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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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112 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESLe Blond, Sebastian (d, 1717), Jesuit brother.Professor in school at Chateau-Richer, 16334.Le Boeuf. Fort at, destroyed (1759), 1 273.Le Borgne, Alexandre. See Belleisle.Le Borgne, Emmanuel, Sieur de Coudray.Raids Nicolas Denys settlements, 13 48.Le Bouthillier, David. Starts in opposition toCharles Robin and Company, 16 557.Le Brun, Francois (1674-1721). Professor ofhydrography in Jesuit College, 16 376.Le Canada. Transport built at Quebec (1742),10 482 ;its cost, 482.Le Canadian. Established (1806) as the organof French-Canadian nationalism, 3 158 ; itssuppression by Craig, 161, 164.Le Caribou. Warship built at Quebec itscost and <strong>com</strong>plement, 10 482 ;timber founddefective, 483.Le Caron, Joseph (d. 1632), Recollet. Arrivesat Tadoussac, 2 387 ;first masses in Quebec 1142.and Ontario celebrated by, 388, 1 58 ; Le Jeune, J. M. Missionary priest in the West,winters among the Hurons, 1 52-3, 2 387 ;officiates at first marriage in Canada 11 165 ;instructs Indians in stenography,(1617), 179.2 393 ;on his ascent of the Ottawa, 395 ; Le Jeune, Paul (1591-1664), Jesuit. Hisdeath of, 402.mission on the St John, 2 403-4 ;on desireLe Castor. Warship built at Quebec, 10 482. of colonists for instruction of their children,Le Chevalier. Prohibited from teaching 16 329through objectionable conduct ;teaches in petite ecole, 329-30 ;on(1727), 16 progress of Jesuit College, 361 ;chooses349.Sillery as settlement for Christian IndiansLeckie, Robert Gilmour Edwards (1869). (1637), 2 410 ; appeals for help against theEngages in mining in Annapolis County, 14 Iroquois, 408.686.Le Loutre, Joseph Louis (1709-72). Stirs upLe Clercq. On number of fishermen who visit Acadians against British rule, 1 244, 13 91-2 ;forces them to withdraw into French terriPerc6, 16 555.Lecorre, Auguste, missionary priest. VisitsYukon and Alaska, 11 160.Le Credit fancier franco-canadien. Formationof, 15 190.Leduc, Father Hyppolite (b. 1842). Arrivesat St Boniface, 11 148 ;builds cathedralat St Albert, 159 ; delegated by Metis topetition for redress of grievances, 168.Lee, J. W. Imports Holstein cattle, 7 658.Lee. War vessel on Lake Champlain, 10 487.Leeming, R. Anglican clergyman in UpperCanada, 11 222,Lees, John. Signs Quebec traders petition(1770), 15 140.Lefroy, Sir John Henry (1817-90). On introduction of domestic cattle at Hudson s BayCompany forts, 7 656-7.Legal, Emile Joseph (b. 1849). Roman Catholicbishop of St Albert (1902-12), afterwardsarchbishop of Edmonton. Establishes mission among Blood Indians, 11 173 ; 183, 186.Legardeur de Repentigny, Jean Baptiste (1632-1709). Farms in seigniory of Beaupre, 1527 ;fief granted to, 39 ;elected mayor ofQuebec but resigns under official pressure,288.Legardeur de Repentigny, Madame. Revivescultivation of hemp and linseed, 15 49.Legare, Antoine. First president of teachersassociation of Quebec, 16 426.L6gar&, Joseph (b. 1795). Quebec artist, 12 602.Legendre, Napoleon (1841-1907). His newspaper chroniques, 12 487.Legge, Francis, governor-in-chief of NovaScotia (1773-82). His unpopularity, 13213-14; his measures of defence, 215-17,225 ;raises a regiment from Germans,Neutrals, and Irish, 216.Legislative Councils and Assemblies. See underConstitutional Act ;Government ;UnitedCanada and the several Provinces.Le Griffon. First ship to sail upper lakes(1679), 10 481 ;wreck of, 481.Leinster Regiment. See Royal Canadians.Leitch, William (d. 1864), principal of Queen sUniversity. Advocates a diversity of colleges and an equality of religious rights, 18388.Le Jacq, Father (d. 1899). Missionary priestin British Columbia, 11 147, 149, 161-2, 165,184.Lejamtel de la Blouterie, Francois (1757-1835).French priest serving in Maritime Provinces,tory, 92 ; Cornwallis s apprehensions of, 3<strong>23</strong>.Le Maistre, Simon. Granted a seigniory of theRiviere Bruyante, 15 27.Le Maitre, Jacques (1617-61). Sulpicianmartyr, 2 415.Le May, Leon Pamphile (b. 1837). His lifeand work, 12 466-8, 484.Le Mercier, Francois Joseph (1604-c. 90), Jesuit.Superior of Jesuit College, Quebec, 16 366 ;and disputations at Jesuit College, 366, 371 ;on progress of settlement along the StLawrence under Talon, 15 46-7.Lemieux, Rodolphe (b. 1866), minister of Labour(1907). His act for settlement of labourdisputes, 6 160-1.Lemieux Act. See Industrial Disputes Investigation Act.Lemmens, John N. (1850-97). Roman Catholicbishop of Vancouver Island (1888-97), 11178.Le Moyne, Jacques de. See Sainte-Helene.Le Moyne de Bienville, Jean Baptiste (1680-1768). Commands the sharpshooters on thePelican (1697), 1 185.Le Moyne de Chateauguay, Louis (1676-94).Slain at Fort Nelson, 1 183.Le Moyne, Paul. See Maricourt.Le Moyne, Simon (1604-65), Jesuit. Hismission to the Onondagas, 2 407 ;first toascend St Lawrence to Lake Ontario, 1 83.Leneuf de la Potherie (b. 1606). Farmsseigniory of Beaupr6, 15 27.Lennoxville. The copper-mines of, 16 586-7.

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