Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Maugerville. Colonized from Massachusetts,13 128 ;first Anglican service and clergymanat, 11 208, 209 jfirst New Brunswick shipbuilt at, 10 583.Maurelle, Alfrez Antonio. His expeditions tothe North Pacific, 21 21, 22.Maurepas, Jean Frederic Phelipeaux, Comte de(1701-81), French minister of Marine andColonies (17<strong>23</strong>-49). La Verendrye prejudiced against, 1 135 ; dismisses governorof Louisbourg, 210 ;and the defence ofLouisbourg, 211 ;on immobilizing of cures,2437.Maurer, Captain. Assists in settling loyalistson the St Lawrence, 17 24.Mauretania. Cunard liner her ; speed on hermaiden trip, 10 602.Maurin, Francois. An associate of Bigot, 2 526.Maverick, Samuel Royal <strong>com</strong>missioner, 1 161.Maxwell, George R. (d. 1902). Member ofBritish Columbia Fisheries Commission(1901), 22455.Maxwell, J. E. Editor of Upper Canada Missionary Magazine, 11 366.May, de. Officer of the de Meurons, 19 44.May Flower. (1) Lake Ontario schooner, 10493. (2) Michigan Central Railway steamboat, 10 545.Mayerhoffer, V. P. (1784-1859). Anglicanclergyman at Markham, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Mayflower. Steamboat on Hamilton-Montrealroute, 10 540.Mayne, Captain Richard Charles (d. 1892).Visits Fort Victoria, 21 89 ; assists inquelling M c Gowan riots, 153.Mayo. Gold prospector on the Yukon, 22606.May-pole ceremony in New France, 2 567-8.Mayrand, Arsene. Missionary priest on theRed River, 11 128-9 ; 134.Mazarin, Jules (1602-61), cardinal. SucceedsRichelieu as French secretary of state, 2 456.Mazenod, Charles Joseph Eugene de (1782-1861),bishop of Marseilles. Founder of Oblates ofMary Immaculate, permits them to labourin Western Canada, 11 133, 20 421.Mazeppa. Hamilton and Burlington Beachsteamboat, 10 554.Meares, John (1756-1809). His first voyageto north-west coast, 21 33 his ; expeditionof 1788, 8 847-8 ; purchases ships and sailsthem under Portuguese flag, 21 33-4 ; wel<strong>com</strong>ed by Maquinna at Nootka, 34 ;describes singing of the Indians, 34-5 ; purchases land at Friendly Cove, 35 ; discoversand takes possession of Strait of Juan deFuca, 8 853, 21 36 ;constructs and launchesNorth-West America, 35, 37 ;and thecircumnavigation of Vancouver Island, 38 awarded ;damages for Spanish seizures, 51 ;sketch of, 242-3 ; his services in imperialexpansion, 243-4 ;on the sea-otter, 248.Measam, Geo. Signs Quebec traders petition(1770), 15 134.Meats and Canned Foods Act (1906), 7 674.Mechanics Bank of Montreal. Chartered(1865), twice suspended and ultimatelywound up, 10 639.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IGENERAL INDEX 129Mecklenburg, District of. Created (1788), 1739 ;first court held at Kingston, 18 409 ;its boundaries, 521.Medicine Hat. Population (1901, 1911), 20327.Medley, John (1804-92). First bishop ofFredericton (1845-92), 11 212, 14 424 n.Medoctec, St John River. Site of ancientIndian settlement, 13 25, 27.Meek, Edward. His alleged connection withOntario Bribery Plot (1884), 17 167.Megantic. White Star-Dominion liner built,1909, 10 610.Megantic Mining Company, 16 583.Meighen, Frank Stephen (b. 1869). FormsMontreal Opera Company, 12 649.Meilleur, Jean Baptiste (1795-1878). One offounders of secondary school at L Assomption,16 4<strong>23</strong> ; superintendent of Educationfor Quebec, 419 ;and <strong>com</strong>pulsory schoolrating, 419 ; prepares text-books, 422 ; hiswork as superintendent, 424-5 ; allegesproselytizing against Royal Institution,452-3, 454.Melbourne, Wm. Lamb, second Viscount (1779-1848), British prime minister (1835-41).His betrayal of Durham, 4 398-9.Melvill, Sir James Cosmo (1792-1861), secretaryof East India Company. Introduces SamuelCunard to Robert Napier, 10 596.Members of Parliament, Payment of. Indemnity for, passed in New Brunswick(1788), 13 173; a deadlock in New Brunswick, 178 ; daily indemnity, 179 ; Dominionsessional indemnity of 1867 and subsequentincreases, 6 <strong>23</strong>, 157-8. See also Government.Membertou, Henry (c. 1510-1611), Micmao chief.Guest at meetings of the Order of the GoodTime, 13 30 ;takes vengeance on theArmouchiquois, 31 ;claimed to have seenJacques Cartier, 31 ;his consistent life andedifying death, 2 384, 385.Membertou, Louis. Entertains Father Mass6(1611), 2 384.Memnon. Steamship of Elder-Dempster Line,10 616.Memphis. Dominion Line vessel, 10 608.Memramcook, College of. Founded (1864), 1179.Menac, Abbe. Brings in fifteen Acadian familiesto the British interest, 13 115; deportedfor drinking Pretender s health, 115.Menard, Gilles. Teacher in petite ecole, Quebec,16 330.Menard, J. B. Learns trade of cabinetmakerat Little Seminary of Quebec, 16 378.Menard, Pierre. Presents thesis in logic atJesuit College (c. 1759), 16 370.Menard, Rene (c. 1605-61), Jesuit. Martyrdomof, 1 80.Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin (b. 1841).American boundary survey <strong>com</strong>missionerunder Alaska Convention of 1892, 8 778,933.Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de (1503-75), viceroyof New Spain. His expeditions in thePacific, 21 14-15.

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