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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXinLauzon, Pierre de (1687-1742). Professor of among the Assiniboines, 1<strong>23</strong>-6hydrography in Jesuit ;in theCollege, Quebec, 16 Mandan country, 125-7 ; discoverer of the376.Saskatchewan, 133-4 ; suffers from calumny,Laval, Francois de Montmorency (16<strong>23</strong>-1708), 117, 134-5 ; resigns his <strong>com</strong>mand, 135, 11bishop of Quebec (1674-88). Vicar-apostolic 118; vindicated, 1 136; his letter to(1658), 2 335, 419; enforces his authority, Maurepas, 136-7 ;his success in dealing with420 ; opposes brandy traffic, 336 ; bishop of Indians, 120 ; his heroism, 122 ;death of,Quebec, 337, 420 ; organizes Sovereign 137.Council, 339 ; discountenances Frontenac sLayergne, Armand Renaud (b. 1880). Claimsattempted establishment of the order of right of French to bilingual schools in allStates-General, 347 ;wel<strong>com</strong>es return of the provinces, 6 187.Recollets, 420 ;his influence on colony, Lavigne, Ernest. Musical conductor in Mon420-2 his ; quarrels with governors, 421 ; treal, 12 649.exchanges seigniories, 558 ; opposes seigneurialright of presentation, 562 Lavoie, Joseph. Member of first Board of;sails for Education of Manitoba, 20 427.France (1684), 422 ; re<strong>com</strong>mends Saint- Law, John (1671-1729), Scottish financier.Vallier as his successor, 4<strong>23</strong> ; returns to Promoter of Company of the West, 2 116,Quebec, 425; death of (1708), 429; bio 507 leases ; royal mint at La Rochelle, 515.graphical sketch of, 418, 419. Educational Law Courts. See Judicial Systems.work : founds Seminary of Quebec, 337-8, Law Society of British Columbia, 22 394-5.421 ; on classes in Jesuit College, 16 362 ; Law Society of Upper Canada. Establishedand the Little Seminary, 386-7, 388 ;estab (1797), 18 546-7 ; examinations of, 547-8 ;lishes schools at St Joachim, 332 ;and at its library and reports of decisions, 548.Chateau-Richer, 334 ;his model farm, 377- Lawrence, Charles (1709-60), lieutenant-gover378 ;founds schools for arts and trades, 378, nor of Nova Scotia (1753-56), governor-inchief(1756-61). Superintends founding of381, 521 ;and Congregation of Notre Dame,355 ;interested in petite ecole, 330 ; projects German settlementa school for Lower at Town, 3CO ; holidays atLunenburg, 13 84 ;at installation of Chief Justice Belcher, 88 ;St Joachim, 391 ;and convent at Chateau- tries to stave off establishment of assembly,Richer, 357.102 ; opposes settlement by disbandedLaval Normal School, 11 99, 16 429, 430.soldiers, 107, 1 10 his ; policy in expellingLaval School of Pharmacy, Montreal, 16 435. the Acadians, 109 ; frustrates their returnLaval University, Montreal. Account of its 114 ;his description of their lands, 14 647foundation, 16 433-5.brigadier at siege of Louisbourg, 1 222Laval University, Quebec. Founded (1852), 11 accepts Acadian submissions, 13 11499, 16 431-2.death of, 109 ;sketch of, 93, 109.La Vallee. Trader and interpreter, 1 63. Lawrence, Henry. His passage of the YamaskaLavallee, Calixte (1842-91). Composer of the River, 15 153-5.music of O Canada, 12 650, 651.Lawrence, Isaac. Settler at Shefford, 15 153.La Valliere, Michel le Neuf de. Governor of Lawrence, James (1781-1813). Captain of theAcadia, 13 54.Chesapeake, 3 <strong>23</strong>6.La Vallieres, Leneuf de. Referred to by Catalogneas flagship at battle of LakeLawrence. Perry sMarquis de Sable, 2 569.Erie, 3 245.La Valterie, Morgane de. Seigniory of La Lawson, Ernest. His career as an artist, 12 619.Valterie granted to, 15 39, 2 554.Lawson, J. Kerr. Canadian artist, 12 619-20.L Avenir. Parti-rouge journal, ceases publi Leach, Archdeacon. Member of Protestantcation, 5 68.Committee cf Council of Public Instruction,La V6rendrye, Francois de. See references Quebec, 16 491.under La Verendrye, Pierre, Chevalier de. Leach, John. One of fathers of ConfederationLa Verendrye, Jean Baptiste (1685-1736). Ac in British Columbia, 21 171 n.<strong>com</strong>panies his father, 1 118; discoverer of Leacock, Stephen Butler (b. 1869). His literaryLake Winnipeg, 121 ; death of, 122, 11 117- works, 12 530.118.Leafield. Lakes freighter, 10 557.La Verendrye, Pierre, Chevalier de (b. 1714), son Leake, Rob*. Signs loyalist petition (1785),of Sieur de la Verendrye. Ac<strong>com</strong>panies his 1735.father, 1 118 ; search for the Western Sea, Leather. See Manufactures.127-34 ; route taken by conjectural, 127 ; Le Bansais, SimSon (6.1719). FatherwithBow prefect ofIndians, 128-9; disputed route to Jesuit College, Quebec, 16 366.the Rockies, 130-3 ; ignored by Jonquiere, Le Barrois, Mule Claude, agent of West India138, 139 ; establishes a post at Prince Albert, Company. Ex offtcio member19 203 of Sovereignn.Council, 2 346.La V6rendrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, Lebeau, Claude. On numberSieur de (1685-1749). His work of youngeras explorer, who songtake up teaching, 16 349.1 117, 118; granted monopoly of westernfur trade, 118; constructs posts on Leber, Pierre. Associated with Jean FrancoisRainy Charon, 16 339.Lake and Lake of the Woods, 119 ;his Le Blond de la Tour, Jacques. Architect,interview with Crees at Fort St Charles, 119- painter, and sculptor in the Little Seminary,120 ; on Winnipeg River and Lake, 120-2 ; Quebec, 16 382.

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