Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 121MacEacharn, Bernard Angus (1759-1835), M c Guckin, Father (d. 1903). MissionaryRoman priestCatholic bishop of Charlottetown in British Columbia, 11 161.(1829-35). Ac<strong>com</strong>panies Scottish Catholicimmigrants to Prince Edward Machar, Agnes Maule Island ( Fidelis ). Her verses(1790), on the Thousand Islands, 12 588.11 31 ; on the dangers of the missionary life,73 ;bishop of New Machias. New England fishers at, dispossessedBrunswick, 46, 72, 76-7. by La Tour, 13 42 ; Collier s raid on, 225.M c Eachran, Duncan MNab (b. 1841). Dominion Machray, Robert (1831-1904), Anglican archchief veterinary inspector, 7 674.bishop of Rupert s Land (1893-1904). HisMacedonian Immigrants. Their character work in the diocese, 11 228-30 ;his educaistics, 7 566-7.tional work, 229-30, 20 425; member ofMacedonian. Ship captured by American council of Rupert s Land, 19 197 ; memberfrigate, 3 216.of first Board of Education of Manitoba, 20M c Evay, Fergus Patrick (1852-1911). Roman 427.Catholic archbishop of Toronto (1908-11), MIlwraith, Jean Newton. Her literary work,11 64.12511, 562.Macfarlane, Alexander (d. 1898). Tapper s M c lnnes, Thomas Robert, lieutenant-governorcolleague in representation of Cumberland of British Columbia (1897-1900). DismissesCounty, 13 295.the Turner and SemlinMministries, 21 2<strong>23</strong>,cGeary, John. Representative of Wesleyanismin Newfoundland, 11 303. M225 ; removed from office, 226.MGee, Thomas D c lnnes, William Wallace Burns (b. 1871).Arcy (1825-68). His public Provincial secretary of British Columbia,career and assassination, 6 27 ; his Canadian 21 228 ; resignation of, 229.Ballads, 12 572.MM c lntosh, James. Selkirk colonist who evadedcGeorge, John. One of government candi the expulsion, 19 33 and n.dates for St John (1785), 13 164.Macintosh, Lieutenant-Colonel. ProceedingsMGhee, Patrick, chaplain at Port la Joye. taken against, in connection with electionMinisters to Sieur Gauthier, 13 311.riots at Montreal, 3 316.M c Gill, James (1744-1813). Signs Quebec MIntyre, Daniel. Supervisor of schools oftraders petition (1770), 15 140 ; on Canada smonopoly of water Winnipeg, 20 438 ; member of educationroutes, 4 544 ; founder <strong>com</strong>missionof M of Saskatchewan, 467.c Gill University, 16 495.Maclntyre, Peter. Servant to Chief of Mac-M C GU1, Peter (1789-1860). Mayor of Montreal, Nab, 17 93.15 304 ; and Toronto and Montreal Railway, M c lntyre, Peter (1818-91). Roman Catholic10 396 ; <strong>com</strong>missioner for improvement of bishop ofMontreal, 15 Charlottetown (1860-91), 11 77.307.M c lntyre, W. A. Rector of normal school,c Gill Normal School, Montreal, 16 429.Winnipeg, 20 439M n ; member of educationGill University. Its foundation and history, <strong>com</strong>mission of Saskatchewan, 467.16 495-8 affiliated ;theological colleges, 500 :Maclver, David. One of founders of Cunard11 215, 241.Line, 10 596-7.M c Gillivray, Duncan. Discovers Howse Pass Maclver, D. and C. Control and afterwardsand Blaeberry River, 8 849, 859 n.sell Beaver LineM c Gillivray, John. Invents of steamships, 10 612.steam-thawing Mackay, Alexander.method of Ac<strong>com</strong>panies Mackenziegold-mining, 22 6<strong>23</strong>.on his transcontinentalM journey, 4 653 c ;Gillivray, Simon. Inspires opposition in joins PacificScotland to Selkirk s scheme Fur Company, 21 59.of colonization,19 20, <strong>23</strong> ; member of Canada Mackay, Alexander Grant (b. 1860). MinisterCompany of Lands of Ontario, 17 183, 216 n. ; leaderCommission, 3 334, 17 89.ofM opposition, 184.c Gillivray, William (d. 1825). Censures <strong>com</strong> Mackay, Alexander Howard (b. 1848). Superpromising attitude of Nor westers to Miles intendent of Education of Nova Scotia, 14Macdonell, 19 30 ; and charges againstNorth-West 532.Company, 34.MGoyock, a Mackay, Angus. Superintendentdischarged soldier. Convicted of Experiof mental Farm at Indian Head,perjury inSaskatchewan,connection with Walker outrage, 20 560336.his ; improved method of tillage,559-61.Macgowan, A. H. B. Secures university M c Kay, Archibald.affiliation for Shipbuilder at Moncton,high schools of British Col 10 585.umbia, 22 438.Mackay, George L.M(d. 1901). PresbyteriancGowan, Ned. Riots at Yale occasioned by, missionary21 in Formosa, 11 281 : death of,153.294-5.M c Grath, James. Anglican clergyman at M c Kay, James (d. c. 1879). Nominated forCredit, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.councilMGreevy, Thomas of Rupert s Land, 19 197 ; member of(1827-97). Expelled from executive council, 242 ; <strong>com</strong>missioner inparliament and imprisoned, 6 120.Marranging Indian cGregor, James (1759-1830). Father of Mtreaties, 7 597.cKay, John. Obtains licencePresbyterianism in Nova to dig coal inScotia, 11 259, Pictou County, 14 675.260-1.MM c Kay, John Gordon. One of fathers ofcGregor, John. Petitions for retention of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 &amp;gt;?.Governor Blanshard, 21 121. M c Kay, Joseph William (1829-1900). Dis-

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