritorialSalt : mines of Ontario, 45, 18 636 ; attempts assembly, 19 2<strong>23</strong>, 227, 241, 243-4.to crush out industry, 9 1<strong>23</strong> ; fall in pro Mitchell, James. Premier of New Brunswickduction (1879-96), 186; controlled byCanadian Salt (1896-97), 14 431.Company, 249. (See Silver, Mitchell, Peter (1824-99). Confederation delep. 194.) Silver-lead: in British Columbia gate from New Brunswick, 14 411 ; supports(1896-1912), 9 247-8. Talc : mined in northern route forHastings County, Ontario, 18 637. Tin Intercolonial Railway,: 6 30 ; minister of Marine and Fisheriesin the Yukon, 22 635. :Tungsten in Nova (1867-73),Scotia and New 22.Brunswick, 14 699 ;in the Moberly, J. In charge of postYukon, 22 635. Zinc at ore : in FrontenacFraser Lake,21 127 n.County, Ontario, 18 636.Modjeska. Toronto-Hamilton steamboat, 10Minnite, Robert C. Surveys for Baie Verte 554.Canal, 10 532.Moffat, George (1787-1865). Sent to UpperMinto, Gilbert John Murray Kynynmond Elliot, Canada to influencefourth Earl of opinion in favour of(1845-1914), governor-general Union, 4 406 ; founder of Free Trade Assoof Canada (1898-1904). Addresses contingent to South African ciation, 5 217 ; on lack of enterprise shownWar, 6 140.in Canada, <strong>23</strong>1-2.Minto. Ice-breaker plying between Prince Moffat, William. Loyalist applicantEdward Island and for grantmainland, 10 563-4.in Eastern Townships, 15 150.Miowera. Canada-Australian trader, 10 618. Mohawk. War vessel builtMiquelon. Named by Cabot one at Kingston, 10of the Trinity 487, 492.group, 1 21 ; base for smugglers, 4 5<strong>23</strong> British ; Mohawks, Indian tribe. Father Jogues torcapture of and transportation of tured by, 2 407 ; settlement of, on Bayinhabitants to Halifax, 13 of251.Quinte, 4 707 ; sell andMiramichi lease portions of theRiver. Jacques Cartier on, 1 31 ;Grand River tract, 719beginnings of settlement ; Henry Hudsonon, 13 129-30 ; among, 1 46 ;raid on Three Rivers, 72 ;forest fire of 1825, 196-8 ; panic following make peace with French, 82.on fire, 14 618 ; succession in forest types Moisie River. Famed for large size of itsresulting from fire, 618-19, 625 ; exports of salmon, 16 562.rossed and spool wood from (1909), 631, Molson, John (1787-1860). Builds the Ac<strong>com</strong>mo632.dation, 10 495-6 ;founds a line of steamboats,Miristou, a Montagnais. Induced by Champlainto cultivate the soil, 2 392.Montreal, 12 655.496 ; chief shareholder in Theatre Royal,Missions. See special articles under separate Molson Line. Competes for trade of lower Stdesignations of churches, and names of mis Lawrence, 10 541.sionaries ; also Missions ; Arts and Letters. Molsons Bank. Founded, 5 273 ; obtains new11 3-8.charter, 278.Missisquoi Bay. Major Roger lands expedition Monahan, North and South. Settlement of,at (1759), 1 274; first loyalist settlements 1783.at, 15 151.Monarch. Steamship of Elder-DempsterMississaga. Vessel built at Line,Kingston, 10 492. 10 616.Mississagas. Incited against the British, 3 54 ; Monck, Sir Charles Stanley, fourth Viscountassist British at St Johns, 4 706 ; their (1819-94). Governor-in-chief of Canadacessions of territory, 707 ; purchase of tract (1861-67), governor-general (1867-68), 5 78;from, 717, 719 ;successful Methodist mission assists Confederation movement, 129 ; proto, 5 332-3.Mississippi Bubble. See Company of the West. poses certain safeguards, 155 ; on system ofdual first ministers, 6 306.

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