Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Lagrenee, Pierre (1659-1736). Father-prefectof Jesuit College, Quebec, 16 366.La Heve. Indian outrages on German settlersat, 13 98.La Hogue, Battle of. Its influence on Canada,1 <strong>23</strong>2.La Hontan, Armand Louis do Delondarce,Baron de (1666-17^5). On administration ofjustice in New France, 2 575 on the; King sGirls, 15 41-2 ;contrasts peasants of Canadawith the ragged nobility of France, 54.Laird, David (1833-1914). Confederation delegate from Prince Edward Island, 13 373 ;minister of the Interior (1873-76), 6 64 ;firstlieutenant-governor of North-West Territories, 19 200, 202 ; arranges Indian cessions,7 597-8, 11 184, 19 159-61, 20 290-1 ;andassessment for school purposes, 19 153 ;152.La Jemeraye.Ac<strong>com</strong>panies La Verendrye onexploring expedition, 1 118 builds ; post onRainy Lake, 119 ;death of, 122.La Jonquiere, Jacques Pierre de Taffanel,Marquis de (d. 1752), governor of New FranceGENERAL INDEX 107(1749-52). And the brothers La Verendrye, Indians established at, 5 347.1 137 ; plans to enrich himself out of fur Lake Ontario. Discovered by Etienne Brul6,trade, 138.1 54 ;La Barre s expedition to, 2 351 ;itsLake, Sir Bibye. Boundary <strong>com</strong>missioner, 1 area, 9 <strong>23</strong> ; depletion of whitefish in, 250 n.191.Lake Ontario. Beaver Line steamship, 10Lake, Sir Percy Henry (b. 1855). His adminis 611.tration of Canadian Militia, 7 444, 447. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte SteamboatLake Agassiz. Its geological history, 9 61. Company. Incorporated with Richelieu andLake Albanel. Varieties of fish in, 16 565. Ontario Navigation Company, 10 554.Lake Athabaska. Discovered by Peter Pond, Lake Ouinipique. See Lake Winnipeg.4 651 ;its navigable extent, 10 568.Lake St Clair. Indian settlement formed on,Lake Champlain. Successful British raid on, 5 334.3 246-7.Lake St Peter. Jacques Cartier anchors theLake Champlain. Beaver Line steamship, 10 Emerillon at, 1 36 ;Radisson s recapture by611 ;renamed the Ruthenia, 613.Indians on, 73 ;Father Jogues captured atLake Chibougamau. Its fish wealth, 16 565.Lake Erie. Dollier and Galinee winter on, andtake formal possession of basin of, 1 95-6 ;last of Great Lakes to be explored, 107 ;battle of, 3 244-5.Lake Erie. (1) Beaver Line steamship, 10 612 ;renamed Tyrolia, 613. (2) Allan liner, 10607.Lake Finlayson. Discovered by Robert Campbell, 5 308.Lake Frances. Discovered by Robert Campbell,21 69.Lake George. Sir William Johnson s successat, 1 242-4; 266.Lake Huron. Explored by Dollier andGalin6e, 1 99.Lake Huron, boundary dispute from, to North-West Angle of Lake of the Woods. Thesurveys, 8 831-2 ; points of difference andgrounds of contending claims, 832-5 ;theagreement, 835-6 ;review of the award,837-8.Lake Huron. Beaver Line steamship, 10 611.Lake La Loche. Explored by Peter Pond, 4650.Lake La Pluye. See Rainy Lake.Lake Manitoba (Lao des Prairies), 1 184.Lake Manitoba. (1) Beaver Line steamship,10 6 1 1 2 .( )Canadian Pacific Railway steamship, 10 613.Lake Manitoba Railway and Canal Company.Its charter acquired by Mackenzie and Mann,10 454 ; beginning of Canadian NorthernRailway, 454, 20 311.district,Territories. Navigation on, 10 566.Lake Maaitou, RainyWestRiver North-Lake Mattagami. Fish wealth of, 16 565.Lake Megantic. Beaver Line steamship, 10611.Lake Michigan. Explorations of, by JeanNicolet, 1 60-1 ; by Radisson,Dollier and Galinee, 99.75 ; byLake Michigan. Canadian Pacific Railwaysteamship, 10 613.Lake Mistassini. Fish wealth of, 16 564.Lake Nipigon. Its navigable extent aridsteamer service, 10 565.Lake Nipigon. Beaver Line steamship, 10 611.Lake Of the Woods (Lac des Assiniboiles). Discovered by Jacques de Noyon, 1 114-15 ;its navigable extent and fleet of steamers,10 5G6.Lake of Two Mountains. Model farm for(1642), 2 407 ; dredging and deepening on,10 535.Lake Simcoe. Indian settlement formed at,5 334.Lake Sturgeon. Its navigable extent andsteamer service, 10 565.Lake Superior. Etienne Brule visits coppermineson, 1 57 ;Radiason s explorations of,72, 76-7 ; explorations west of, till close ofFrench regime,1 1 2-46 ;its area and depth,9 <strong>23</strong>.Lake Superior. Beaver Line steamship, 10611.Lake Timiskaruing. Steamship navigation on,10 565.Lake Wakonichi. Varieties of fish in, 16 564.Lake Waswanipi. Varieties of fish in, 16 565.Lake Winnipeg. Claimants to discovery of,1 121 ; area, 9 24 ; navigable extent andsteamer services, 10 566-7 ; fishing industryon, 567.Lake Winnipeg. Beaver Line steamship, 10611.Lalemant, Charles (1587-1674), Jesuit, firstsuperior of missions in Canada. His arrivalin Quebec (1625), 2 397 ; opposes MontmorencyCompany, 398-9 ;teaches in petiteccole, 16 329 ; induces de Lauzon to sellIsland of Montreal (1640), 2411 ;andMaisonneuve,412.

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