Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Macdonald, James E. H. Artist, 12 625.M c Donald, John (c. 1770-1860), of Garth. RaisesNor westers against Selkirk settlers on RedRiver, 19 29 ;censured for effecting a <strong>com</strong>promise, 30.Macdonald, John (c. 1742-1811), of Glenaladaleand Glenfinnan. Leads a Catholic Highlandimmigration to Prince Edward Island (1772),11 30, 13 358 ;raises 84th Highland Emigrants, 358.MacDonald, John. Priest at Perth, 11 49.Macdonald, John, Toronto. A supporter ofprotection, 6 80.Macdonald, Sir John Alexander (1815-91),statesman, prime minister of the Dominionof Canada (1867-73, 1878-91). SpecialArticle : Canada under Macdonald, 6 87-115.Receiver-general (1847), 5 50 ;his universitybill (1847), 18 370-1 ; proposes (1849) formation of British American League, 5 59 ;favours federal union (1850), 59 ;at Bostonrailway celebration (1851), 10 375 ;cultivates the French, 5 73, 91 ;member of <strong>com</strong>missions on defence (1862, 1865), 7 401, 421 ;his place in Confederation, 5 6, 7 ;on itsimperial aspects, 98, 99 ;discusses Confederation with Howe, 14 381 ; proposes deposition of Governor Seymour of BritishColumbia, 21 172-3 ; develops liberal-conservatism, 5 84-7, 6 16, 17 as ; parliamentarymanager, 5 86-7 ; opposes an elective legislative council, 146 ;favours legislativeunion, 153 ; pledges safeguards for Protestant schools in Quebec, 16 483 ;his statesmanship, 6 5 fiscal ; policy of, 7, 78, 81-3 ;criticism of Cartwright s budget speech of1876, 9 147 n. ;wins election of 1867, 6 20,22 ;his coalition takes a conservativecolour, 20-1 ;, meets with political and racialdifficulties in forming cabinet, 21-2 ; personnel of his coalition government, 22 ;concedes better terms to Nova Scotia, 29 ;refuses to accept Rupert s Land in a disturbed state, 35 ;his view of Riel s provisional government, 40 ;his connivance inescape of Riel, 44, 19 98 ;his attitude toamnesty, 89-90 ;on the Alabama claims,6 46, 47, 51 ;assists in negotiating Washington Treaty, 48-50, 9 129 ;advises itsacceptance, 6 51, 9 130 ;denies that hewould discriminate against Great Britain,129 ; endeavours to renew reciprocity, 130 ;on his party s work for reciprocity, 6111;attempts to obtain imperial aid for Intercolonial, 10 417 his ; proposals for a transcontinental railway, 6 54 ;and the PacificScandal, 56-60 ;visits England, 89 ; denounces opposition railway syndicate, 90 ;confident land grants will finance C.P.R.construction, 9 150 ;favours all-Canadiantraffic route, 10 425 ;and C.P.R. monopolyclause, 441 ;and political influence inIntercolonial management, 467 ;deniesDominion liability to build Vancouver Islandrailway, 21 205 ; legalizes trade unions(1872), 9 296 ;and the formation of North-West Mounted Police, 6 349 his ; ministryin 1878, 83 ;his liquor licence law, 97 ; deGENERAL INDEX 119clares his loyalty, 112 ; and the Letelliercase, 76-7, 15 185-6 ;aims at subordinationof the provinces, 6 7 ;and the Ontarioboundary dispute, 93, 17 163 ;assertsDominion ownership within extended boundaries of Ontario, 6 95-6 ;the struggle withMowat, 17 160-3 ; opposes treaty-makingpowers being conferred on Canada, 9 176 ;his difficulty in finding suitable colleagues,17 104 ;his choice of Sandfield Macdonaldas premier of Ontario, 105 ;on evils ofpartyism, 106 thinks of; holding a seat inOntario legislature, 113 ;favours a legislative union, 119-20; on Sandfield Macdonalds unskilful tactics, 122, 127 ;andthe Orange Lodge Incorporation Bill, 143 ;on Chinese immigration, 21 257, 258, 260 ;restricts Chinese immigration, 263 ;illnessand death of (1891), 6 119 ;sketch of, 15-18 ;likened to Sydenham, 5 3-4 his ; biographers,12 509.Macdonald, John Sandfield (1812-72), premierof Ontario (1867-71). His ministry ofCaretakers, 5 82 ; forms first administration of Ontario, 17 105, 196 n. ; desires nopartygovernment, 106-7 ;favours thedouble majority, 5 150 ;accused of subserviency to Ottawa, 17 108, 121, 131 ;andusurpation by private members of functionsof government, 112 ;his ministry s lack ofcohesion, 112-13; and dual representation,114 ;secures adhesion of the Nine Martyrs,114-15 ;and Cameron s acceptance of abrief for Whelan. 115; his volte-face onbetter terms for Nova Scotia, 116 ; chargedwith extravagance, 117 ;a practitioner ofthe spoils system, 117-18 ; and provincialsubordination, 119, 159 ;attack on administration of finance, 119-20; establishesinstitute of technology, 18 389 ; opposition sperfervid attack in elections of 1871, 17 120-121 ;his ill-health, 121 his ; inept handlingof situation after election of 1871, subsequentdefeats, and resignation, 121-7 ;and Blake sincrease in number of ministers, 130 ;accused of sheltering the slayers of Scott,130-1 ;his career and worth, 105-6, 127-8 ;death of, 127 ; posthumous estimates of, 128and n.MacDonald, Peter William. Missionary priestin Upper Canada, 11 47 ; publishes firstEnglish Catholic newspaper in Canada, 47.Macdonald, Roderick. Missionary priest inCanada (1784), 11 32.Macdonald, Sir William Christopher (b. 1831).His benefactions to education, 14 554-5, 16487-8, 497, 5<strong>23</strong>.M c Donald, William. Petitions for retention ofGovernor Blanshard, 21 121.MacDonald, W. P. First Roman Catholic priestat Hamilton, 11 52.MacDonald, of Charlottetown. First RomanCatholic elected in Prince Edward Island,M11 76.c Donald. Ship which conveyed first Scottishemigrants to Glengarry, Upper Canada, 17 65.Macdonalds. Number of, in Prince EdwardIsland (1841), 13 358.

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