Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Lenoir, Joseph (1822-61). Contributes toJournal de V Instruction publique, 16 430.Leo XHI (1810-1903). His encyclical onManitoba schools question, 11 107.Leonard, George (1742-1826). A defeatedcandidate for Northumberland County, NewBrunswick, 13 163.Le Page, Sieur Abb. Permitted to cut oakwood for the King s navy, 16 533.L6pine, Ambroise Dydime (b. c. 1833). One ofKiel s lieutenants, 6 38, 11 155 ; takes refugein United States, 158, 19 98 ; co-operates indefence against projected Fenian raid, 103 ;GENERAL INDEXcondemned and sentenced for his part inScott tragedy, 11 159, 19 105 ;his sentence<strong>com</strong>muted, 6 45, 19 106.Le Prevost, Abbe Pierre. Statue executed by,16 382.Leroux, Laurent (1758-1855). Constructs tradLevy, Point Of.ing-post on Great Slave Lake, 4 651.L6ry, Baron de. Introduces cattle on SableIsland, 7 654.L6ry, C. E. de (d. 1842).special council, 4 392.Member of Colborne s Lewes River.Lry, Gaspard Chaussegros de. Seegros de L4ry.Chausse-Lery, Madame de. Complimented bv GeoreeIII, 15 93.Le St Laurent. Warship built at482 ; its timber defective, 483.Quebec, 10Lescarbot, Marc (d. 1630). His arrival at PortRoyal, 13 29 ;and account of settlement,30 ; on Micmac conversions, 383 ; his casefor trade monopoly, 2 448-9.Le Simple Bocquet. See Bocquet.Leslie, George. Vice-president of UpperCanada Fruit-growers Association (1859), 18567.Leslie, James. Wolfe s assistant quartermastergeneral.Settles in Quebec, 15 122.Leslie, Lieutenant. Taken prisoner at FortMichilimackinac, 3 64.L Espagnol, Chippewa chief. His address toSir George Simpson, 5 318.Lesp6rance, John (b. 1838). Author of TheBastonnais, 12 548.Lesser Slave Lake River. Surveyed by DavidThompson, 4 665 ; navigation on, 10 568.Lestanc, J. M. (d. 1912). Missionary priest inthe West, 11 139, 141, 165; on treatment ofMetis by Dominion surveyors, 152 ; his pacificinfluence during Red River troubles, 155,156, 157.Lester, Peter. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Lestrees, Abbey Of. Its revenues gifted tobishop and chapter of Quebec, 2 425, 429.Le Sueur, William Dawson (b. 1840). His biography of Frontenac, 12 511.Letellier de St Just, Luc (1820-81), lieutenantgovernorof Quebec (1876-79). On necessityfor guarantees for Protestants of Quebecunder Confederation, 16 483 ; minister ofAgriculture, 6 64 ; his dismissal of deBoucherville, 15 181-4 ; party controversyraised by his action, 182, 185, 186, 188, 189 ;his coup d etat attacked in Dominion parliament, 185-6 ; case submitted to ColonialVOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IOffice, followed by his dismissal, 186 ; anotheraccount, 6 75-8.Lethbridge. Population (1901, 1911), 20 327 ;method of real estate assessment in, 403-4 ;abolition of in<strong>com</strong>e tax assessment, 408.Letitia. Donaldson Line steamship, 10 614.L6vis, Gaston Francois, Chevalier de (1720-89).At Fort William Henry, 1 258 ;at Ticonderoga,265 ;attempts to retake Quebec,308-10; his two mistakes, 311-12; 259,285.L6vis College. Founded (1853), 16 432.Levis Heights. Occupied by Wolfe, 1 284 ;batteries on, at siege of Quebec, 285, 289,290, 294.Levy, Eleazar. Signs Quebec traders(1770), 15 134, 135.petitionElementary school establishedat, 16 335 ; British landing effected at, 1283; 289-90, 294, 295, 298; occupiedby Arnold, 3 82 ; attempted surprise ofAmericans at, 96.5 309 ;Discovered by Robert Campbell,its course, 22 590-1 :navigationon, 603.Lewis, Edward Norman (b. 1858). Introducesbill for restriction of immigration, 7 589.Lewis, John (b. 1858). His biography ofGeorge Brown, 12 507.Lewis, Meriwether, captain. His overlandjourney to the Pacific, 4 658, 668, 8 843, 849,21 55.Lewis, William, American colonel. Takenprisoner at Brownstown, 3 <strong>23</strong>8.Lewis Island, North-West Territories.Copperbearingrocks of, 22 658-9.Lewiston. Burnt by Sir Phineas Riall, 3 252.Liard River. Explored by Robert Campbell,5 307 ; drainage area and length, 22 589,642.Libby, G. 0. On route taken by La Verendryebrothers, 1 132.Liberal. Daily newspaper established in Torontoin support of Canada First movement,6 71.Liberty. War vessel on Lake Champlain, 10487.Licorne. Ship on which Montcalm voyaged toNow France, 1 249.Liddell, Thomas, first principal of Queen sCollege (1842-46). Opposes King s Collegemonopoly of state endowment, 18 366 ; anduniversity federation, 367.Lieven, Count, Russian ambassador at London.Announces modification of Ukase of 1821,8 918 ; proposes settlement by negotiationof Bering Sea dispute, 919; and demarcation of mountain boundary, 924.Lightfoot, Richard. Opposition candidate forSt John (1785), 13 164.Lighthall, William Douw (6. 1857). Hisliterary works, 12 560-1.Lighthouse Point, Louisbourg. Battery erected_at (1758), 1 225.Ligneris, Jacques de. Pupil of Jesuit College,Quebec, 16 368.Ligonier, John, first Earl Ligonier (1680-1770).1 262, 269.H

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