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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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a by-product of dairy industry, 182 ;valueof live stock raised annually together withwool and eggs, 7 676.:Quebec introduced into Eastern Townships by United Empire Loyalists, 655-6 ;recognized breeds of cattle, sheep, and pigsintroduced, 16 514-15 ; progress and declineof horse-breeding, 514 ;cause of failure ofstock-raising, 15 191.Nova Scotia : cattle owned by settlersafter Acadian expulsion, 7 655.Ontario : introduced in Upper Canada byUnited Empire Loyalists, 656 ; recognizedbreeds brought by British settlers, 18 557-8 ;statistics (1830), 558; horse and ox <strong>com</strong>pared in farm work, 559 first; importationof Ayrshire cattle, 561.Prairie Provinces : statistics of productionand values, 20 324. Manitoba : domesticcattle introduced at Bed River, 7 656-7 ;suitability of climate, 20 525-6 ; raising ofhorses, cattle, hogs, and sheep, 526-8 ;herd-gradingorganization of industry, 528 ;tests, 529 ; poultry-raising, 530-1. Saskatchewan :ranching industry, 562 ; stockbreeding,562-3 ; grain farmer supplantingthe rancher, 570-1 ;statistics of industry(1901-12), 571 ; horses, cattle, sheep, hogs,and poultry, 571-2. Alberta :developmentof ranching, 9 181 statistics ; (1892), 20 303 ;production and values (1913), 324 ;reasonsfor province s pre-eminence, 592-3 ; marksof identification, 593 ; values sold in 1913,593 ;horse industry, 593-4 ;cattle industry,594 - 5 ; sheep, hog, and poultry raising,595-6.British Columbia :beginnings of ranching,22 531 ;causes of failure of sheep and cattleraising, 534-5.Quebec (1777-86). Carleton s opinion of, 3111 leads ; opposition to Carleton, is dismissed, and afterwards reinstated, 111-12,4 430 ;and Carleton s manner of choosinga Privy Council, 435.Lizard. British frigate at Quebec (1775), 385.Lloyd, George Exton (b. 1861). Quickens interest in North-Watt* 19 180; renders assistance to the Barr colonists, 7 552, 19 184 ;brings out English catechists to PrinceAlbert, 20 467.GENERAL INDEX 115Lloyd-George, David (b. 1863), chancellor ofthe Exchequer (1908-15). Supports freetrade, 9 212.Lloydminster. Settled by Barr colonists, 7552, 19 184-5.Lobster Bay. See St Servan.Lock, Captain, of H.M.S. Jaseur. Diplomaticincident occasioned by, 8 683.Lockhart River. Explored by Captain Back,4 686.Lodge, Henry Cabot (b. 1850). Member ofAlaska Boundary Commission, 6 145, 8 938,939, 950, 956.Lods et ventes.See Seigneurial System.Logan, James. Imports Ayrshire cattle, 7 658.Logan, John Daniel (b. 1869). His M-ork incriticism, 12 530.Logan, Sir William Edmund (1798-1875).First director of Canadian Geological Survey,6 345 ;on gold exploitation in Chaudierevalley, 16 582 ;stimulates mining development, 18 618 and n. ;sketch of, 12 524 ;hisGeology of Canada, 524.Logue, H. E. Michael (b. 1853), cardinal-archbishop of Armagh. At Eucharistic Congressof Montreal, 11 92.Lohman, Jonnheer A. F. De Savornin. Memberof fisheries reference before The HagueTribunal, 8 708.Lok, Michael. His story of Juan de Fuca svoyage through Strait of Anian, 21 18.London. Selected as site of capital of UpperCanada, 3 176 ;settled by Talbot colonists,17 75; population (1830), 18 558; byelectionin, 6 156.London and Gore Railway. Granted government aid, 10 371.London Divinity Hall, 11 276.Londonderry, Robert Stewart, second Marquessof (1769-1822). Protests against RussianUkase of 1821, 8 918.Lively. American privateer, aids in rescue ofBritish crew, 13 224.Liverpool. Harbour of, entered by de Monts, Long, Colonel. Makes reconnaissance for rail13 19 ;founded by settlers from Connecticut way between Belfast and Quebec, 10 376.(1760), 111 ;a nest of privateers, 111, 221, Long Point. Selected by Simcoe as site for an253 ; shipping of (1828), 10 560.arsenal, 3 175, 176.Liverpool Packet. Her success as a privateer, Long Sault (Lachine Rapids, Grand Sault, or13 253.Sault St Louis). Champlain at, 1 47, 48, 49,Livingston, Edward (1764-1836), American 52, 2 388 ;Etienne Brule at, 1 57 ; defencesecretary of state. Proposes new boundary of, by Bollard, 76.<strong>com</strong>mission (1833), 8 811.Longley, James Wilberforce (b. 1849). DeleLivingston, James. Joins rebel forces, 3 81, gate to interprovincial conferences, 15 197,109 ; at assault on Quebec (1775), 89, 91 ;2i2 his ; biography of Joseph Howe, 12 510.displays signals for attack, 90.Longpre, Louis de (1748-1818). PortraitLivingstone, Swan River. First session of painter, 12 601-2.North-West Council held at, 19 200.Longueuil, Charles le Moyne de (1625-85).Livius, Peter (1727-95), chief justice ofGranted fief of Longueuil, 2 554 ; descentin ownership and extent of original barony,569.Longueuil, Charles le Moyne, first Baron de(1656-1729), administrator of New France(1725-26). His successful Indian diplomacy,2 367-8.Longueuil, Charles le Moyne, second Baron de(1687-1755). Reports English as showingdetermination in their western movements,374 and n.Longueuil, Joseph Dominique Emmanuel de(d. 1807). Member of first executive of

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