Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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100 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESforms King s Royal Regiment of New York,17, 22 ; superintendent-general of Indiandepartment, 4 722 ;assists in settling hisdisbanded loyalists, 17 2-4 ; signs loyalistpetition (1785), 15 147, 17 30 ; <strong>com</strong>pensationfor losses received by, 28 ;sketch of, 21.Johnson, John. Surveys north of source of StCroix, 8 786.(1818-68).delegate Brunswick, 411.Johnson, JohnfromM.NewConfederation14Johnson, Reverdy (1796-1876). Negotiates unratifiedconvention with Great Britain, 8874.Johnson, Sir William, Bart. (1715-74). Agentfor Indian Affairs, 4 098 ;his alliance withMolly Brant, 1 <strong>23</strong>5 ;secures alliance withhis success at Lake GeorgeIroquois, 2 503 ;(1755), 1 242-4 ; captures Fort Niagara, 273 ;on French support of Indian risings, 3 54,55 ;holds Indian council at Niagara, 68 ;Catholic settlement on Mohawk River, 1126 ;death of, 4 705.Johnson, Captain. Reports withdrawal toCanada of Acadians of St John s Island, 13326.Johnson - Clarendon Treaty. Rejected byJoly de Lotbiniere, Sir Henri Gustave (1829-1908). Premier of Quebec (1878-79), 6 76, 15184 ;his struggle to carry on administration,188 ; resignation of, 188-9 ;chairman of<strong>com</strong>mittee on Forestry, 7 666 ;his creationof timber reserves, 16 547-8 ;controller ofInland Revenue, 6 131 ; lieutenant-governorof British Columbia, 21 226, <strong>23</strong>7.Jolys, J. M. A. Parish priest of St Pierre,Man., 11 165.Jonas. Ship in which Poutrincourt sailed forPort Royal, 13 29.Joncaire, Chabert de (d. 1774), French officerat Venango. Reveals French designs on theOhio to Washington, I <strong>23</strong>6.Joncaire, Louis Thomas de (1670-1740), Frenchagent among the Iroquois. Receives presents from Indians, 2 493 n.Jones, Alice. Her novels, 12 565.Jones, Augustus. Surveys township of Waterand control of Indian trade, 4 525-6 ;enunci loo, 17 49.ates British policy, 698-9 ;his influence over Jones, Cecil C. Chancellor of University of Newthe Six Nations, 700-1, 704 ;forms Scottish Brunswick, 14 558 ;member of universitysite <strong>com</strong>mission of British Columbia, 22 439.Jones, David T. Anglican clergyman at RedRiver, 11 227 ; adapts the service to needsof Presbyterian settlers, 20 424.Jones, Fawson. Captain of Halifax privateerRevenge, 13 224.United States Senate, 6 46.Jones, James. Vicar-general at Halifax (1785),Johnston, James. Signs presentment of grand 11 32 his ; <strong>com</strong>plaints, 43.jury of Quebec (1764), 15 128 ;his standing, Jones, John. Signs loyalist petition (1787), 17134.39.Johnston, Professor J. F. W., Edinburgh. Jones, John Paul (1747-92). Founder ofVisits New Brunswick, 14 664 ; present at United States Navy, 3 75.Kingston agricultural exhibition (1849), 18 Jones, Marshall. A grantee of township ofHamilton, 17 44.Jones, Peter (1802-56). His work among theMississagas, 5 331-2.Jones, T. C. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.of Indian563.Johnston, Joseph. Presbyterian minister ordained at Cornwall (1818), 11 266, 267.Johnston, William. First rector of OntarioSchool of Agriculture, 18 572.Johnstone, E. F. B. Vice-president of exhibi Jones, William. Superintendenttions of Toronto Art Museum, 12 636.Johnstone, George. President and <strong>com</strong>mander-Affairs in Upper Canada, 5 355.Jonois, Father. Befriends the English atin-chief in New Brunswick (1808-9), 13 184. Michilimackinac, 3 63.Johnstone, James William (1793-1873). A Jonquest, Etienne. His marriage to AnneBaptist leader, 11 356, 13 288 ; conservative Hebert (1617), 2 393.leader defeated on responsible government,293, 14 449 ; opposes Howe Jouaneaux. Labourer in the hospital ats railway policy, Montreal, 2 414.13 294 ;recovers Nova Scotia s ownership Joubert, Jos. Director of seminary at Stof its coal-mines, 14 394 ;raised to the Boniface, 11 194.bench, 13 296 ;death of, 14 389.Joyer, Ren Pierre (1764-1847). French priestJoibert, Pierre de. See Marson.serving in Maritime Provinces, 11 42.Joint High Commission (1898-99). Appointed Juan de Fuca, Strait of. Discovered by Capto settle outstanding questions with United tain Barkley, 21 32 ; explorations of, 36,States, 6 134-5 ;its <strong>com</strong>position, 135, 9 169 ; 37, 38.failure of negotiations, 6 136-7, 9 170. Judaism. Its history in Canada, 11 386-8.Joli. French warship engaged in reduction of Judicial Systems. Special Articles : Civil CodeFort Nelson (1694), 1 183.and Judicial System of Quebec, 15 253-84 ;Joliette, Barthelemy (1789-1850). Founds a of Ontario, 18 513-48 ; of Prairie Province?,secondary school at Joliette, 16 4<strong>23</strong>.20 365-91 ; of British Columbia, 22 387-97.Jolliet, Louis (1645-1700). Student at Jesuit Courts and their constitution under TreatyCollege, Quebec, 16 363 ; engages in dis of Paris and Quebec Act, 3 31, 4 436-8 ;putation, 371 sent; by Talon to examinecopper-mine on Lake provisions of Quebec Act, 18 514 ;abuse ofSuperior, 1 83-4 ;the power by magistrates, 3 36-7 a conflict of;return journey, 84, 94 ;discovers and explores the Mississippi, 104 and interpretation on introduction of Englishn. ; hydrographerat Quebec, 16 375.controversy on manner of conductinglaw, 38-9 ;and of jurisdiction, 4 437 ;trials

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