Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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128 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESMartin, Eustace. Baptism of, the first re Massachusetts, State of. Fits out expeditioncorded in Canada, 2 393.against Louisbourg, 1 214 ; opposes acceptMartin, G. B. Chief <strong>com</strong>missioner of Landa, ance of award of King of the Netherlands,British Columbia, 21 221.811 ; opposes proposed settlement ofMartin, Joseph (b. 1852), premier of British boundary dispute, 815-16 effect of exhibi;Columbia 1 ( 900). Delegate from Manitoba on tion of Red Line map in winning assent todisallowance, 19 122 ;abolishes separate Ashburton Treaty, 820-1 ; <strong>com</strong>pensationschools, 6 108, 11 175-6, 19 126 ;elected to awarded to, 817-18.legislature of British Columbia, 21 2<strong>23</strong> ; Massachusetts Bay, Province of. Charter of,attorney-general, 224 ;abolishes tax onmortgages, 22 375 ; resigns and granted by William and Mary (1691), 8 793 ;opposes its extent, 793.Semlin ministry, 21 224; his short-lived Massachusetts Bay Company. Land grantadministration, 224-5.transferred to, 8 792.Martin, Paddy. Desperado who visited Vic Masse, Enneinond (c. 1 574-1646), Jesuit. His^toria during gold rush of 1858, 21 139.mission to the Micmacs (1611), 2 383, 384;Martin, Peter. His arrest on Stikine River his life with the savages, 13 26-7 ;hisgives rise to diplomatic incident, 8 931.religious enthusiasm, 33 ; Argall s attack onMartin, Thomas Mower (b. 1838). Painter of mission of St Sauveur, 2 386, 13 34; atRocky Mountain scenes, 12 620-1.Quebec, 2 397, 398, 403.Martin. Sloop-of-war, arrives at Quebec (1776), Massey, Eyre, first Baron Clarina (1719-1804).396.Commander-in-chief in Nova Scotia, 13 225.Martineau, Paul Gedeon (6. 1858). On racial Massey, Hart Almerni. A supporter of <strong>com</strong>divisions of Montreal, 15 316-17.mercial union, 9 166 ;donates Massey Hall,Martinet, A. His visit to the Oblates in British Toronto, 12 647.Columbia, 11 166.Masson, Louis Francois Rodrigue (1833-1903).Martinez, Estevan Jose. His voyage to the Minister of Militia (1878-80), 6 83 ;first toNorth Pacific in 1774, 21 19-20 ;sent to suggest settlement reached on Jesuit Estatesestablish a post at Nootka, 41-2 ;his seizure question, 15 197 ; on the site of Fort laof British ships, 8 848, 21 42-3 ; diplomatic Jonquiere, 1 139.incident occasioned by his action, 43-7.Martins. Acadians who settled in PrinceEdward Island, 13 312.Marvin, E. Member of Board of Education,British Columbia, 22 424.Mary Ann. (1) Lake Ontario schooner, 10 493.(2) Vessel on St John-Annapolis route, 10 561.Mary Of Guildford. John Rut s vessel, 1 26.Marygold. Vessel of Drake s lost in MagellanStrait, 21 16.Maryland Loyalists. Their location on the StJohn, 13 149.Marysburgh, Townshipof. Settled by disbanded British and Hessian troops, 17 26.Marzeul, Lieutenant-Colonel de, French Emigre.Sells his grant in Upper Canada and leavesthe country, 17 55.Mascarene, Paul (1684-1760), administrator ofNova Scotia (1740-49). Urges constructionof fort between Baie Verte and Bay ofFundy, 13 3<strong>23</strong> ;on presence of minerals,14 672 ;his successful administration, 13 73 ;defends Annapolis Royal against successiveattacks, 1 211, 13 80.Mascot. American fishing vessel threatenedwith seizure, 8 698-9.Mascoutens. Visited by Jean Nicolet, 1 (wel<strong>com</strong>e Groseilliers and Radisson, 74.Maseres, Francis (1731-1824), attorney-generalof Quebec (1766-69). On the legal situationin Canada, 3 40 ; 15 138.Mason, H. C. Establishes a Congregationalchurch in Brandon, 11 383.Mason, James Murray (1798-1871). His seizureon board the Trent, 14 409.Mason, Joseph. First member of assembly forSackville, 13 113.Mass. First in Province of Quebec, 2 388 ;first in Ontario, 1 58 ;first at Montreal, 2413.Masson College. Founded at Terrebonne(1847), 16 432.Masson Family. Founders of Masson College,16 432.Masting. See New Brunswick under Forestsand Timber.Matheson, Arthur James (b. 1845). Provincialtreasurer of Ontario, 17 184, 210 n.Mathevet, Jean Claude (1717-81). TeachesLatin at St Sulpice, 16 384.Mathews, Charles James (1803-78). Plays inTheatre Royal, Montreal (1858), 12 656.Mathews, Peter. Executed for <strong>com</strong>plicity inrebellion in Upper Canada, 3 367.Mathews, Robert, major, Haldimand s secretary.His labours in settlement of loyalists, 17 22-3.Mathieu, Michel (6. 1838). Investigates chargesagainst Mercier, 15 206.Mathieu, Olivier Elzear (b. 1 853). First RomanCatholic bishop of Regina, 11 196.Matilda, Township of. Settled by Anglicans ofKing s Royal Regiment of New York, 17 25.Matonabbee. Chipewyan guide to SamuelHearne, 4 670.Matthew, George Frederick (6. 1837). Opensmanganese mine at Markhamville, NewBrunswick, 14 698.IMatthew. John Cabot s ship in his expeditionof 1497, 1 20, 21.Matthews, Laing. Business consolidation,261.Matthews, Marmaduke (6. 1839). Painter ofRocky Mountain scenes, 12 620-1.Maubec, Abbey of. United to diocese ofQuebec, 2 429.Mauflls, Pierre. Mortally wounded atCanardiere, 16 388.Mauger, Joshua. Halifax smuggler, amassesa fortune, 13 99.

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