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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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I2OCANADA AND ITS PROVINCESMacdonell, Alexander (Scotus ).Ac<strong>com</strong>panies Catholic Highlanders from Glengarry,Scotland, to Glengarry, Upper Canada, andfounds parish of St Raphael, 11 27, 65.Macdonell, Alexander (1762-1840), RomanCatholic bishop of Kingston (1826-40).Ministers to Highlanders in Glasgow, 11 41,17 66 ; his flock thrown out of employment,67 ; forms the Glengarry Fencibles and isLunenburg (1790), 18 521.Rupert s Land, 19 61 ; his appointment asMacdonell, Miles (1767-18<strong>23</strong>). Chosen to super lieutenant-governorvise Red Rupert s Land, deRiver settlement, 19 20 ; obstructed forcementby North-West by Riel, relations with M c Tavish,Company, 20-1 ;embarks at and proclamationStornoway, lands at York of 1st December 1869, 6Factory, and 31, 34-5, 39, 11 153-4, 155, 19 70-6 ;andwinters on Nelson River, 21, 11 119; suppresses an insurrection, 19 21-2 provincial subordination, 17 149 ;his poli;arrives at tical and official career, 6 19, 17 148-9, 154.4the Forks, 22 ; performs offices of a clergj M - Dougall, Captain, Royal Emigrants. At theman, 11 119 ; appeals to Bishop Plessis for defence of Quebec (1775), 3 94.help, IIP, 120; his <strong>com</strong>plaint against M c Dpwall,Hudson (1768-1841). Presbyterians Bay Company traders, 19 22 ; minister itinerating in region of Laketakes possession of Selkirk s grant, 22 ; Ontario, 11 266.journeys to Pembina to make preparationsfor reception of a party of permanentsettlers, 22 ;and Hudson s Bay Companytraders, 24 ; on hostility of Nor westers,24-5 ;on fertility of the land and healthfulnessof climate, 24 ; enraged at CaptainTurner for landing party at Fort Churchill,25 ; proposes an embargo on supplies, 28 ;prohibits export of provisions from territorygazetted chaplain, 11 41, 17 67 ; serves in for one twelvemonth, 28-9 ; agrees to aGuernsey and Ireland, 11 41, 17 67 ; settles <strong>com</strong>promise, 29 offers to; resign, 31 ;disin Glengarry with disbanded Fencibles, 11 tressed at arrest of his sheriff, 31 ;his41, 17 67-8 ;serves in War of 1812, 11 41-2,17 69 ; granted a injunction defied by Metis, 31 ; capitulatespension and given a seat to Nor westers, 32-3 ;taken prisoner to Fortin legislative council, 11 42, 54 ;aids in William, 33 ; liberated and sent back tocreation of new bishoprics, 45 ; appointed Red River, 38bishop, 46 ;learns of the Seven Oaks;consulted by John Gait, 17 89 ; affray, 38 ;on the night attack on Fortentertains the Chief of MacNab, 94 ;his Douglas, 40-1.visitation of 1827, 11 47-8 ; vindicates him Macdonell, Roderick. Settles in Glengarry, 11self against charges of misappropriation, 49- 27.51 ; hardships incident to his missionary Macdonnell, Sir James (d. 1857). Member ofjourneys, 50-1 his ; golden jubilee (1830), Durham s special council, 4 395.52; founds Regiopolis College, 18 361 ; death Macdonough, Thomas (1783-1825), Americanof, 11 52 ;estimate of, 52-3.naval officer. Commanding squadron onMacdonell, Alexander (1833-1905). First Lake Champlain, 3 246-7, 253Roman Catholic bishop of Alexandria ; reports(1890- seizure of masts designed for British flagship,1905), 11 57.262-3 ; his victory at Plattsburg, 263-7.Macdonell, Alexander. His hostility to Selkirk MDouall, Robert (d. 1848), of the Glengarries.settlers, 19 24, 29 ;resents being browbeaten, Defeats Croghan at Michilimackinac, 3 253.30 ;his letter showing intentions of North- M c Dougall, Allan, of Toronto. Advocates aWest Company, 30-1 ;wins over freemen transcontinental railroad, 10 420.and half-breeds, 31 ; urges Duncan Cameron M c Dougall, Duncan. Nor wester who tookto destroy colony, 32.service with Pacific Fur Company, 21 59 ;Macdonell, Alexander, governor of Red River negotiates sale of Astoria to North-Westsettlement. His unpopularity and dis Company,honesty, 19 46.M 60-1.Dougall, George, lieutenant. TreacherouslyMacdonell, Alexander, of Greenfield. Emi taken prisoner by Pontiac, 3 62.grates to Glengarry with a number of his MDougall, George (d. 1876). Organizes firstclan (1792), 17 66.Protestant mission school in Alberta, 20 479.M c Donell, Alexr. Signs the loyalist petition M c Dougall, James, trader in New Caledonia,(1787), 17 39.2157.Macdonell, Alexander Ranaldson(&amp;gt;!. 1828), M c Dougall, John (c. 1794-1854). Captain of Glengarry. Suggests raising a Romanthe Royal William, 10 593-4.Catholic corps in Scotland, 17 67.MDougall, John. His discovery of antimonyMacdonell, Angus. Builds first Roman Catho ore in NovaMScotia, 14 696.lic church in Ottawa, 11 49.Dougall, John. Organizes first ProtestantMacdonell, George (1770-1870), of the Glen mission school in Alberta, 20 479 and n.garries. Captures Ogdensburg, 3 <strong>23</strong>9 ;re MacDougall, Sir Patrick (1819-94). Adjutantgeneralinforces de Salaberry before battle ofin Canada, 7 407.Chateauguay, 247-8, 17 69.MDougall, William (1822-1905). Joint editorMacdonell, John (1787-1812), attorney-general and owner of Canadian Agriculturist, 18of Upper Canada. Aide-de-camp to General 568 ; joins Tache-Macdonald-Brown adBrock, 17 69 ;killed at Queenston Heights, ministration, 5 97, 358 ; arranges Indian3 <strong>23</strong>3.cession, 346 ; Dominion minister of PublicM c Donell, John. Signs loyalist petition (1787), Works (1867-69), 6 22 ;defends the coali17 39 ; first judge of court of district of tion, 19-20, 17 108 ; negotiates transfer of

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