Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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St John, 162 ; administrator of New Brunswick (1803-8), 13 184.Ludlow, George Duncan (1738-1825). Firstchief justice of New Brunswick (1784-1809),13 153, 14 488-9 ;his previous service, 13154.Lumbering. See New Brunswick under Forestsand Timber.Lumsden Line.10 565.Trading on Lake Timiskaming,Lundy s Lane. Battle of, 3 256-9.Lunenburg. German settlement founded at,13 84-5 ; population and racial <strong>com</strong>ponents(1753, 1760), 11 204; stock belonging toGerman settlers at (1754, 1760), 7 655 ; firstAnglican incumbents and churches of, 11 204 ;plundered by privateers, 13 219-20 ; aa ashipping port (1829, 1838), 10 560; shipbuilding in county of (1860), 581 ; beginning and progress of deep-sea fishing, 9 120,14 566 ; agricultural eminence of Germaninhabitants, 647-8.Lunenburg. Upper Canada. District of, created(1788), 17 39, 18 409 ; its boundaries, 521.Lusignan, Alphonse (1843-92). Chronicler,12 487.Lusitania. Cunard liner, 10 602.Lutheran College, Camrose, Alberta, 20 499.Lutherans. Their theological standpoint, 11384-5; growth in North America (1860-1910), 385 their ; history in Canada, 385-6.Lutterlot, Emanuel. Projects settlement of StJohn s Island by Germans, 13 364-5.Luxton, William Fisher (b. 1855), first layschoolmaster in Manitoba. Champions theseparate schools, 11 190.Lydia. Arrives at Nootka (1805), 21 53.Lymburner, Adam (1746-1836). Appears atbar of House of Commons in favour ofcreation of legislative assembly, 3 127-8 ;and against division of the province (1791),132 ; delegated to England by Quebectraders, 4 538 ; member of first executivecouncil of Lower Canada, 3 141 ; favourscanal construction, 10 508, 515.Lymburner, John (d. 1775). Signs presentment of grand jury of Quebec and traderspetition (1764), 15 128, 135.Lynch, John Joseph (1816-88). Roman Catholicbishop of Toronto (1860-70), archbishop(1870-88), 11 61-2; his alleged concordatwith Mowat, 17 168.Lynch, W. W. Member of Protestant Committee of Council of Public Instruction, 16491 ; organizes fisheries of Quebec, 500- 1.Lyon, George Francis (1795-1832). Arctic explorer, 4 685.Lyon, James. First Presbyterian minister tosettle in Maritime Provinces, 11 255, 256,258.Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, second Baronand first Earl Lyons (1817-87), Britishminister at Washington. Signs Oregonclaims settlement treaty, 8 876.Lys. French ship captured by Boscawen, 1390.Lysons, Daniel. Member of <strong>com</strong>mission on defence (1862), 7 401.GENERAL INDEX 117Lyttelton, Alfred (1857-1913), colonial secretary(1903-5). Suggests change in name ofColonial Conference, 6 190.Lyttelton, Sir Neville Gerald (b. 1845). Proposes creation of an imperial general staff,7 462-3.Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer,Baron (1803-73), colonial secretary (1858-59).His instructions and suggestions for government of Vancouver Island and BritishColumbia, 21 142-6 ;his liberal conception ofcolonial institutions, 146 ; prophesies thetranscontinental railroad, 148.Lytton, British Columbia. Industrial schoolfor Indian children maintained by NewEngland Company at, 5 348.Mabane, Adam (1734-92). Member of firstexecutive council of Province of Quebec, 3141.Mabee, James Pitt (1859-1912). Member ofInternational Waterways Commission, 6363, 366, 8 838 chief ; railway <strong>com</strong>missioner,6 151, 10 471 ; member of InternationalTraffic Rates Commission, 9 220.M c Alpine s Corps. Loyalist battalion settledin Ontario, 17 22.MacArthur, Duncan (1772-1839). Americanmilitary officer, 3 221.Macassa. Toronto-Hamilton steamboat, 10554.Macaulay, Sir James Buchanan (1793-1859),chief justice of Common Pleas of UpperCanada (1849-56). Reports on Indians, 5340 ;on their legal status, 351.Macaulay, W.Anglican clergyman at Cobourg(1818), 11 222 ;builds a church at Picton athis own expense, 11 224.Macaulay, Zachary. Signs Quebec traderspetition (1770), 15 140.MBeth, Adam. Schoolmaster at Kildonan,20 426.MacBeth, George. Thomas Talbot s estatebequeathed to, 17 65.M c Beth, Hector. Schoolmaster at Kildonan,20 426.M c Bride, Sir Richard (b. 1870), premier ofBritish Columbia (1903-15). Returned toM clegislature, 21 2<strong>23</strong> ; minister of Mines, 226 ;leader of opposition, 227 ; defeats RailwayAgreements Bill, 228 ; forms a government,228-9 his ; ministries, <strong>23</strong>0, <strong>23</strong>2, <strong>23</strong>3 ; rehabilitates provincial finances, <strong>23</strong>0-1, 2<strong>23</strong>59-60 ; endorsement of his railway policy,21 <strong>23</strong>2-3 ; agitates for better terms, <strong>23</strong>6-7.Cabe, J. A. Principal of normal school atOttawa, 18 324.M c Caffray, Ed. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.MacCallum, John (d. 1849). Anglican clergyman, conducts a boarding-school at RedRiver, 20 425.M c Candless, Professor, and the department ofAgriculture of Ontario, 17 144.M c Carroll, James (1815-96). His verses, 12568.M c Carthy, D Alton (1836-98). His Dominionlicence act, 6 97 ; the act declared ultra vires,

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