Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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118 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES98 ;counsel in Manitoba boundary case, 8897 ;and railway rates, 10 470 ; opposes<strong>com</strong>mercial union, 6 110 ;and the JesuitEstates Act, 107, 17 170 ; proposes toexclude French as an official language inNorth-West Territory, 6 108 ;and Manitobaschools question, 11 176 ; supports tariffreform and British preference, 6 122.MacCarthy, Hamilton (&. 1847). Sculptor, 12633.M c Caul, John (1807-80). Member of <strong>com</strong>mitteeon education of Ontario, 18 286 ;his classicalattainments, 361 ; professor in King sCollege, Toronto, 364 ;and Macdonald suniversity bill, 371 ; president of King sCollege, 372 ;and Baldwin s universitybill of 1849, 373.M c Cauley, Matthew. Describes first schoolelection contest at Edmonton, 20 482, 483.M c Clelan, Abner Reid (&. 1831). Chief <strong>com</strong>missioner of Public Works of New Brunswick, 14 415 ; lieutenant-governor (1896-1902), 427 ;his donation to school atRiverside, 555.M c Clintock, Sir Francis Leopold (1819-1907).His Franklin search expedition of 1857, 5304-5; 297.M c Clure, George. Abandons Fort George andburns Newark, 3 251.M c Clure, Sir Robert John Le Mesurier (1807-73).Leads a Franklin search expedition (1850),5 301 ;abandons his ship and <strong>com</strong>pletesNorth-West Passage by land, 302.M c Coll, Duncan P. Superintendent of Education of Saskatchewan, 20 467.MCollem, C. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.c Connell, Newton. Cartoonist, 12 631.M c Connell, Richard George (&. 1857). Describesthe Porcupine River, 22 593-4 ;on gold yieldof various creeks in Klondike, 631-2.M c Cord, A. T. Baptist leader in Canada West,11 367.M c Cord, John. Leads movement for an assembly in Quebec, 15 138 ;Carleton and,138-9 ; signs Quebec traders petition (1770),140 ; president of Quebec merchants <strong>com</strong>mittee, 140 ;ordered to leave Quebec duringsiege,M 144.c Corkill, John Charles (&. 1854). Provincialtreasurer of Quebec, 15 213 n.M c Cormick, Cyrus Hall (1809-84). Inventor ofreaping-machine, 18 565.Macormick, William. Lieutenant-governor ofCape Breton (1787-95), 13 <strong>23</strong>1.M c Crea, W. H. Chief clerk of customs, BritishColumbia (1859), 21 148 n.M c Creight, John F. Premier of British Columbia (1871-2).One of fathers of Confederation, 21 171 n. ;member of first legislativeassembly, 180 ;his administration aspremier,M 181-2.c Culloch, Thomas (1777-1843). Founder ofPictou Academy and afterwards president ofDalhousie College, Halifax, 11 262, 13 265,14 516 ; agitates against denominational testof King s College, Windsor, 515 ;sketch of,13 264-5.MCullough, Charles Robert (b. 1865). Originator of the Canadian Club, 12 430.MCullough, John (1837-85). Leading tragedian in Montreal Company (1863and 1865),12 656.M c Cully, Jonathan (1809-77). Demands miniature responsible governments,M 5 130.c Dermot, Andrew (1789-1881). Engages inillicit trading with consent of Hudson sBay Company officials, 19 54-5 ;asked togive a bond not to import from UnitedStates, 55 : resigns from council of Assiniboia,55.M c Diarmid, Archibald P. (b. 1852). Firstprincipal of Brandon College, 11 374, 20 444,M c Donald, Alexander (d. 1810). Priest whoac<strong>com</strong>panied Scottish Catholic immigrationinto Nova Scotia (1802), 11 42.M c Donald, Alexander. First Baptist missionary in the North-West, 11 374.M c Donald, Alexander (&. 1858). Roman Catholic bishop of Victoria, 11 193.M c Donald, Angus. Reports gold discovery onUpper Columbia (1856), 21 141.M c Donald, Archd. Signs the loyalist petition(1787), 17 39.Macdonald, Archibald. Leader of Selkirk expedition of 1813, 19 25 ;on aversion of settlersto work on Sundays, 26 on the march from;Fort Churchill to York Factory, 26.M c Donald, A. In charge of post at FortSheppard, 21 127 n.M c Donald, Augustine (d. 1808). Priest whoac<strong>com</strong>panied Scottish Catholic immigrationinto Nova Scotia (1802), 11 42.MacDonald, Bernard. On mining possibilitiesofCanadian Rockies, 22 556.MacDonald, Bernard Donald (1797-1859), RomanCatholic bishop of Charlottetown (1837-59),11 73, 76, 77.M c Donald, Davidson. Methodist missionaryto Japan, 11 324.Macdonald, Donald Alexander (1816-96),lieutenant-governor of Ontario (1875-80).Postmaster-general, 6 64, 17 190 n. ;andthe Corkscrew Brigade episode, 157.M rDonald, Finan. Establishes post at KootenayFalls, 4 667 ; 21 58.M c Donald, Hugh (1827-99). Confederationrepeal delegate from Nova Scotia, 14 380.Macdonald, Hugh John (b. 1850). Premier ofManitoba (1900), 19 130 ; passes a liquorprohibition act, 130-1 ;minister of theInterior, 131 and n.MacDonald, James (d. 1785). Priest whoac<strong>com</strong>panied Catholic Highland immigrantsto Prince Edward Island, 11 30, 31.Macdonald, James (d. 1912). Minister ofJustice (1878-81), 6 83.Macdonald, James Alexander (b. 1858). SecondsM c Bride s better terms resolution (1905),21 <strong>23</strong>6.Macdonald, James Alexander (b. 1862), editorof Toronto Globe. Publishes Taft s messageto Canadian people on reciprocity, 9 224.MacDonald, James Charles (1840-1912). Roman Catholic bishop of Charlottetown (1891-1912), 11 77.

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