Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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to north-eastern boundary settlement, 8 811,813 ;attitude of in Aroostook War, 815 ;effect of exhibition of Red Line map ingaining its assent to Ashburton Treaty, 820- 1 ;<strong>com</strong>pensated for loss of territory, 817-18.See also St Croix Boundary Dispute.Mair, Charles (6. 1840). His poems, 12 583-4,660 ; writes immigration pamphlets descriptive of North-West, 19 172.Maisoaneuve, Paul de Chomedy, Sieur de(d. 1676). Forms Company of Notre Damede Montreal, 2 326 ; refuses to remain atQuebec, 15 29 and n. ;founds Montreal,2 412, 15 29 ; sails for France and returnswith assistance, 2 331, 15 30 the ; Iroquoisattacks on his settlement, 30-1 ;forms theSoldiers of the Holy Family, 2 414 ;lieutenant-governor of Montreal, 339 ;one offirst land-clearers at Montreal, 16 507.Maisonneuve. Missionary priest at He a laCrosse, 11 136.Maisonneuve. Civic government of, 15 319.Maitland, Sir Peregrine (1777-1854), lieutenantgovernorof Upper Canada (1818-28), lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia (1828-34).Introduces Bell-Lancaster method of teaching, 18 282 ;countermands proclamationcalling meeting of assembly, 3 292 ; andGENERAL INDEX 125postal control, 4 746 ; encourages settlementof German Tunkers, 17 49 ;creates board of terms agitation on boundaries, subsidies,education, 18 282 ; proposes exchange of and control of public lands, 108, 133-8 ;conschool lands, 354 ;his visit to Peterborough, cessions made and agitation against ratifica17 87 ; suspends Judge Willis, 3 339 ; per tion, 7 494, 495, 19 118-19 ;race fusion andsonal characteristics, 13 274.the uninformed vote, 141 ;correctives forMaitland, Lady Sarah, wife of Sir Peregrine arbitrary party domination, 141-2 ; allegedMaitland, 3 289, 339.manipulation of voters lists (1908), 6 163.Maizerets, Louis Ange de (1636-1721). First Population: (1849), 20 427; and racialdirector of Little Seminary of Quebec, 16 387. <strong>com</strong>ponents (1870), 7 519-20, 19 99; (1871,Majebigwaduce (also known as Pentagoet and 1881, 1891, 1901, 1906, 1911), 20 3<strong>23</strong>; growthCastine). Site of Charles de la Tour s fort, between 1871 and 1881, 298 ; increase be13 226 n. ;raid on St Castin s fort at, 62 ; tween 1881 and 1891 <strong>com</strong>pared with Dakota,British fort built at, 226 ; unsuccessful 9 152American siege of, 226-7 ; captured by Sherbrookein War of 1812, 259.and 1912), 351. See also Agriculture ; Educa; <strong>com</strong>parative figures (1901 and 1911),20 327 ; and density per square mile (1911Majestic. Steamer on Georgian Bay and tion ;Fisheries ; Forests ; Government ;Mackinac route, 10 555.Judicial Systems ;Land ; Liquor Traffic ;Major Cope, Micmac chief. Makes peace Mining ; Municipal Institutions ;Ontariowith British, 13 84.Boundary Dispute ; Physical Features ;Makura. Steamship on Canada-Australia ser Public Finance ; Railways ;Roads ; Separatevice, 10 6^8.Schools.Malahide, Township of. Settlement of, 17 63. Manitoba Agricultural College, 20 445.Maldonado, Lorenzo Ferro de. Claims to have Manitoba and South-Eastera Railway. Charterac<strong>com</strong>plished North-West Passage, 21 18. acquired by Mackenzie and Mann, 10 454.Maldonado, Pedro Nunez. Explores coast of Manitoba Central Railway. Charter disallowedMexico, 21 14.Malecites (or Etchemins). Origin and territory of, 13 <strong>23</strong>, 25 ;a legend of the GrandFalls of the St John, <strong>23</strong>-5 ;their numbers,26 ; raids of, in King William s War, 57 ;atpeace conference at Fort Howe, 138.Malone, New York State. Fenian raid on NewBrunswick from, 7 411.Maloney, B. Delegate sent by Metis to Ottawa,11 168.Malpeque. Scottish immigrant settlement at,13 358.Malsham. St Lawrence steamboat, 10 495.Mance, Jeanne (1606-73). Arrives in Quebec,2 412, 15 29 n. ;establishes hospital atMontreal (1643), 2 414; 417, 15 92.Manchester Liners, Limited, 10 615.Mandans. Earliest reference to, 1 121 ;LaVerendrye s visit to, 125-6.Mangeant, Procureur du Roy at Minas, 1375.Manhattan. See New York.Manhattan. Lake Superior steamboat, 10 543.Manitoba. Special Article : Political History(1870-1912), 19 97-143. Work preparatoryto settlement, 20 286-7 ;situation and topographical features, 509-10 ; effect of itsgeographical position on its future, 19 142-3 ;area on formation of province, and extensions of 1881, 20 331-2 ; boundaries, 427-8 ;extension to Hudson Bay, 19 133-7 ;<strong>com</strong>position of legislative chambers and work offirst session, 99-100 ; method of land surveyin, 100-1 ;straitened finances, 107-8 ; upperhouse abolished (1876), 108 ;conflict ondouble majority question, 109 ; agitationfor equal rights, 109 ; spread of settlement,110; beginnings of railway enterprise, 110-112 ;first boom and the reaction, 9 151-2,19 113-15 federal ; policy of disallowance,111-12, 117-18 ; control of public lands,117-18; monopoly clause, 118-22; grievances under Confederation, 138-9 ;betterand re-enacted by province, 19 119.Manitoba College. Opened (1871), 11 287 ;founded on school at Kildonan, 20 426 ;some members of its staff, 426 ; 443.Manitoba South-Eastern Railway. Disallowance of its charter made a political issue, 19111-12.Manitoba, University of. Its foundation andwork, 20 443-7 ; <strong>com</strong>mission of 1907 and itsreports, 445-7.Manitoba. (1) Steamboat of Sarnia-LakeSuperior Line, 10 546. (2) C.P.R. steameron upper lakes, 10 556. (3) Ship on whichBarr colonists sailed to Canada, 19 182.

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