Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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132 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESprovince in, 597 ; its possibilities in the mining in Ontario, 18 621. Asbestos :future, 597-8.fluctuations of the industry, 9 186, 249 ;Nova Scotia :early discoveries, 14 671-3 ;Canada saccount of development, 393-6 leadership in, 249 ; production in; alienation Eastern Townships, 31-2, 16 591-2 ; processand subsequent recovery of provincial of working, values, and uses of, 591-2.ownership, 394, 677 ;act of 1858 and subse Barytes depositsquent growth of <strong>com</strong>petition, 677-8 ;<strong>com</strong>in Nova : Scotia, 14 699.Building materials :Appalachian Region,panies and their history, 677-9, 680-2 ; 9 32 ; Laurentian Plateau, 41 ; St Lawrencemine explosions, 682 ;fatalities in, 683 ; Lowlands, 44 ; Interior Plain, 47-8 ; Corlabour disputes, 683 ; royalties, 475-6 dilleran ;approximate value Region, 58 ; in Quebec, 16 596 of ;production (1910), 476. and Ontario, 18 636. (See Cement.) CalNew Brunswick, 683-5, 689-91, 694-5, 696, cium carbide : manufactured at Niagara697, 698, 699-700.and by Shawinigan Carbide Company, 9Ontario :early mining (1800-45), 18 257, 16 596-7. Carborundum :production617-19; stimulus given by Sir William at Ottawa, 9 257. Cement : increase inLogan, 618 and n. ;areas sold for mining production (1896-1912), 249; table of propurposes (1845-88), 618; regulations fixing duction and values in Quebec (1904-11), 16limits of locations (1846), 618 and n. ; rapid 595 ; prospects of industry, 595-6 ; progrowth and variety of products, 613 ; table ducing plants in Ontario, 18 635. Chromite :of mineral production (1911), 17 219 ;table rise and decline in Quebec, 16 580-1. (Seeof production (1912), 18 614 n. ; <strong>com</strong>para Coal, p. 35. ) Cobalt :production in Ontario,tive percentage of aggregate production 18 625, 626, 629, 631 ; deposits in North-(1913), 614 ;increase in value of metals and West Territories, 22 659. Coke : value ofnon-metals (1905-13), 614; increase inpercentage of values (1911-13), 614 output in British Columbia, 573. Copper :; positionheld by province (1912), 614 and deposits of Appalachian Region, 9 33-4 n. ;tableshowing progress or reverse made Cordilleran ;Region, 55-6 arrested ;developin various ment (1867-78), 122; increased productionbranches (1906-13), 615 ;value of output of pyrites (1896-1912), 248 ;in Nova Scotia,for five-year periods (1891, 1896, 1901), 616 ; 14 697-8 ; royalty paid, 475aggregate values ;in New Brunsof total production of wick, 697 ; in Eastern Townships, 16 582-8 ;various metals up to 1913, 616 ; Cobalt s in Ontario Bruce Mines (1847), 18 619,world leadership, 629 ;table showing growth 622 ; early attempts at mining, 621 ;disin production and values (1891, 1900, 1910, covery at Sudbury, 9 185 ;in British Col1913), 635 ;minor mineral products, 636-8 ;umbia Blue Bell mines, 22 558, 563provincial taxes ;on, 638 ;revenue for 1910, statistics of production, 571 ;in the Yukon,638 ;administration and organization of 634-5provincial department, 638-9 and ; discoveries in North-West Terrin. ;rela tories, 655-9. Corundum :discovery andtions with Dominion department, 639-40 ; mining in Ontario, 18 621, 637 ;Canada shistorical sketch of provincial mining laws, leadership in, 9 249. Feldspar production640-4 ; re<strong>com</strong>mendations of Royal Com: in Frontenac County, Ontario, 18 637. Gasmission of 1890, 644-5.(natural) fields of Interior Plain, 9 48 : ;Saskatchewan and Alberta, 20 556, 597-9. production (1896-1912), 249; in NovaBritish Columbia :prospective resources Scotia and New Brunswick, 14 699 ;inof Cordilleran belt and Coast districts, 22 Ontario, 18 621, 635 ;in Alberta, 20 598,555-7 ; history of mining, 558-65 ;first 599. (See Gold, p. 74.) Graphite: its occurproduction and shipment of ores, 563-4 ;rence and operation in Quebec, 16 592-3recent development, 565 ;;chief minerals in shipments (1911), 594order of relative importance, 565-6 ; production in Lanark; totals and Renfrew Counties, 18 621, 637. Gypsum:of value of various minerals to 1912, 566 ; exported in eighteenth century, 4 554production by periods, 566-7 ;; development development in New Brunswick and Novaof lode output, 568 ;value of lode metal Scotia, 9 32, 249, 14 694-6production over ;at Grandperiods, 572 ; miscellaneous River, Ontario, 18 637. (See Iron, pp. 96-7.)minerals, 572, 574-5 ; <strong>com</strong>parison of pro Iron pyrites:production in Eastern Townduction with Dominion aggregate, 575 ; ships, 16 582-8 ;and in Ontario, 636.some of the larger mines, 575-8 ; mining Lead :deposits of Cordilleran Region, 9 66 ;methods and metallurgical facilities, 578-80 ;Dominion bounty to miners, 22 570-1 ;department of Mines, 580 ;an expert opinion royalty on, in Nova Scotia, 14 475 ;statisticson provincial mining laws, 581.of production in British Columbia, 22 570 ;Minerals. Albcrtite: discovered at Hillsborough,Albert County, New :Brunswick production in New Brunswick and Novain North-West Territories, 659. Manganese(1850), 14 685; legal dispute as to its Scotia, 14 698-9. Mica : three species ofnature, 685 ;amount extracted, 685. Alu <strong>com</strong>mercial importance, 16 589 ; productionminium :exported to Germany, 9 257 ;the in Quebec, 590plant at ;and Ontario, 18 636.Shawinigan Falls, Quebec, 16 596. Nickel : value of production (1891), 9 185 ;Antimony: discoveries in New Brunswick and CanadaNova s leadership in, 249, 17 220; disScotia, 696, 697 ;veins in the Yukon, covery at Sudbury, 18 624 ; reductions in22 635. :Apatite its use, production in price and uses of the metal, 625 ; producingQuebec, and rapid decline, 16 588-9, 9 186 ; <strong>com</strong>panies, 624-7 ; progress in nickel and

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