Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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&quot;122 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCEScovers coal at Nanaimo, 21 122, 22 550 ;member of first legislative assembly ofVancouver Island, 21 113; in charge ofHudson s Bay post on Thompson River,127 n. ; encourages farming and horticulture, 22 528 ;on first gold discovery, 559.MKay, William (d. 1832), lieutenant-colonel.Captures fort at Prairie-du-Chien, 3 253.Mackay, William. One of fathers of ConfederaRiver rebels, 44 ;and the Letellier case,76-7, 15 186 ; opposes restriction of Chineseimmigration, 21 256, 257-8 ;his fiscal policy,6 79, 81, 9 148 ;defeated on tariff issue andresigns, 6 82-3 ;condemns budget of 1879,87-8 ; resigns leadership of opposition, 88 ;and execution of Riel, 105 his ; Life ofGeorge Brown, 12 507 ;sketch of, 6 25.Mackenzie, Alexander. Anglican clergyman atPort Talbot, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.MKenzie, Colin C. Superintendent of Education of British Columbia, 22 431.Mackenzie, Donald (1783-1851). Nor westerwho took service with Pacific Fur Company,21 59 ; governor of Red River Colony, 19 47.M c Kenzie, Duncan Stewart (b. 1868). Deputyminister of Education of Alberta, 20 485.MKenzie, Ferdinand. In charge of M c LeodM c Kee, Alexander (d. 1799). Official of Indian Lake station, 21 127 n.department, 4 712, 722.Mackenzie, George (1798-1876), of Pictou.Hisc Kee, S. J. Baptist educationist, 11 374. resourcefulness and mechanical skill, 10 582 ;M c Keen, M c Larty, and Lamqnt, Liverpool.Mships built by, 582-3.Contractors for Canadian mails, 10 603-4.c Kenzie, James. Captain of the Frontenac,MKeevor, surgeon to Selkirk s expedition of and afterwards of the Alciope, 10 497 ;father1812. His account of the voyage, 19 of steam navigation in Upper Canada, 498-9.<strong>23</strong>.Mackenzie, J. Author of Thayendanegea, 12Mackelcan, F. P. On sanitation and housing 660.in Montreal, 15 311.Mackenzie, Kenneth (d. 1874). Justice ofMKellar, Archibald (1816-94). Defeated in peace for Vancouver Island, 21 106 ;exOntario elections of 1867, 17 110; leader of hibits at first agricultural show at Victoria,opposition, 113 ; resigns leadership of opposi 22 538.tion, 117 ;<strong>com</strong>missioner of Agriculture and M c Kenzie, K. Nominated for council ofPublic Works, 129, <strong>23</strong>0 n., <strong>23</strong>2 n. ; charges Rupert s Land, 19 197.against, and his counter-charges, 144; pro Mackenzie, Peter Samuel George (b. 1862).vincial secretary of Ontario, 200 n. ;sheriff Provincial treasurer of Quebec, 15 213 n.M of Wentworth County, 148.c Kenzie, Roderick. Ac<strong>com</strong>panies his cousin,Mackellar, Patrick (1717-78). Wolfe s chief Alexander Mackenzie, on his journey toengineer in Quebec campaign, 1 291.Pacific, 4 652.M c Kenna, James Andrew Joseph (b. 1862). Mackenzie, Captain R., Montgomery s HighIndian treaty <strong>com</strong>missioner, 7 598, 11 184. landers. Organizes expedition againstM Acac Kenna, Father. Leads Scottish Catholic dian privateers, 13 115.migration from Mohawk River to Glengarry, Mackenzie, William. Signs Quebec traders1126.petition (1764), 15 134.Mackenzie, Sir Alexander (1755-1820). His ex Mackenzie, William Lyon (1795-1861). Atpedition to Arctic Ocean (1789), 4 673-8, 21 tacks loyalty of Irish immigrants of Peter48 ;on Slave River, 4 673 ;on Mackenzie borough, 17 87 ;returned to assembly, 3 339 ;River, 674-7 ;within sight of Rockies, 674-5 ;formulates demands of reformers, 341-2,demeanour of tribes, 674-6 ;his journey to 343-4 his ; expulsions from assembly, 344,the Pacific, 8 849, 21 54; publishes his 348, 4 478 his ; reception in Britain, 3 345-7 ;Voyages, 12 513 ; organizes Fishing and Fur first mayor of Toronto, 18 425 ;on newspaperCompany, 21 244-5 ; opposes Selkirk s postage irregularities, 4 753-4 ; correspondscheme, 19 19-20 ;sketch of, 4 651-2.ing secretary of reformers, 3 364 his ; partMackenzie, Alexander (1822-92), prime minister in Rebellion in Upper Canada, 365-6 ;andof Canada (1873-78). Special Article : Mac reform in Lower Canada, 378-9 ;as a constikenzie Administration, 6 63-83. Endorses tutional reformer, 381-2 ;his qualities andeducation resolution of Confederation con defects as a leader, 382-3, 5 81 ;his bioference, 18 315 ;attacks reformers for graphies, 12 507-8.entering a coalition, 6 20 member of; Mackenzie, W. Tate. Sculptor, 12 634.Ontario cabinet, 17 129, 200 n., 210 n. ; Mackenzie and Mann. Proposed charter toelects to sit in federal house, 135 ;and the defeated in Senate, 10 453; control coalRed River Expedition, 6 42 ;in conflict mines at Broad Cove (now Inverness),with the speaker on Pacific Scandal, 58 ;his Inverness County, 14 679.vote of censure on Macdonald government, Mackenzie River. Length, drainage area and59; his administration (1873-78), 63-83; tributaries, 9 <strong>23</strong>, 22 641-2 ; navigation, 10organizes North-West Mounted Police, 349 ; 568, 22 647.and railway agreement with British Columbia, Mackey, John. Surgeon left behind at Nootka64-5, 10 422, 21 186, 188, 191, 192 ;his Sound (1786), 21 31railway policy, 6 66-7 ;and amnesty for Red ;believes Nootka to bedetached from mainland, 33.tion in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Mackay, Lieutenant-Colonel. Holds conference with Indians at Island of St Joseph, 5334 ;his issue of liquor, 335.M c Keagney, James (d. 1879). One of judgesat Ambroise Lepine s trial, 20 371.M c Kechnie, Robert Edward (&. 1861). President of council of British Columbia, 21 224 ;member of university senate, 22 442.

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