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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Maclaren, E. D. Secretary of PresbyterianChurch in Canada, 11 295.M c Laren, Peter. A party to suit of M c Laren v.Caldwell, which raised question of provincialrights, 17 161-2.Maclean, Allan (1725-84).Endeavours to aidCarleton at Montreal, 3 82 ; arrives inQuebec (1775), 85; in <strong>com</strong>mand of land HighEmigrants, 15 1<strong>23</strong>.M c Lean, A. J.Provincial secretary of Alberta,19 278.M c Lean, Francis. In <strong>com</strong>mand of 82nd Regiment, 13 225 his ; friendship for Sir JohnMoore, 225 ; besieged at Majebigwaduce,226 ;death of, 227.M c Lean, Hugh. Selkirk colonist who evadedthe expulsion, 19 33 and n.M c Lean, James Alexander (b. 1868). Presidentof University of Manitoba, 20 447.M c Lean, John (1828-86), Anglican bishop ofSaskatchewan (1873-86). Professor in StJohn s College, Red River, 20 425 ; supports claims of the Metis, 6 100 ;foundsEmmanuel College, Prince Albert, 20 451,467.MacLean, Kate Seymour. Writer of verse, 12588.M c Lelan, Archibald Woodbury (1824-90).Minister of Finance (1885-87), 7 514.M c Lellan, Dr James A. Director of teachersinstitutes of Ontario, 18 328 ; principal ofnormal college at Hamilton, 331.MLellan, John. On gold discoveries in QueenCharlotte Island, 22 560.M c Lennan, William (1856-1904). His literaryworks, 12 561-2.Macleod, Alexander. Applicant for land granton Island of St John, 13 343.MLeod, Alexander. Arrested by United Statesauthorities and acquitted of murder charge(1841), 3 367.M c Leod, Archibald Norman. On <strong>com</strong>promiseeffected between Nor westers and MilesMacdonell, 19 30 ; supplies warrants toagents of <strong>com</strong>pany, 30.MacLeod, D. J. Superintendent of Education,Prince Edward Island, 14 538.M c Leod, James Farquharson (d. 1894), <strong>com</strong>missioner of North-West Mounted Police.Assists in arranging Indian treaty (1877), 7597 j member of North-West Council, 19202; 218.GENERAL INDEX 1<strong>23</strong>MKim, Robert. Alleged attempted bribery of, M c Leod, John ( 1 7 88- 1 849 ). Ascends the upperM17 166.Liard to Dease Lake, 4 690, 21 69.cKinlay, Arch. Justice of peace for Van M c Leod, John. Selkirk colonist who evadedcouver Island, 21 86.the expulsion, 19 33 and n. ; begins reconM c Einley Tariff. Passed in 1890, 9 163 ; de struction of Fort Douglas, 34-5.presses farming in Ontario, 18 575-6.Macleod, Mrs (wife of Colonel Macleod).MacKinnon, Colin Francis (1811-79). Roman Teaches in Methodist mission school atCatholic bishop of Arichat (1852-77), 11 80-1. Macleod, Southern Alberta, 20 479.MKinstry. Lakes freighter, 10 557.MacLeod, William. Priest ordained at Charlottetown(1824), 11 73.M c Lachlan, Alexander (1818-96). His volumesof verse, 12 571.M c Leod. Takes possession of Fort DouglasMLane, David. Executed for treason (1797), after affair of Seven Oaks, 19 37.3 153-4.Macleod. Method of rounding up schoolM c Lane, Louis (1786-1857), United States children at, 20 484.minister at London. On British preparations M c LeodLake. Hudson s Bay Companyfor war station(1846), 8 864.in British Columbia, 21 127 n.MLoughlin, John (1784-1857). His headquarters at Fort Vancouver, 21 64-5 ; assistsMfMethodist missionaries in Willamette Valley,8 866 and n. ;aids American immigrants inOregon, 867-8 ; <strong>com</strong>promises British interestsby joining provisional government, 867, 869 ;declares Oregon is not worth a war, 868 ;censured by Hudson s Bay Company andresigns, 21 70-1 ; witness before House ofCommons <strong>com</strong>mittee, 125 ; a pioneer ofagriculture, 22 527 ; sketch of, 21 63, 64 ;his firm and kindly rule, 64-5 ;feared andloved by Indians, 65 ; kindness of, to settlersand missionaries, 66 ; an enemy to liquortraffic, 66.Martin, D. G. Assists in arranging treatywith Indians, 7 598.MacMaster, Donald (b. 1846). Investigatescharges against Mercier, 15 206.MMaster, William (1811-87).First presidentof Superannuated Ministers Society ofRegular Baptist Church, 11 367 ;firstpresident of Canadian Bank of Commerce,10 637 ; founds MMaster University, 11 368.M c Master University. Founding of, 11 368,371.MacMechan, Archibald M c Kellar (6. 1862).Editor and critic, 12 529.M c Micken, Gilbert. Dominion lands agent,arrives at Fort Garry, 19 100 ; <strong>com</strong>missionerto administer oaths, 197.MMillan, Sir Daniel Hunter (b. 1846). Lieutenant-governor of Manitoba, 19 131.MacMillan, H. R. On danger of forest destruction, 16 539.MMillan, James. Explores the Fraser River,2167.M c Millan, James E. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.M c Millan, John. Postmaster-general of NewBrunswick, 14 415.MMullen, George W. Exposes the PacificScandal, 6 55.M c Murray, William (1810-94). Anglican misMsionary to Indians at Sault Ste Marie, 11 224.cNab, Alexander. Principal of Victoria College, 11 335.MacNab, Sir Allan Napier, Bart. (1798-1862).Suppresses rising in Western Ontario, 3 367 ;endeavours to raise capital in England forrailway enterprises, 10 392, 393 ; at Bostonrailway celebration of 1851, 375 ; describes

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