Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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io6CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESLa Brosse, Jean Baptiste de (1724-82). Pro Lac Seul, Rainy River district, Ontario. Itsfessor at Jesuit College, 16 370 ; missionary navigable extent and steamer service, 10to Acadians, 11 29-30 ;and to Indians of 566.Saguenay district, 108-9.La Dauphine. Verrazano reaches North CaroLa Bruere, P. B. de. First president of lina in (1524), 1 25.dairymen s association of Quebec, 16 526. La Dauversiere, Le Roger de (d, 1660). One ofLa Butte, Pierre Chesne (1698-1774), interpreter founders ofat Detroit. Endeavours to bring PontiaoSociety of Montreal, 2 411, 1529; founds sisterhood at La Fleche, 2 417.to terms, 3 62 ;63.Lady Charlotte. Lake vessel, 10 486.L Acadie, St John s County, Quebec. Named Lady Oolborne. Steamboat on MontrealafterAcadians who settled there, 15 53 ; Quebec route, 10 541.British camp formed at in 1812, 3 217. Lady Dorchester. Lake Ontario vessel, 10 491.La Canardiere. Attempted colonization by Lady Eglinton. One of first Liverpool-QuebecMontagnais at, 2 392.steamships, 10 604.Lacasse, N. Member of teachers association Lady Elgin. Steamboat on Montreal-Quebecof Montreal, 16 426.route, 10 541.Lachapelle, John. One of fathers of Confedera Lady Of the Lake. Lake Ontario steamboat,tion in British Columbia, 21 171 n.10 538.Lachasse, Pierre de (c. 1670-1749). Superior of Lady Prevost. Armed schooner engaged inJesuit College, Quebec, 16 366.battle of Lake Erie, 3 227, 10 492.La Chauchetiere, Claude de (1645-1709), Jesuit. Lady Russell. ShipOn built at Moncton, 10 585.his students at Montreal, 16 375, 384 ; Lady Sherbrooke. St Lawrence steamboat,professor at Jesuit College, Quebec, 376.10 495.Lacheuaie, Seigniory of. Granted to Le Gardeurde Repentigny, 2 553.554.Lady Simpson. Ottawa River steamboat, 10Lachenaye, Louis. Student of Jesuit College, Lady Washington. Ship at Nootka Sound inQuebec, 16 368.<strong>com</strong>mand of Captain Gray, 21 36-7, 42 ; exLa Chesnaye. See Aubert de la Chesnaye. changedLachine. Why for the Columbia, 38.so called, 1 101 ;riot at, 3 213 ; La Faye, Louis Francois deconvent of Sisters of the (1657-1729).Congregation at, 16 Teacher in Sulpician schools at Montreal, 16357.337, 338.Lachine Canal. First attempt at construction, La Fayette, Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert10 508-9 ; exorbitant price of land causes Motier, Marquis de (1757-1834). Attemptschange in route, 509-10 ; opened (1824), 510 ; to stir up disaffection among the Indians,subsequent enlargements, 510-11.3 113, 4 707.Lachine Railway. American lo<strong>com</strong>otives usedat Lafleche, Louis Frangois Richer dit (1818-98).opening (1847), 10 373; time taken on Missionary priest in North-West, 11 133, 134,journey, 373-4 ;first lo<strong>com</strong>otive exported 136, 137 ; bishop of Three Rivers (1870-98),from Great Britain used on, 374 ; <strong>com</strong>pany 108.promotes scheme for line to western boundary La Fontaine, Sir Louis Hippolyte, Bart. (1807-of Canada, 394.64). Sydenham s attitude towards, 5 19, 27 ;Lachine Rapids. See Long Sault.acceptsLacolle. American attacks on, in War office under Bagot, 34 ; and Draper sof 1812, overtures, 43-4 ;forms with Baldwin second3 217, 253.La Fontaine-Baldwin administration, 51 ;La<strong>com</strong>be, Albert (b. 1827), missionary priest. establishes liberal-conservatism, 52 ; theArrives in the West, 11 137, 20 478 ;estab fruitful session of 1849, 54-5 ;session oflishes first regular school west of Manitoba, 1850, 60-8 ;on clergy reserves, 65 ; pro478 ; secures Blackfeet neutrality during motes race co-operation, 89, 15 169.North-West Rebellion, 11 173 ;his life La Forest, Sieur de. Surrenders Fort Nelsonwork, 159, 20 480-1 ; publishes Crce grammar (1696), 1 183, 184.and dictionary, 11 161 ;member of Athabaska<strong>com</strong>mission of 1900, 184 ;Laforiere, an Indian. His warning to duand Plessis, 2 391.Ruthenian immigrants, 185.Lafrance, F. X. Stanislas (b. 1860). FoundsLa Corne, Chevalier Louis St Luc de (1703- Memramcook College, 11 79.61). Assumes <strong>com</strong>mand of western posts, La France. One of first Grey Nuns at St1 143-4 ;entertains Anthony Hendry at Boniface, 20 420.Fort a la Corne, 198 ;at Fort William La Friponne. Fraudulent retail establishHenry, 258-9.ment, 2 526-7.La Corne, Chevalier St Luc de (1750-1810). La Galette, at head of St Lawrence rapids.Secures ground for a church at Kingston Proposal to construct fort at, 2 370.(1795), 11 26.La Galissoniere, Rolland Michel Barrin, ComteLa Corne, Joseph Marie de (1714-1779). de, administrator of New France (1747-49).Murray s warning against his nomination to Vindicates La Verendrye, I 136, <strong>23</strong>6, 254 ;see of Quebec, 11 17.his survey of French colonies in America, 2La Corne, St Luc de (1712-84). Accused of<strong>com</strong>plicity in Walker 372-3, 503-4 ; claims hinterland of Hudsonoutrage, 3 36.Bay, 8 890.Lacorne. Name inscribed in class-book of Lagrave, Sister. One of first Grey Nuns atJesuit College, Quebec, 16 368. St Boniface, 20 420.

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