Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESLower Canada, 3 141 ; applicant for land Louisbourg. Special Article An : Outpost ofgrant in Eastern Townships, 15 148.Empire, 1 201-27. French establishmentLoranger, Louis Onfcsime (b. 1837). Member of founded, 203 ; merchants remove fromChapleau s government, 15 189.Acadia and Placentia to, 204 ;foodstuffsLord Cornwallis. Nova Scotian privateer, 13 imported for workmen engaged in fortifica222.tions of, 10 484 ; fortifications of, 1 204-6 ;Lord Nelson. Ship condemned as a prize, 10 its public buildings, 206 ; King s hospital at,493.206 ; administration of, 206-7 ; garrison,Lord Sheffield. Vessel built at Maugerville, 10 207 ;lax discipline at, 207-8 ;trade restric583.tions relaxed, 208-9 ; population, shipping,Lord s Day Act (1906), 6 159, 9 345 ; attacked and value of fishing industry, 209 ;cost ofas infringing provincial rights, 6 159.establishment, 209 ; trade with France andLord s Day Alliance. Effect of its activities on French colonies, 2 509 ;first school in Novalegislation, 6 159.Scotia established at, 14 511 ; progress of,Lorette. Huron settlement established at, 2 <strong>com</strong>pared with that of British colonies, 1406 ; Bougainville retires on, after battle 210; its strategical position, 2 509; plansof the Plains, 1 305.for defence, 1211; plans of New EnglandersLoretto, Sisters of. In Toronto, 11 59 ;at against, 212-14; first siege and capture of,Guelph, 64.214-18 ; effect of its loss on Canadian tradeLome, John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, and colonial finances, 2 511, 520; retrocededunder Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1217;Marquis ol, afterwards ninth Duke of Argyll(1845-1914), governor-general of Canada chagrin of American colonists at cession of,(1878-83). Refers Letellier case to imperial <strong>23</strong>3, 2 372 fortifications ; strengthened, 1authorities, 6 77, 15 186.219 ; projected attempt on, 221, 255, 256,Lorrain, Narcisse Zephyrin (1842-1915). Vicarapostolicof Pontiac (1882-98), 11 70.267-8, 13 100-1 ; garrison after capture of,13 99-100; second siege of, 1 222, 225-6,Lory, Hippolyte (1830-91). Rector of St Boni 1 226 ; demolition of fortress and subsequentface College, 29 421.decline in importance, 227, 13 <strong>23</strong>0-1.Lossee, William. First Methodist superinten Louisiana. Expulsion of Jesuits from, 11 15 ;dent in Canada, 11 305.its cession to United States, 8 839, 849.Lotbini&re, Henri Gustave Joly de. See Joly de Lount, Samuel (1791-1838). Executed forLotbiniere.<strong>com</strong>plicity in insurrection in Upper Canada,Lotbiniere, Louis Eustache Chartier de. See 3 367.Char tier de Lotbiniere.Lovell, Benjamin. First Anglican clergymanLotbiniere, Marquis Michel Gaspard Chartier de appointed to Cape Breton, 11 206.(17<strong>23</strong>-99). Applicant for land grant in Lovely Hope. First vessel to arrive in PictouEastern Townships, 15 148.after it was made a free port, 10 560.Lotbiniere, Seigniory of, 2 558.Lovett, John. On the American panic atLondon, James (b. 1841). Instructor in insti Queenston Heights, 3 <strong>23</strong>4.tute of technology, Toronto, 18 389. Low, Albert Peter (b. 1861). Dominion governLoudoun, John Campbell, fourth Earl of (1705- ment scientist, 12 520 ;on fish wealth of82), <strong>com</strong>mander-in-chief in America (1756- Northern Ungava, 16 564 ;on gold-bearing58). His dilatoriness, 1 252, 13 100 ; projects possibilities of Baffin Land, 22 655.expedition against Louisbourg, 1 255, 256, Low, F. C. Black-and-white artist, 12 630.13 99-100 ;his cabbage-garden fiasco, 100. Lowestoife. Frigate engaged in fight with theLoudoun. Name of ship, changed to Imperial Atalante, 1 310.Eagle, 21 32.Lowther, Katharine. Wolfe s fiancee, afterLouis XIV (1643-1715). His interest in New wards Duchess of Bolton, 1 296.France, 2 348 ;accords full support to Talon, Loyal Nova Scotian. Armed schooner, 13 220.15 36, 38 ;fears depopulation of France Loyola College, Montreal, 11 90, 16 435.through emigration to Canada, 40 ;and Lozeau, Albert (b. 1875). French-Canadianfrenchification of the Indians, 43 ;awards poet, 12 470-1.patronage to fathers of large families andpenalizes fathers whose sons and Luard, R. H. In <strong>com</strong>mand of Royal Engineersdaughters sent to British Columbia (1858), 21 147.do not marry young, 51 exerts his ascend;Luard, Richard Amherst. Major-general <strong>com</strong>ancy at English court to further French manding in Canada (1880-84), 7 425.policy in America, 2 348-9, 354 ; opposed to Luc, Frangois (d. 1685). Recollet artist, 12 601.western expansion, 352 ;concludes Treaty Lucania. Cunarder, breaks Atlantic record inof Neutrality with James II, 489, 8 881 ;his 1894, 10 601.munificence to Church of Quebec, 2 425 ; Lucas, Clarence. Canadian <strong>com</strong>poser, 12 651.and the fisheries, 16 556 ;and Champigny sexpenditure on Lucas, Isaac Brock (b. 1867). Provincialfortifications of Quebec, 2 treasurer of Ontario, 17 210.360 ;endeavours to dissuade Saint-Vallier Lucault, Leonard. One of first clearers of landfrom returning to Quebec, 427-8 ; and <strong>com</strong> at Montreal, 16 507.pletion of Lake St Pierre and Lachine Canal, Lucy, Father. Priest serving in Maritime10 504.Provinces, 11 42.Louisa. Vessel built at Moncton : her disastrous voyage to West Ludlow, Gabriel G. (1736-1808). Serves inIndies, 10 584. Revolutionary War, 13 155 ;first mayor of

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