Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESLillooet (Askettih) Indians. Encountered bySimon Fraser, 4 662 ;their habitat, 21284-5.Liinnade. War vessel on Lake Ontario, 10487.Lincoln Militia (2nd). At battle of BeaverDam, 3 242-3 ; 7 399.Lindsey, Charles (d. 1908). His Life of WilliamLyon Mackenzie, 12 507-8.Lindsey, George Goldwin Smith (b. 1860). Hisnew edition of Life of William Lyon Mackenzie, 12 508.Lineham, John (b. 1858). Member of firstof North-West Terrilegislative assemblytories, 19 2<strong>23</strong>.Linn, Lewis Fields (1795-1843). Introducesbill into American Senate assuming jurisdiction in Oregon, 8 867.Linnet. Pring s ship at battle of Plattsburg,3267.Lintrose.Steamer of Reid-Newfoundland Company, 10 562.Lion. Boat employed in Franklin s expedition of 1825, 4 683.Liquor Traffic. French regime:brandy firstused by Compagnie des Habitans, 2 327 ;conflict between church and state overtraffic, 1 10, 2 336 ; opposed by Laval, 421 ;denounced by Saint-Vallier, 429-30 ;acutenessof the problem, 463 ; conflicting pointsof view of church and traders, 467-9 ;discouraged at first by Hudson s Bay Company,1 169 ;cost of cask of wine in Paris and inQuebec (c. 1750), 2 513. British regime :rum distillery established (1769), 4 528 ;effect of trade policy on price of rum, 539-540; rum regarded as a necessary of life,540 n.Dominion legislation:prohibition petitions and resolutions (1874), 6 73-4; theDunkin Act, 74 ;Scott Act (Canada Temperance Act, 1878), 74, 75 ;its validitysustained, 97 ; dispute with provinces oncontrol, 97-8.Quebec scale of licence duties, 15 245-6 : ;revenue derived from tavern licences transferred to municipalities, 294.Maritime Provinces :difficulty of controlexperienced by founders of Halifax, 13 86-7 ;average daily consumption of rum by maleinhabitants of New Brunswick (1787), 170;licence system of New Brunswick, 170.Ontario first bill:prohibitionintroduced(1873), 17 141-2 ;Crooks Act, 149-50 ;its amendment in 1884, 167 ;its validitysustained, 6 97 ;Mowat s attitude to prohibition, 17 175-6 local; option first introduced by Canada Temperance Act (1878),209; Ontario Liquor Licence Act (1890),173, 209 ;division of authority in legislation,207 ;boards of licence <strong>com</strong>missioners, 207-8 ;licence fees, 208 ;number of licences, 208-9 ;division of revenue between municipalityand province, 209 ; average yearly <strong>com</strong>mitments for drunkenness (1876-1910), 209.Manitoba first province to submit pro:hibition to a plebiscite, 19 130 ; plebiscitesof 1892 and 1898, 130 ;Prohibition Act of1900 its legality sustained, 130 and n., 131 ;division in temperance party and defeat ofprohibition, 131 act of ; provisional councilprohibiting liquor import into North-WestTerritories (1873), 198.British Columbia :prevalence of drinkingon Vancouver Island, 21 105 ;first Islandliquor laws, 105-6 ; Lytton s appeal onbehalf of Indians, 144 ;laws and licenceregulations, 22 371-2.See also Indians ;Manufactures.Liston, Sir Robert (1742-1836), British ministerat Washington. Bequests that St CroixRiver Commission s decision should haveeffect, 8 760.Literature. Special Articles : French-CanadianLiterature, 12 435-89; English - CanadianLiterature, 493-589. :(French) First vehicleof, 436 ; early newspapers, contributors andtheir prose, 436-7, 443-51 ; song first formof poetry, 439 folk - ; songs, 11 648 ;theoratory of first assemblies, 12 444 ; history,451-60 ; poetry, 460-71 ;the romanticschool, 461-9; poets of L Ecole litterairede Montreal, 469-71 ; fiction, 471-7 ; political, philosophical, and social literature,477-89 ; journalists of mark, 477 ; politicaloratory, 478-80 ; pulpit oratory, 480-3 ;miscellaneous writers and their work, 483-9.(English] Canada s voice in, 493 : ; growthretarded by pioneer conditions, 494 ; poeticproductivity, 495 ; non-indigenous authors,495 ;historians and their works, 496-506 ;general defects of biographies, 506; biographical writers, 507-11 works of travel and;exploration, 511-20; newspapers and periodicals, 426-9, 521-3, 13 243-5; scientificworks, 12 524-6 ;nature studies, 526-8 ;criticism, and constitutional and politicalhistory, 528-33 ; novelists, 534-65 ; poetsand their works, 566-88 ; <strong>com</strong>petition ofBritish and American authors, 588 ; foreignwriters who have chosen Canadian subjects,589.Little Bell. British ship at battle of LakeErie, 10 492.Little Belt. Attacked by an American man-ofwar(1811), 3 195.Little Jack. Engaged in action with Marbleheadprivateers, 13 2<strong>23</strong>.Live Stock. New France : Cattle domestic,introduced, 7 654, 16 513-14; dement ofpresent French-Canadian breed, 7 654 ;number of horned cattle (1667, 1695, 1734),654; number in Acadia (1671, 1693, 1755),654-5 ; raising of, suggested by Louis XIV,2 491. Horses first importations, 16 513-514 ; keeping of, limited by ordinance (1709),515 ;horse flesh used as food at Quebec(1757), 515. Sheep importations of, 513,515 ;breed raised in colony, 514. Pigsintroduction of, 513 ;breed raised in colony,514 ; subsequent importations, 515.Dominion : introduction of recognizeddairy breeds, 7 657-8; export of cattle(1877), 666; rapid expansion of cattle export, 9 119; effect of British embargo onimportation of Canadian store cattle, 182 ;

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