Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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130 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESMenneval, Rofoineau de, governor of Acadia(1687-90). Rebuilds fort at Port Royal, 1355 ;taken prisoner by Sir William Phips, 56.Mennonites. Their tenets, history, and migrations, 7 534-5, 11 391-2 ;their settlementsin Upper Canada, 17 47-9 ;their immigration to Dominion, 7 535-6, 11 392 ;firstforeign settlers to take up land in WesternCanada, 20 295 ;their settlements inManitoba and Saskatchewan, 295, 19 179 ;abandon <strong>com</strong>munistic ownership, 20 296 ;first to introduce growing of flax, 296 ;schools and educational difficulties of, 434-5,458.Menzies, Archibald (1754-1842), botanist. Firstdescribes the Douglas fir, 22 489.Menzies, Thomas. Lloyd s special surveyor atQuebec (1852), 10578.*Mercator. His letter on political effect ofadministration by civilians in Quebec, 3 159and n.Mercer, William (d. 1871). Founds the MercerReformatory, Toronto, 17 203.Merchant, Francis Walter (&. 1855). On theEnglish-French schools of Ontario, 18 339.Merchant Mutual Line of steamships, 10 557.Merchants Bank. Established (1864), 10 637 ;absorbs Commercial Bank, 637.Mercier, Honore (1840-94), premier of Quebec(1887-91). Denounces Riel s execution, 6104, 15 192-3 his ; energetic administration,193 ;roads and bridges and railway aidpolicy of, 193-4 ;his settlement of Jesui*Estates question, 6 107, 11 22, 15 196-197 ;calls interprovincial conference, 197-8 ;supports <strong>com</strong>mercial union, 6 110; andincreased provincial subsidies, 7 495 ; givesland grant to fathers of twelve children, 15200 ;Baie des Chaleurs Scandal leads to hisdismissal, 6 120, 15 200-5 ;other allegations,206-7 ;increases in debt and expenditureduring his regime, 207.Mercy, Sisters o!. Established in Montreal,11 88 ;at Ottawa, 69.Mercy of Jesus, Sisters of the. At Chicoutimi,11 101, 109.Meredith, Sir William Ralph (6. 1840). Deputyleader of opposition in Ontario legislature,17 152 ;his rise in political life, 155 ;hiscampaign platforms (1879, 1894), 156, 173;policy as leader, 159 ;his championship ofDominion rights, 159, 161-3 ; opposition sbid for Catholic vote (1883), 165-6; andFacts for the Irish Electors, 166 ;advocatesradical reforms, 168 ;discountenances NoPopery crusade raised by his party, 168-172 ; favours conditional abolition of separateschools, 170 ;and bilingual question, 171 ;lacked able subordinates, 172-3 ;raised tothe bench, 174 as ; party leader, 174; suggested re-entry into public life, 6 127.Mergers. See Trade and Tariffs.Mermet, Joseph, lieutenant in de Watteville sregiment. His poems, 12 438, 441-2.Merrill, H. P. Discovers copper deposits atActonvale, 16 585.Merrimac. Engages the Monitor in HamptonRoads, 14 386.Merritt, William Hamilton (1793-1862). Principal promoter of Welland Canal, 10 5<strong>23</strong>-5 ;agitates for improvement of Grand River,530 his ; provincial bank scheme, 4 629 ;moves for reciprocity in provincial assembly,5 <strong>23</strong>7 ;introduces Free Banking Act, 272 ;assists in preparation of Canadian statistics,<strong>23</strong>8 ;his qualities and defects, 67, 10 524 ;his biography, 12 506-7.Merry Del Val, Raphael (6. 1865), cardinal.Papal delegate on Manitoba schools question,6 132, 11 106-7.Mesaiger, Charles Michel (1690-1766), Jesuit.Joins La Verendrye s expedition of 1731, 11117 ; professor of hydrography in JesuitCollege, Quebec, 16 376.Mesplet, Floury. Publisher of La Gazettelitteraire of Montreal, 12 437.Metcalfe, Sir Charles Theophilus, first Baron(1785-1846), governor-general of Canada(1843-45). On dangers confronting Britishrule in India, 5 38 his ; reception in Canada,39 ;on professions of loyalty made by reformers, 39-40 ;rebukes liberalizing professors of King s College, 18 368 ; rupturewith ministry, 5 40 ;his attitude to responsible government, 41, 113-18; a period ofdeadlock, 42 ;his relations with Ryerson,18 302 ;secures a majority in assembly, 5 43 ;retirement of, 44 ; supported by ColonialOffice, 45-7 ;sketch of, and personal characteristics, 37-8, 44.Methodism. Special Article : Methodist Church :its Missions and Institutions, 11 303-42. Introduced intoNewfoundland and NovaScotia,303-4 ;its beginnings in Lower and UpperCanada, 304-5 first ; organization, 305-6 ;separation from American Church, 307-8 ;loyalty of its preachers impugned, 5 349, 11330-1, 17 45 ;union with British Church andabandonment of episcopacy, 11 308 its;divisions and final reunion, 308-10 ;unionwith British Church dissolved, 310 ;membership of bodies forming united church, 311 ;membership and Christian liberality, 311.Missions :hardships of pioneers, 312-13 ;work among Indians, 5 349-50, 11 315-316 ;domestic missions, 316-20 ; French-Canadian, 320 ; city missions and missionsto foreign born, 320-3 ;the down-townproblem, 322 ; foreign missions, 3<strong>23</strong>-6 ;Young People s Forward Movement, 327-8 ;Laymen s Missionary Movement, 328 ;Woman s Missionary Society, 328-9, 342.Periodicals, 330-2 ;Methodist Book Room,333-4 ;educational institutions, 334-7 ;department of Temperance and Moral Reform,339-40 ; Epworth League and other youngpeople s organizations, 340-1 ;deaconesswork, 341-2.Metis. Their part in Seven Oaks affray, 1935-7 ;their mode of life and personal characteristics, 49-50 ;summer hunt of, in1840, 50 ; object to restraints on trade, 52 ;their discontent and growing temerity, 52-5 ;Sayer trial and its results, 56-7 ;racial andreligious solidarity of the, 63-4 ; apprehensiveof submergence, 66, 67, 69, 71 ;numbers on

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