Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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io8CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESLalemaut, Gabriel (1610-49). Jesuit2405.martyr,Lalemant, Jerome (1593-1673), Jesuit. Ac<strong>com</strong>panies Laval to Quebec (1659), 2 419.Lalibertfc, A. Canadian sculptor, 12 634.Lalla Rookh. Vessel built at Moncton, 10 585.La Marque, de. Trader who ac<strong>com</strong>panied LaVerendrye, 1 1<strong>23</strong>.Lambert, Sir John (1772-1847). Wounded inexpedition against New Orleans, 3 268.Laznicq, Francois (1721-57). Director of LittleSeminary of Quebec, 16 387.La Milletiere, Dubois de. Perishes on boardhis fireship before Quebec (1759), 1 283-4.Lamniasch, H. President at fisheries referenceto The Hague Tribunal, 8 708.Lamont, John Henderson (6. 1865). Attorneygeneralof Saskatchewan, 19 270.La Morinie, Jean Baptiste de (b. c. 1705). Missionary at Fort la Heine, returns to Canada,11 118.Lamothe, Frizon de (b. c. 1720). Director ofLittle Seminary of Quebec, 16 387.La Mothe, Pierre Jacques de (1790-1847).Priest at Perth, 11 49.La Motte, Emmanuel AugusteComte du Bois de (1683-1764).de Gahideuc,In <strong>com</strong>mandof French fleet at Louisbourg (1757), 1 221,222 ; 13 89.La Motte Cadillac, Antoine de. See Cadillac.Lampman, Archibald (1861-99). Sketch of,12 575-6 ; Howolls s estimate of, 675 ; hisnature poems and sonnets, 576-8.Lamprey. Disastrous voyage of (1619), 1 157.Lamy, Francois (1643-1715), cure at SteFamille, Island of Orleans. Establishes aschool, 16 336 ;his benefactions, 357.Lanark, County of. Its settlement by Scottishcolonists, 17 77.Lanaudiere, Charles Tarieu de (1744-1841).Applies for land grant in Eastern Townships,15 148.Lancaster, Township of. Considered unsuitable for loyalist settlement, 17 25.Lancaster Sound. Entered by Captain JohnRoss, 4 684.Lancey, Stephen de. Locates lands for loyalistsin Nova Scotia, 13 148 in ; charge of loyalistsettlement on St Lawrence, 17 24.Lancey s Regiment, de (1st). Settle on theSt John, 13 149 ;in the wreck of the Martha,<strong>23</strong>6.Land. Creation of crown reserves favouredby Dorchester, 3 127 ;Dorchester re<strong>com</strong>mends that land be granted in free and<strong>com</strong>mon socage, 127 ;tenure under Constitutional Act, 134 ; attempts to securemonopoly in crown lands, 154-5 ;executivecouncil interested in speculation, 154-5 ;Shore Milne s tribute to council s fidelityand industry, 156-7 ; abuses of associationand location ticket system, 4 560-1 ;areasalienated (1799-1803), 560; grants madeto professional classes and to members ofcouncil and their children, 561, 15 151 ;crown reserves purchased by Canada Company, 3 304 ; attempts to recover grants, 4581 ; evil effects of grants being made tospeculative favourites, 581-2 total ; acreageof areas granted between 1763 and 1825<strong>com</strong>pared with between 1825 and 1838, 18590 ;bank speculations in, 5 277, 288-9 ;policy in eastern provinces at Confederation,9 103-4 ;effect of grants in stimulatingimmigration, 111; free grants of backwoodslands in Quebec and Ontario, 111 ; conditionsof settlement in the West, 112; policycoincident with construction of C.P.R.,149-51 ; influence of free grants in promotingsettlement, 197 ;Land Bill of 1907, 198 ;area homesteaded or bought up to 1906, 197 ;extent of areas granted (1906-11), 198;total extent of land available for settlement,area disposed of, acreage sown, and wheatcrop harvested, 199 ; areas alienated torailway purposes by Dominion and provinces (table), 10 468 ; their value in percentage and capitalization, 469 ; grants torailways up to 1906, 9 197.:Quebec settlers lands and chattels debarred from seizure, 15 208 ; grant made tofathers of twelve children, 260.Maritime Provinces. Nova Scotia : conditions of sale of crown lands, 14 475. NewBrunswick :registration of grants of landenjoined, 13 156 ;council s land grant policy,160; grants paid for by labour on road construction, 14 404. Prince Edward Island :quitrents reserved in grants to proprietors,496 ; quitrents fail to yield sufficient to payofficial salaries, 496-7 ;failure of proprietorsand struggle over collection, 13 363, 14 497-8 ;proprietors frustrate measures for recoveryof quitrents, 13 364 ; restriction in choice ofsettlers, 364-5 ; attempt to recover rentsfollowed by rioting, 365; Durham on nonresident proprietors, 365-6 ; <strong>com</strong>mission of1860, 387 : expropriation of proprietors oneof terms of Confederation, 14 499 ; LandPurchase Act of 1875, 13 367, 14 498, 499-500.Prairie Provinces : settlement retarded byfluctuations in policy and restrictions, 20292-3 ;area still in possession of crown, 315.Manitoba : control of public lands conceded,19 136 ; acreage of surveyed lands (1872),158 ;block system of survey, 20 288-9, 520 ;first boom and its collapse, 298-300.Saskatchewan and Alberta :system ofsurveys, 19 158 ; settlement hindered byodd-numbered unoccupied sections, 168 ;dissatisfaction with settlement policy, 168 ;patents issued (1873), with total area, 195-6 ;North-West Council s memorials on landpolicy, 214-15 ; claim to revenue fromcrown lands, 215.British Columbia : land policy of council ofVancouver Island, 21 109-10; dissatisfactioncaused by grants to railways, 221-2.Landers, Anthony. Shipbuilder in Yarmouth,10 681.Landry, Antoine (b. 1660). A pioneer colonistat Minas, 13 52.Landry, Auguste Charles Philippe Robert(b. 1846). His resolution condemning Kiel sexecution, 6 105.

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