Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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126CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESManitOUlin Island. Hurons take refuge on, 2 1912), 254. Distilleries lessening output,:406 ;site of Indian settlement, 5 334-5 ; 188; progressof industry (1896-1912),Sir F. B. Head s visit to, 336 ;Indian sur 253. Electrical apparatus growth (1900-:render of, 337, 346.10), 258. Furniture factories,188. IronManitowaning, Manitoulin Island. Indian and steel : iron production at St Maurice,settlement at, 5 335 ;failure of experiment 2 556, 16 576-7 ;number of men employedto civilize Indians at, 350.at St Maurice forges, 15 55 ;British protestsManly, Charles Macdonald. Landscape painter, against extended protection to, 9condition of the industry (1879-96), 189;12 622.Mann, Gother (1747-1830). His report on bounties on, 189, 202-3 ;failure of bountiescanals at the Cascades, 10 507-8.to stimulate sufficient productionof ores,Mann, J. F., Royal Engineers. Surveys for 256 ; growth in production (1896-1911), andOttawa River canals, 10 517.organizations contributing to it, 256-7.Manners-Button, Sir John Henry Thomas, Leather : tanneries established under Talon,afterwards third Viscount Canterbury (1!15 38; Carleton s report quoted (1768), 477). Lieutenant-governor of New Bruns 527 ;transformation in boots and shoes bywick (1854-61), 13 208 ;dissolves on Liquor adoption of Mc Kay sewing process, 9 125 ;Prohibition Act, 209.expansion (1896-1912), 253; prohibition ofManning, Daniel (1831-87), American secretary export of tan bark from Ontario, and subseof the Treasury. Protests against Canadian quent repeal, 256. I/inen industry its:seizures of fishing vessels, 8 699.failure, 187. Lo<strong>com</strong>otive building, 258.Manning, Edward (d. 1851). Baptist preacher Machinery (agricultural] development of:in Maritime Provinces, 11 353.home and foreign trade, 258. Milling :Manning, Edward. Superintendentof Educa first water-wheel in North America estabtion, Prince Edward Island, 14 538.lished at Port Royal (1605), 14 646 ;inManning, James (d. 1818). Baptist preacher Upper Canada, 4 589 flour and bread im;in Maritime Provinces, 11 353.ported into Maritime Provinces, 10 559 ;Manseau, Antoine (1787-1866). Missionary effect of repeal of Corn Laws on, 5 196-7 ;priest in Nova Scotia, 11 42.investments cause of financial exhaustionMansfield, William Murray, first Earl of (1705- (1843), 211 ;Bank of Upper Canada s93). His decision that laws of a conquered speculations in, 288-9 ; adoption of thecountry remain in force until rollerspecificallyprocess, 9 187 flour; exports (1910),altered by the conqueror, 3 38.7 653 ;increase in capital and productiveManson, Donald. Justice of the peace for capacity (1910-12), 9 253; in Prairie ProVancouver Island, 21 87.vinces, 20 321-2. Motor-car industry, 9Manson, William. In charge of post at Alex 258. Paper-making pulp and rag, 188 : ;andria, 21 127 n.manufacture in Canada of pulpwood ofManson, William. Provincial secretary ot crown lands made a condition of timberBritish Columbia, 21 <strong>23</strong>2.licences in Ontario, 255 ; average cost ofManufactures. General : Denonville s plans production of a ton of newsprint in Canadafor, 16 379-80 Carleton s ; report on (1768), and in United States, 256 ; development4 527-9 ;movement for development, 5 between 1900 and 1905, 256. Pottery:<strong>23</strong>2-3 ;chief industries at Confederation, Carleton s report quoted on (1768), 4 527.9 107-9; progress between 1867 and 1878, Silk : its slow development (1900-10), 91<strong>23</strong>-5 ;transition and readjustment (1879- 254 Staves : fostered under Talon, 2 471 ;96), 186-91 increase in <strong>com</strong>binations among exports of (1772), 4 528-9; export from;producers and distributors, :189 ; agreements Upper Canada (1797), 556. Sugar refiningamong producersfor determining prices and effects of higher protection on, 9 188. Tar :conditions of sale, 189-90 ; pooling and con stagnation after Talon s departure andsolidation of industries, 190-1 ; joint agreerevival after 1733, 15 55. Timber : increasements with organizationsin United States, between 1896 and 1912, 9 255-6. Tobacco :191 ;decrease in number of establishments concentration of production, 188 ; developwith increase of average capitalization, value ment (1896-1912), 254. Woollens: weavingof products, capitalemployed,and wages paid, on Isle d Orlcans, 2 558 ; prohibited in252 ; expansion of markets between 1896 and Canada, 481 ;enforced manufacture through1912, 252-3 ; growth of textile industries, 254- capture of French convoy, 495 ; Murray255 ; changes in methods of distribution, 267- re<strong>com</strong>mends growing of flax and hemp as68; capital employed, wages paid, and value of an alternative occupation, 4 525 ; linseyproduction, 287 total available horse-power, woolsey, 527 ;mills established in Upper;287. Prairie Provinces : statistics (11Canada, 589 ;increase in value of readymades(1900-10), 9 253 ;20 307 ; growth in manufacturing, capitaltheir tardy success,and output between 1900 and 1910, 3254 ;British <strong>com</strong>petition through preBrewing established by Talon at Quebec, ferential tariff of 1897, 254 ;manufacture:2 476, 15 38 ;conditions of industry (1896- of knitted garments (1768), 4 527 ; knittingmillsestablished, 9 187 ; expansion in hosiery:1912) 9 253. Cordage bounty on bindertwineand (1903), 203. Cotton : its develop and knitting (1900-10), 255.ment, 125 ; expansion and fluctuation under Maple Leaf. Steamboat on Hamilton-Montrealnational policy, 187; its condition (1896- route, 10 540.

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