Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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124 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCEShis government s platform as railways,408 ;on <strong>com</strong>missions of defence, 7 396, 401.MacNab, Archibald, of MacNab. Breadalbane sattempt to effect his arrest, 17 93 his;reception in Canada, 94 ; granted township of MacNab, 94-5 ; misunderstandingsand lawsuits with his colonists, 96-7 ;hisdeclining years and death, 97.MacNab, John. Purchases Baldoon from LordSelkirk, 17 72.M c Namee, F. B., and Co. Contractors forconstruction of Esquimalt graving-dock,21 206.M c Neil, John.First superintendent of Education for Prince Edward Island, 14 537.M c Neil, Neil (b. 1851). Roman Catholicarchbishop of Vancouver, 11 194 ;translated to Toronto, 64.MNeill, W. H. In charge of Fort Simpson, 21127 n.M Neill, Captain William Henry (1803-75).First suggested Victoria as a site for settlement, 21 1<strong>23</strong> ;one of founders of FortM c Loughlin, 21 67.M c Neill Harbour. Named after CaptainWilliam M c Neill, 21 122 n. ; beginnings ofcoal-working at, 122.M c Nicoll, Helen. Artist, 12 627.tary of state (1800-9), president (1812-18).Negotiates on Maine boundary, 8 782 ;andthe 49th parallel, 841 ; rejects British claimto right of search at sea, 3 194 ;on relativepopulation of United States and GreatMNiE, Patrick. Reports unfavourably on Britain, 196 ; neglects the navy, 197-8 ;agricultural capabilities of north shore of declares war on Great Britain, 216.Lake Erie, 1 108 ; surveys townships along Madras Schools. Schools and enrolments inMthe St Lawrence, 17 <strong>23</strong>.New Brunswick (1824), and system ofcNulty, John. Missionary priest in Renfrew teaching, 14 548-50.County, 11 68.Madry, Jean. Alderman for Quebec, 15 288.MacNutt, Colonel Alexander (d. 1811). MagaguadaviC River. Claimed by United StatesOrganizes settlements from north of Ireland as the true St Croix, 8 754, 755, 757.in Colchester County, 13 112-13; secures Magdalen Islands. Seal hunting at, 14 589.grant of site for city of Shelburne, <strong>23</strong>7 ; Magellan, Ferdinand (? 1480-1521), Portugueseobjects to reservation of pine for use of royal navigator. Discovers Strait of Magellan,navy, 14 617.21 13.Ma<strong>com</strong>b, Alexander (1782-1841). American Magill, Robert. Chairman of <strong>com</strong>mission on<strong>com</strong>mander at Plattsburg, 3 261.Saskatchewan grain elevator problem, 20Macoun, John (d. 1832). Prize awarded for 319, 321.grain gathered at Fort Chipewyan by (1876), Magna Charta. Vessel built at Pictou, 10 582.20 587 ;on similarity of plantsin theKlondike and near Ottawa, 22 613.Macphail, Andrew (b. 1864). Editor of University Magazine, 12 5<strong>23</strong> ;as essayist, 529.Macpherson, Sir David Lewis (1818-96). Interested in early railway promotions, 10 396,397 ;endeavours to secure Canadian Pacificcharter, 6 54-5, 10 421.M c Pherson, D. M. First president of dairymen s association of Huntingdon, 16 526.Macpherson, Robert. Chaplain of 78th Regiment, 15 1<strong>23</strong>.Macpherson, Crane and Co., 10 500.M c Phillips, Albert Edward (b. 1861). Attorneygeneralof British Columbia (1903), 21 <strong>23</strong>0;president of council (1910), <strong>23</strong>3.M c Quarters, Sergeant Hugh (d. 1812). At thedefence of the Pres-de-Ville, Quebec, 3 91.M c Rae, K. Educational supervisor of RedRiver Settlement, 20 422.Macready, William Charles (1793-1873). Appears in a round of characters in Montreal,12 656.M c Shane, James (1833-1914). Commissioner ofPublic Works of Quebec (1887-88), 15193.MTavish, Dugald (d. 1871). Justice of peacefor Vancouver Island, 21 87 ; president ofVictoria board of management of Hudson aBay Company, 154.M c Tavish, William (d. 1870). Last governorof Assiniboia under Hudson s Bay Company,6 32 ;illness of, 34 ;and annexation of RedRiver Settlement to United States, 19 65 ;regards construction of a trunk road throughAssiniboia by Dominion government as anintrusion, 11 151 ;and the Metis, 19 72-3 ;his relations with MDougall, 74 ; onillegality of Riel s conduct, 78 ; his advice toRed River delegation, 85 and n.Madawaska Settlement. Seigniory of Madawaskagranted (1683), 8 799; jurisdictionexercised by New Brunswick in, 799-800 ;American territorial claim to, 809 ;Britishclaim founded on grant of seigniory, 826 ;dispute summarized, 13 199.Madison, James (1751-1836), American secreMagnet. ( 1 First iron)steamer of Royal MailLine, 10 539. (2) Steamboat sunk at entranceto Beauharnois Canal, 10 512.Magrath, Charles Alexander (b. i860). Memberof International Joint Commission, 6 368.Declines nomiMaguire, Thomas (1776-1854).nation to coadjutorship of Nova Scotia, 1172, 94.Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.Early shipbuildersat, 10 581.Maid of the Mist. Steamboat on St John andAnnapolis route, 10 561.Mailhot, M. Provincial treasurer of Quebec,15 180.Maillard, Pierre (d. 1762). Vicar-general ofAcadia, 11 15 and n. ;reconciles Abnakisto British rule, 29, 13 108.Maillet. Sister of the Congregation of NotreDame, Montreal, 2 414.Mailloux, Alexis (1801-18). A Roman Catholicpriest, temperance advocate in diocese ofQuebec, 11 97.Maine, State of. British conquest and annexation of part of (1814), 3 261 ;irreconcilable

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