Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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102 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESthrough influence of North-West Company,22 387-8 ;under Hudson s Bay Company,349-50, 388 first ; organization of courts inVancouver Island, 21 118, 22 388-9 ; justicesof peace nominated, 350-1 ; Supreme Courtof Civil Justice created, 390 ;union withcourts of Vancouver Island, 391 ; SupremeCourt, 392-6 ;conflict with legislature,393 ; early organization of inferior courts,393-4 ; powers of Law Society of BritishColumbia, 394-5 ; jury system, 395 ;Courtof Appeal, 395-6 ; County and Minor Courts,397.See Seigneurial System.Juet, Robert. Mutineer of the Discovery, 1152 ;fate of, 156.Julia Palmer. Lake Superior steamboat, 10543.Julien, Henri (1846-1908). Illustrator andetcher, 12 608, 631.Julius. Michigan Central Railway steamboat,10 545.Jumonville, Joseph Villiers, Sieur de (1718-54).Death of, 1 <strong>23</strong>7.Junceria. Obtains consent to teach school atCharlesbourg (1727), 16 350.Juneau, P. E. One of founders of a teachersassociation in Quebec, 16 426.Juneau, Salomon (d. 1856). Pioneer settler ofMilwaukee, 15 77.Juneau, Alaska. Incentive to prospectorsthrough gold discoveries at, 22 606.Jury, Grand, of Quebec. See Quebec.Kaien Island (Prince Rupert). Land grant atto Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, 21 <strong>23</strong>1.Kaine, John Charles (b. 1854). Ministerwithout portfolio in Quebec government, 15213 n.Ealm, Peter (1715-79), Swedish naturalist. Onagricultural conditions in New France, 2580-1 ;on Quebec s social and intellectualeminence, 12 437-8 ;on manners of thewomen, 15 95 ;and Dollier de Casson splanning of Montreal, 300 ;on education inthe colony, 16 333, 384 ;on proximity ofchurch and school, 350 ;his naive remarkson iron works of St Maurice, 577.Kaloolah. Lake Huron steamboat, 10 543.Kaministikwia River, or River of the Assiniboines.Dulhut s trading-post at mouth of,1 105 ; second post constructed, 106 ;LaVerendrye winters at, 119.Kandoucho. Brebeuf and Chaumonot at, 1 65.Kane, Paul (1810-71), Canadian artist. Histranscontinental journey (1846-47), 5 320-4,21 89 ; encounters great herds of buffalo, 53<strong>23</strong> ;his Wanderings of an Artist, 12 516-17 ;sketch of, 602.Karrer. Swiss regiment of, at Louisbourg, 1207.Easlo. Kootenay Lake steamboat, 10 570.Kaslo and Slocan Railway, 22 3G5.Easson, John Adam. American member ofJoint High Commission, 6 135.Eawartha Lakes. Navigation on, 10 605.Eaye s Island. Discovered by Captain Cook,21 28 and n.Eazan River. Its course and total length, 22642.Eean, Charles John (1811-68), English actor.Plays in Montreal (1833), 12 655.Eean, Edmund (1787-1833). Performs atTheatre Royal, Montreal (1B26), 12 655.Eeary, William Holland (b. 1857). Describeefirst fall show at New Westminster (1867),22 538.Eeating, J. W. Superintendent of IndianAffairs in Upper Canada, 5 355.Eeef er, Thomas Coltrin (1821-1915). PreparesCanadian statistics (1850), 5 <strong>23</strong>8 ; plansMontreal water undertaking, 15 310 ;andadministration of Municipal Loan Fund, 18449-50.Eeewatin. C.P.R. steamer of upper lakesfleet, 10 556.Eellett, Sir Henry (1806-75). Captain ofsurvey ship Herald, 21 88 ; <strong>com</strong>mands aFranklin search expedition (1848), 5 297.Eellogg, H. E. American <strong>com</strong>missioner onfisheries <strong>com</strong>pensation, 6 69, 8 695.Kellsey, Henry. Authenticity of his journal,1 193; exploring journey of (1691), 193-4;at defence of Port Nelson, 183 ; governor ofChurchill, 194 leads ; expeditions in searchof North-West Passage, 196.Eemble, Stephen (1740-1822). Promotes landsettlement on the St John, 13 129.Eempt, Sir James (1764-1854), lieutenantgovernorof Nova Scotia (1820-28), administrator of Lower Canada (1828-30). His careeras a soldier, 13 268-9 ; encourages road construction, 269 ; develops mail service inCape Breton, 5 375 ;and Indian settlement,333 ;and the objectionable principlesof Wesleyan missionaries from UnitedStates, 349 ; his conciliatory policy, 3 308-9,4 472 ; resignation of, 3 310.Eendrick, John (d. 1793), captain of theColumbia. Winters on north-west coast,21 37 ; exchanges his ship for the LadyWashington, 38 ;asserts that he circumnavigated Vancouver Island in 1789, 38.Eenmount. Lakes freighter, 10 556.Eennedy, Sir Arthur Edward ( 1810-83), governorof Vancouver Island (1864-66). In favourof union with British Columbia, 21 166, 170 ;his ability, 169-70.Kennedy, John. Justice of peace of VancouverIsland, 21 87.Eennedy, John P. Member of first legislativeassembly of Vancouver Island, 21 112, 124.Eennedy, William. Appointed to investigatemunicipal institutions in Quebec, 4 396.Eennedy, William. Winters at Batty Bayand discovers Bellot Strait, 5 303.Eennedy, William Nassau (1839-85). Memberof provisional council of North-West, 19198.Eennedy Brothers. Publishers of Daily Columbia, New Westminster, charged withbreach of privilege, 21 217-18.Kenny, Sir Edward (1800-91), receirer-generid(1807-69), 6 22, 7 480, 514.Eenora. See Rat Portage.Eenora. Lakes freighter, 10 557*

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