Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 101in Court of Common Pleas, 438 ; trial by law ofjury in <strong>com</strong>mercial succession, 466 cases established ; jurisdiction in con(1785), troversies between Dominion and province,3 120; opposition of French Canadians to 474-5 ; Supreme Court : its history andimposition of English laws, 126.constitution, 467 ; acceptance of Under fees byConstitutional Act, 151, 175 ; pro judges, 467 ; jurisdiction and sittings, 468-9 ;visions of Judicature Act (1794), 4 455-7 ;appeals from, 470 ; Appeal Court, 469 ;organization of Upper Canada, 457-9 ;courts Equity Jurisdiction (Chancery), 469-70 ;of appeal, 459-60, 18 521-2 ;Judicature Acts Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes,of 1803 and 1818, 8 895 ; reconstitution of 470-1 ;Inferior Court of Common Pleascourts of Lower Canada after Rebellion, 4 established (1752), 471 ;abolished (1841),460 ;relations of judiciary to other branches 471 ; County Courts, 471-3 ;Probate Court,of government, 401-3 ; judges made inde 473 ; Municipal Courts, 473-4 ;Justicespendent of the crown and debarred from Courts, 474 ; powers of justices and stipenexecutive or legislative functions, 5 157-8 ;development in the two diary magistrates, 474.provinces, 158-60. New Brunswick :provincial jurisprudence,Confederation :provisions of British North 488-9 ; Equity Jurisdiction, 489 ; SupremeAmerica Act, 161, 6 214 and n. ;divorce Court, 489-91 ; Court of Divorce and Matriprocedure, 284 and n. Supreme Court of monial Causes, 491 ; County Courts, 491 ;Canada : established (1875), 71 ; points of Courts of Probate, 491.attack against the creation, 71-2 ; value of Prince Edward Island :Supreme Court ofprecedents in its decisions, 15 273-4 ;its Judicature, 14 502-3 ; provincial jurisappellate jurisdiction, 279-80 ;and refer prudence, 504 ; Court of Chancery, 504-5 ;ences by governor-general in council, 280-1 ; County Courts, 505 ; Surrogate and Probateand validity of provincial acts, 281-2 ; ap Court, 506 ; Stipendiary Courts, 506.peals from, 282-3. Judicial Committee of the Ontario : Carleton sPrivy Council instructions, 18 514-its <strong>com</strong>position, 282 : ; Court 518 ; division of province, first court setof up,Appeal for interpretation of the constitu 518-20 ;trial by jury introduced (1785), 520,tion, 5 161 ; appeals to, and method of 5<strong>23</strong> ; amendment of court procedure, 520 ;procedure, 15 282-4. Decisions : on Ontario creation of four new districts and their firstboundary dispute, 6 95 ; on ownership of judges, 521 ;law of England appliedlands, timber, and to prominerals within extended perty and civil rights, 5<strong>23</strong> ;criminal law ofboundaries of Ontario, 96 ; on validity of England lawCanada Temperance Act and of province, 525 ; punishmentsof the Crooks for felony, 525 ; provisionAct, 97 ;on McCarthy Act, 98 ;on for interim apgrant of pointments, 526 ;lawIndian reserves under of w^ager abolishedtreaty of 1873, 7 596. (1837), 528; Common Law Procedure ActSee also Federal Constitution under Govern (1856), 529-30; Law Reform Act (1868),ment.530Quebec Civil Code ;act of 1873, 530-1 ; Judicature Actestablished, 15 174 : ; (1881), 532-4 ; sittings of courts and deconstitution of courts, 174-5 ; only province velopmentin which of organization, 534-9 ; limitaEnglish law does not prevail, 254 ; tion in numbercriminal law of uniform with other appeals, 537-8 ; Supremeprovinces Court reconstituted, 538-9. Court of Comand with law of England, 254-5 ; public mon Pleas, 519-20, 5<strong>23</strong>, 529 ; mergedlaw governed by public law inof England, 255 ; Supreme Court of Judicature, 532. Courtderivation and history of Civil Code, 256-8 ; of Kingsources of Code s Bench, 518, 5<strong>23</strong>-4, 525, 526-7, 528,of Civil Procedure, 256 ; 529Custom of Paris and its application to Newits ; judges rendered independent of thecrown, 526 ; merged in Supreme Court ofFrance, 256-7 ; validity of ordinances of Judicature, 532. CourtFrance of in Canada, 257-8 ; subjects transAppeal, 619-20,524, 529, 531 ; mergedferred from in Supreme Court ofprovincial to federal control, Judicature, 532. Court of Probate estab255, 267-0 ;its alteration under change of lished (1793), 5<strong>23</strong>. Surrogate Courts, 5<strong>23</strong>,sovereignty, 258-64 ; distinction between 545-6. County Courts, 525, 530, 540-2.public and private law, 264 ; <strong>com</strong>mercial Court of Chancery, 527-8, 528-9, 530 ;law, 264-7 ; difficulty in distribution of merged in Supreme Court of Judicature, 532.legislative powers, 269-70 ;differs from District Courts, 525 ; Division Courts, 542-5 ;English law on authority of judicial de Exchequer Division of High Court of Justicecisions, 271-4; Circuit Court, 274-5; created, 537 ;Law Society of Upper Canada,Superior Court, 275-6 ; jury trial, 276-7 ; 546-8.Court of Review, 277-8 ; Court of King s Prairie Provinces : Judicial Systems,Bench, 278.20 365-91. Manitoba : General history ofMaritime Provinces. Nova Scotia :justice judicial system, 365-74 ; grand jury and itsdispensed by first governors, 13 76-8 ; Cornwalliss <strong>com</strong>mission (1749), 14 439-40; of Kingfunctions, 333 ; Supreme Court, 374 ;Courtfunctions exercised by governor and s Bench, 375-6 ;Court of Appeal,council, 376-7 ; County Courts, 377-80 ; Surrogate13 85, 86 ; regular courts established, 87, Courts, 380-1 ;Minor Courts, 381. Organi14 466, 467 ; English criminal code adopted, zation of courts in North-West Territories,13 106 ; establishment of circuit courts, 120 ; 19 149-50, 20 381-7. Courts of Saskatchelimits of application of English statute law, wan, 387-90 ; and of Alberta, 390-1.14 464-5 ; provincial jurisprudence, 465-6 ; British Columbia : Canadian jurisdiction

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