Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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104 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES17 17 ; townships in Upper Canada settledby, 25, 65 ; mode of determining locations,25.His History ofKingsford, William (1819-98).Canada and other literary work, 12 499-500.Kingston. Schools founded at, 18 278, 351 ;constitution of first executive council ofUpper Canada at, 3 173 ;unsuitable as anarsenal, 175 ; St George s Church <strong>com</strong>pleted,11 222 ; Cartwright s plan of incorporation,18 421 ;market established at, 421 ;act forpolice regulation passed, 422 ; agitations forincorporation, 422, 424 ;bill introducingelective principle in its municipal government passed by assembly, 424 ; population(1830), 558 ; incorporated, 425 ; meetingplaceof first Union parliament, 517; RoyalMilitary College founded at (1876), 7 425-6,18 401. See also Cataraqui ;Fort Frontenac.Kingston. ( 1 )Lake Ontario war vessel, 10 494.(2) Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 499. (3)Canadian Navigation Company s steamboat,10 539. (4) Steamboat on Thousand Islandsroute, 10 552.Kingston and Toronto Railway, 10 394 ;charterrepealed in favour of Grand Trunk, 397.Kingston Packet. Lake Ontario schooner, 10493.Kinsale. British warship, 1 211.Kipling, Rudyard (b. 1865). His poem OurLady of the Snows, 14 396.Kirby, Archdeacon. Anglican missionary inAlberta, 20 478.Kirby, William (1817-1906), author of TheGolden Dog. His life and literary works, 12546-8.Kirk, James. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Kirke, Sir David (1596-c. 1655). His expeditionagainst Quebec, 2 324, 400-1 ;FrenchHuguenots among his sailors, 11 254 ;sketchof, 2 400.Kirke, Sir John. Original member of Hudson sBay Company, 1 166, 171 ;Radisson sfather-in-law, 171.Kirke, Sir Lewis (b. 1599), brother of Sir DavidKirke. Takes part in expeditions againstQuebec, 2 401, 11 254.Kirke, Thomas (b. 1603), brother of Sir DavidKirke. Engaged in expeditions againstQuebec, 2 401, 11 254.Kirkland, F. S. His alleged connection withOntario Bribery Plot, 17 167.Kirkland, Samuel (1744-1808). Intrigues withIndians on behalf of revolting colonists, 3 101 ,4 705.Kirkland, T. Assistant in Toronto NormalSchool, 18 324.Kirkpatrick, Sir George Airey (1841-99).Lieutenant-governor of Ontario (1892-97),17 178, 190n.Kirouac, Leon. President of teachers association of Montreal, 16 426.Kitchener, Horatio Herbert, Earl (1850-1916).Favours universal service for Australia andNew Zealand, 7 465.Kittson, Norman W. His services in railwayextension, 19 111.Kleczkowski, M. His speech at Port RoyalTercentenary, 13 65&amp;lt;-6.Klondike. The gold rush to, 22 606-7 ; chiefgold-producing creeks in, 631.Klondike Mines Railway, 22 603.Knapp, Martin Augustine (b. 1843). Memberof International Traffic Rates Commission, 9220.Knight, James (d. 1719). Governor of FortAlbany, 1 183 ; takes possession of FortNelson, 190 ; perishes in expedition to farnorth in search of gold, 194 ;relics of, discovered, 195-6.Knights of Labour. Foundation, organization,policy, and growth, 9 304-5 ;their successin Canada, 305-6 ;first assembly in Canada,300 ; special legislative <strong>com</strong>mittee appointed, 303 their ; quarrel with AmericanFederation of Labour, 306-7 ; preponderating strength, and decline, in Canada, 308 ;expelled from Canadian Labour Congress,308-9; decay abroad, 310; struggle withthe Provincial Workmen s Association ofNova Scotia, 313.Knowles, Sir Charles, Bart. (d. 1777), governorof Louisbourg (1746-47). His treatment ofthe Acadians, 13 3<strong>23</strong> ;endorses Egmont smemorial, 341.Knowles, Charles.Organizes Baptist association in New Brunswick, 14 404.Knowles, Elizabeth Annie M c Gillivray (b. 1866).Artist, 12 627.Knowles, Farquhar M c Gillivray StrachanStewart and (b. 1860). Figure landscapepainter, 12 6<strong>23</strong>.(b. Knowles, Robert Edward 1868). Hisromances, 12 563-4.Knox, General. American representative onSt Croix River Commission, 8 758.Knox College. Presbyterian theological collegeestablished by Free Church of Scotland(1844), 11 276, 18 367 ; accepts universityfederation, 393.Knyphausen s Hessian Regiment. Driven bystress of weather into Charlottetown, 13 354 ;soldiers of settle in St John s Island, 354.Kokanee. Kootenay Lake steamboat, 10 570.Kootenay Falls. Post established by FinanM c Donald at, 4 6G7.Kootenay House. Built by David Thompson(1807), 4 666, 8 849, 21 58.Kootenay Lake. Copper discovery at, 22 558 ;its navigable extent and steamer services,10 570.Kootenay Mining and Smelting Company, 22563.Kootenay River.Named by David Thompsonthe McGillivray, 4 666.Kootenay Smelting and Trading Company, 22564.KootenayS, Indian tribe. Their territory, 11116.Kortright, Reginald Guy. Canadian artist, 12618.Kotte, Louis. Assists in survey work fromCataraqui westward (1783), 17 <strong>23</strong>.Krieghofl, Cornelius ( 1812-72).12 603.Canadian artist,

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