Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Kent and Strathern, Edward Augustus, Duke of(1767-1820). His residence in Halifax, 13249 ;visits St John, 177 ; opposes electionof Bishop Plessis, 11 37-8 ;interested inroad development, 13 179 ; supports Talbot sapplication for a grant in Upper Canada,1760.Kent, George. Pioneer settler in township ofOtonabee, 17 78.Kent. Lake Erie steamboat, 10 501.Kente (Cayuga village), 1 83 ; Sulpician mission at, 85, 86.Keohan, W. M. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Ker, R. Prize-winner at agricultural fair,New Westminster (1867), 22 538.Keraiigue, de. Missionary priest at St Boniface, 11 149.Kerby, George W. (b. 1860). Principal ofMethodist College at Calgary, 11 337.Publishes journal of agricultureKerouack, A.at St Hyacinthe, 16 524.Kerr, Estelle M. Artist, 12 627.Kerr, William Johnson. Commands IndiansOmar Kilborn, Leslie (b. 1867). Methodistmissionary to West China, 11 325.Kildonan. First Presbyterian school in RedRiver Colony established at (1849), 20426.Killaly, H. H. Opposes continuance of TrentCanal scheme, 10 521.Killam, Albert Clements (1849-1908), chiefjustice of Manitoba (1899-1903). On jurisdiction in Manitoba, 20 372-3 ;chief railway<strong>com</strong>missioner, 6 150 ; his work, 10 471.Killian, Doran, Fenian leader. Offers assistance to New Brunswick in resisting Confederation, 14 416.Kimberley, John Wodehouse (1826-1902), firstEarl, colonial secretary (1880-82). Hissuggested settlement of Vancouver Islandrailway dispute, 21 205 ;Sir John Macdonalds characterization of, 9 174.King, E. H. President of Bank of Montreal,5 286 ; favours adoption of American banking system, 10 627-8 ; retirement of, 630.King, George Edwin (d. 1901), premier of NewBrunswick (1872-78). Attorney-general, 14418 ;his School Act of 1871, 420, 553 ;passes Municipalities Act (1877), 424.King, James (1750-84). Assumes <strong>com</strong>mand ofthe Discovery after death of Captain Cook,21 29.King, John (d. 1899). Principal of ManitobaCollege, 11 292, 294, 20 426.King, Rufus (1755-1827),United States ministerin London. Negotiates on St Croix boundary, 8 762 ; concludes King-HawkesburyConvention, 770-1, 783.GENERAL INDEX 103King, William Colsel. Anglican missionaryNova inScotia (1797), 11 205.King, William Frederick (1854-1916). Memberof International Waterways Commission, 8363, 366, 8 838 ; boundary <strong>com</strong>missioner,778, 779, 839, 878, 933.King, William Lyon Mackenzie (b. 1874).Minister of Labour, 6 160, 161, 352 ; andIndustrial Disputes Investigation Act, 9 265.King George. North Pacific coast trader, 2131.King William Land. Explored by JamesClark Ross, 4 686 ;Franklin relics discoveredin, 5 305.King William s War. Its progress and results,13 56-8.Kingdon, Hollingworth Tully (1835-1908).Anglican bishop of Fredericton, 11 212.King-Hawkesbury Convention. Boundary proposed under, 8 771 ;fifth article of, excludedby United States, 839-40 ; refused ratification, 771, 840.King s American Dragoons. Located on theSt John, 13 149.King s American Regiment of Foot. Locatedon the St John, 13 149.at battle of Beaver Dam, 3 243.Ketchum, H. G. G. Proposes construction ofChignecto Ship Railway, 10 532.King s College (New Brunswick). Founded atKettle Falls, Columbia River, 4 668.Fredericton as The College of New BrunsKeveny, Owen (d. 1816). Leader of Selkirkexpedition to Red wick River (1800), 11 240; itsof 1812, 19 <strong>23</strong> provincial grant;and endowment, 14 546 ;charter grantedarrested on a North-West warrant and (1829), 557; its history, 557; be<strong>com</strong>esmurdered, 39.University of New Brunswick (1859), 557-8.Kidd, Adam (1802-31). His poems, 12 568. King s College (Nova Scotia). Opened (1788),11 240 ; history of the institution, 240, 14515-16 ; receives provincial and imperialgrants, 13 242, 14 515 ; university powersconferred on, 13 242 oldest ; university inBritish dominions overseas, 242 ;first placeof Scottishof meeting, 242 ; oppositionimmigrants to state support for, 261-2 ;itstest against Romanists and dissenters,262, 14 515 ;conflict between assembly andcouncil on grant to, 516; imperial grantswithdrawn, 516.King s College (Upper Canada). Its constitution, 18 352-3 ;charter granted, 354 ; fightover its charter, 3 340-1, 18 356-7 ; its improvident financing, 362-3 ;its amended charter(1837), 363 ; opened (1843), 11 224, 18 363 ;first professors of, 364; secularized (1849),11 225. See also Toronto, University of ;Trinity College.King s County Agricultural Society. Founded(1789), 14 649.King s Loyal Americans. Settled in UpperCanada, 17 22 ; and on the St John, 13149.King s New Brunswick Regiment. Raised forgarrison duty in province, 13 176 ; disbanded,177 ;servos in other provinces, 180 ;itswinter march on snow-shoes to Quebec, 186-7;servos in War of 1812, 3 209.King s Rangers. Guard of, punished for maltreatment of American prisoners, 13 <strong>23</strong>7 ;settle in Upper Canada, 17 22, 25.King s Royal Regiment of New York (RoyalGreens or Royal Yorkers). Formed fromrefugee loyalists at Chambly and Montreal,

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