Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Red River, 6 32, 19 67 ; adopt Lower Canadasystem of land surveys, 20 284 ;resentpresence of survey parties, 19 68 their ; partin Riel Rebellion, 71-5, 76-7, 80, 82, 83 ;GENERAL INDEXco-operate in defence against Fenians, 102-5 ;reserves set aside for, 20 289 ;land grants to, Miller, James (1776-1851). At the battle ofbought up by speculators, 19 100-1, 20 290 ; Lundy s Lane, 8 258.retreat northwards, 19 101 ; unrest prior to Miller, James Andrew (1839-86), attorneygeneralof Manitoba. Agrees to truce onNorth-West Rebellion, 6 100, 19 207-8, 20303 ;their bill of rights, 6 101, 19 210 and n. ; boundary dispute, 6 95.settlement of claims, 212 ;and the Half- Miller, William (1834-1912). Nova-ScotianBreed Scrip Commission, ll 184.convert to Confederation, 13 302.Metropolitan Bank. Chartered (1871), wound Milling. See Manufactures.up (1877), 10 639.Millington, Francis. Original member of HudMetropolitan Parks Commission. On need forcity-planning in Montreal, 15 312.Meulles, Chevalier Jacques de, intendant of NewFrance (1682-86). Issues card money (1685),2 496 ;and plan for creation of manufactures, 16 380.Meurin, Sebastien Louis (1707-77), Jesuit,Vicar-general in Illinois region, 11 15.Meurons, de. Disbanded Swiss mercenaries,settle at Red River, 19 38, 41 ; indolent anddisorderly, 43 ; migrate to United States, 44.Mexicana. Spanish vessel, circumnavigatesVancouver Island, 21 48-9.Meyer, Hoppner. Artist, 12 628, 630.Mezy, Augustin de Saffray, Chevalier de (d. 1665),governor of New France (1663-65). Organizes Sovereign Council, 2 339.Mezy, Sebastien Francois Ange, le Normaut de(b. 1702). Proposes Acadian colonization ofIsland of St John, 13 317.Michigan Central Railway. Its lake steamerand car ferry services, 10 545-6, 547.Michilimackinac (Fort). Occupied by British(1761), 3 58; seized by Indians, 64; captured by British in War of 1812, 219 ;abortive American attempt on, 252-3.Mickle, Alfred E. Landscape painter, 12 625.Micmacs. Trade with Jacques Cartier atChaleur Bay, 1 31 ; territory occupied by,and their origin, 13 <strong>23</strong>, 25 ;visit Champlainat Port Royal, 31 ;Jesuit mission to (1612),2 382-6 ; peace conference at Fort Howe,13 138 ;number on Prince Edward Island(1838), 5 361 ; provincial indifference to, 7606.Middleton, Captain Christopher (d. 1770). Leadsexpedition in search of North-West Passage(1741), 1 197.Middleton, Sir Frederick Dobson (1825-98).Suppresses North-West Rebellion, 6 102-3,7 433-4 ;on Dumont s skilful strategy, 19211.Midland Battalion. Employed inof North-West Rebellion, 7 431.suppressionMidland Prince. Lakes freighter, 10 553.Mignault, Pierre Marie (1784-1868). Missionary priest in Nova Scotia, 11 42 ; foundssecondary school at Chambly (1825), 16 4<strong>23</strong>.Miles, Henry H. Edits English edition ofJournal de V Instruction publique, 16 431 ;485.Miles, Richard. Founds Zion CongregationalChurch, Montreal, 11 382.Millar, John. Deputy minister of Educationof Ontario, 18 324.Miilard, C. S. Painter, 12 6<strong>23</strong>.Mille, James de (1836-80). Sketch of life andliterary work, 12 546.Mille Isles. Seigniory of granted to SidracDugue, 2 553.son s Bay Company, 1 166.Mills, David (1831-1903), minister of theInterior (1876-78). And education in North-West Territories, 19 152 ; foresees troubleon Ontario boundary question, 6 94 ;favours freer trade with L T nited States, 9 167.Mills, James (b. 1840). Member of DominionRailway Commission, 18 572.Mills, J. B. His plans for canal construction,10 511-12, 513; surveys for CaughnawagaCanal, 535.Mills, Sir Thomas, receiver-general of Quebec.His instructions, 4 492-3 ; suspended, 493,500.Milner, C. Anglican clergyman, establisheschurches in New Brunswick, 11 211.Milnes, Sir Robert Shore, Bart. (1746-1836),lieutenant-governor of Lower Canada (1797-1808). Tackles land-granting question, 3156-7 ;abuses of land allotment systemunder, 4 560 ;and endowment from crownlands for elementary education, 16 451.Milton, William Spencer, Viscount (1839-77).His transcontinental journey, 5 324-7.Milwaukee. Founded by French Canadians,1577.Minas. Acadian colony at, 13 52.Minerva, American privateer, engages theRevenge, 13 224.Mingan Group. Jacques Cartier at, 1 35, 2 379.Mining. Special Articles History : of Miningin Quebec, 16 571-98 ;Mines and Mining inOntario, 18 613-45 ;Mines and Mining inMaritime Provinces, 14 671-700 ;Mines andMining in British Columbia, 22 555-81.General :position at Confederation, 9 100,106-7; progress (1867-78), 121-3 ; estimatedvalue (1886 and 1896), 184; features ofperiod, (1879-96) 184, (1896-1912) 246-9;ratio of values of various minerals (1911),249 ; part played by, in labour movement,286 ; value of (1912) and number of menemployed,New 286.France and Quebec:Jacques Cartiers references to mineral wealth, 16 573-4 ;Colbert s instructions on, 2 470, 476 ;searchfor mineral wealth renewed, 506 ; suggestedintroduction of negro slaves to work mines,507 ; physical features and mineral deposits,16 571-3 ;laws for prospecting, 15 <strong>23</strong>4 ;totalannual value of production (1899-1911), 16574-5 ;increase in value of production (1905-12), 15 <strong>23</strong>4 : details of mineral productionand values (1911), 16 575-6 ; place held by

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