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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 109Landry, Claude (b. 1663). A pioneer colonist 15 29 n. ;and conversion of Indian girls,at Minas, 13 52.93.Landry, Pierre. Petitions for school at St La P6relle. Officer at Louisbourg (1713), 1Laurent, North-West Territories, 19 152. 204.Langdon, J. One of grantors of site of StansteadSeminary, 16 460.(1741-88). Commander of the Astree in herLa Percuse, Jean Frangois de Galaup, Comte deLangevin, Sir Hector Louis (1826-1906). Fav fight with the Charlestown, 13 222.ours full control by Protestants of their La Place, Captain de. Surrenders Ticonderogaschools in Quebec, 15 172 ; secretary of to Ethan Allen, 3 80.state (1867-69), 6 22, 7 620 ;<strong>com</strong>missioner to La Plata. Conveys Royal Engineers fromBritish Columbia, 21 180 ;and transconti England to British Columbia, 21 146.nental railway terminus, 185 ;unseated in La Potardiere, Sieur de. Sent to report on ironCharlevoix County, 6 72 ; postmaster-general, deposits of the Three Rivers, 16 576.83 ; delegate to England on Letellier case, La Pothcrie. With d Iberville at Port Nelson,15 186 ;and execution of Kiel, 6 105 ; 1 185.charged with corrupt practices, 120. La Potherie, Leneui de. See Leneuf de laLangevin, Jean Pierre Frangois (1821-92). Potherie.Roman Catholic bishop of Rimouski (1867- La Prairie. Jesuit seigniory of, 2 554 ;head91), 11 108.quarters of Burgoyne, 3 97 ; training campLangevin, Louis Philippe Adelard (1855-1915). formed by Sir Garnet Wolseley at, 7 405.Archbishop of St Boniface (1895-1915), 11 La - Prairie - de - la - Magdeleine. Convent of182 ; opposes Manitoba schools settlement, Sisters of the Congregation founded at,6 132 ;his campaign on behalf of separate 16 358.schools, 11 182, 187 his ; part in election La Presentation (Ogdensburg). Fort estabcontest of 1905, 19 271.lished at, 2 372 ;Montcalm parleys withLangford, Edward Edwards (1809-95). Justice Iroquois at, 1 252.of peace for Esquimalt district, 21 106 ; Lareau, Edmond (1848-90). Author of Histoirede la Literature canadienne, 12 488.member of first legislative assembly ofVancouver Island, 112, 113 his ; charges La Regnardiere. See Cheffaut deagainst Hudson la Regnars Bay Company, 120-1.diere.Langhorne, John. Anglican clergyman in La Roche, Trpilas du Mesgouez, Marquis deBay of Quinte district, 11 214, 222.(d. 1606). Lieutenant-general of New France,Langlade, Charles Michel de (1729-1800). 2535.Leader of French irregulars at Fort Duquesne,1 241.Arrives in Quebec, 2 397 ;La Roche d Aillon, Joseph de (d. 1656), Recollet.his mission toLanglade. One of the Trinity group named by Neutrals, 1 59, 62-4.John Cabot, 1 21.La Roche River. Explored by Peter Pond, 4Langlades. French Canadians who were the 650.first settlers of Wisconsin, 15 77.La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Frangois AlexandreFrederic de (1747-1827). On elemenLangley, A. J. Member of Board of Education,British Columbia, 22 424.tary schools in Upper Canada, 18 278.Langley. First selected capital of British La Rochelle. Huguenots and English defeatedColumbia, 21 149.at (1629), 2 401 ; trading link betweenLanglois, Marie. Wife of Abraham Martin, France and Canada, 15 60.2 393.La Rocque, Charles (1809-75). Roman CathoLangoisseux, Pierre. Admitted as a novice lic bishop of St Hyacinthe (1866-75), 11 91.of the R6collet order, 2 394.La Rocque, Joseph (1808-87). Roman CatholicLangton, Hugh Hornby (b. 1862). Joint editor bishop of St Hyacinthe (1860-05), 11 91.of Review of Historical Publications, 12 5<strong>23</strong>, Larooque, Joseph (d. I860). Reaches Stuart529.Lake from the Columbia, 21 58.Langton, John (1808-94), first Dominion La Rocque, Paul (b. 1846). Roman Catholicauditor-general. His system of national bishop of Sherbrooke, 11 90.bookkeeping, 7 476-8 ;on policy of the La Rpnde, Denys de (1675-1741). Ac<strong>com</strong>reduction of charges to capital, 501-2.panies St Pierre s colonists to Island of StLanguedoc. Battalion of regulars in Canada, 1 John, 13 314 ;his account of the island250, 282, 300, 301, 303.(1721), 314-15; his description and censusLa Noue, Zacharie Robutel de. Builds posts (1752), 306-9.at Kaministikwia and Rainy Lake, 1 106, Lartigue, Jean Jacques (1777-1840). Roman116.Catholic bishop of Montreal (1836-40), 11Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice,fifth Marquoss of (b. 1845), governor-46, 85 his ; disputed election, 86 ; warns hisgeneral of Canada ( 1883-88). On flock against rebellion, 87, 15 106 ;and Jesuitthe position estates, 196.of governor-general, 6 275.Larue, Hubert (1833-81). His tales andLansdowne. Windsor-Detroit car ferry, 10 547. chronicles, 12 484.La Peltrie, Marie Madeleine de (nee de Chauvigny). Founds Ursuline convent at Quebec, generalLa Rue, Pierre de, abbot of 1 Isle-Dieu. Vicar-2 410 ; her work of Canada, 11 15; Pontbriand sat Montreal, 414 ; dis correspondence with, 2 440.suaded from undertaking a Huron mission, La Sagesse, Sisters of, 11 69.

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