Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Jelly, David Finlay (d. 1847). Member ofNorth-West Council, 19 220; and of firstTerritorial assembly, 2<strong>23</strong>, 227, 229.Jemsetgee Cursetgee. Ship built by theSalters, 10 584.Jenkins, James, John, and William. Shipbuilders in Nova Scotia, 10 581.Jenkins, Lieutenant. Taken prisoner at FortOuatanon, 3 63.Jenkinson, G. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Jeremie. Surrenders Fort Nelson, 1 190.Jersey. War vessel on Lake Champlain, 10 487.afterwards Earl of St VincentJervis, John,(1735-18<strong>23</strong>). Wolfe s will placed in hishands, 1 296.Jessop, John (1829-1901). One of fathers ofConfederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n. ;superintendent of Education, 22 424 ;anda central boarding school, 426-8 ;and aprovincial university, 436 ; resignation of,430 ;sketch of, 424-5.Jessup, Ebenezer (1739-1818). Colonel ofKing s Loyal Americans, 17 22 ; settlestownship No. 2 in Upper Canada, 25 ; signsloyalist petition (1785), 35.Jessup, Edw. (1735-1816). In charge ofnecessitous loyalists at Montreal, 15 145 ;assists in settling his disbanded loyalists,17 24 ; signs loyalist petition (1785), 35.Jessup, American general. Re<strong>com</strong>mends erection of forts at mouth of the Columbia, 8861.Jesuit College, Quebec. History of the institution, 16 361-6 ; course of instruction,367-71 ; literary and dramatic representations in, forbidden by Saint- Vallier, 371-2 ;closing of, 399 ; petitions for reopening of,401-2.Jesuit Estates. Vested in the crown aftersuppression of the order in Canada, 11 21-2,15 195; petitions for return of property, 196 ;their administration, 16 408 : appropriatedfor provincial education, 421, 429 ; pass atConfederation to Province of Quebec, 6 106 act ;passed by Mercier government in settlement of claims to (1888), 107, 15 196 ; theGENERAL INDEX 99sisterhoods, 2 410 ; suspension of penal lawof Massachusetts against, 332-3 ; their relations with Laval, 335, 418 ; oppose liquortraffic, 336 ; seigniories of, 554, 656, 557 ;extent of seigniories at close of Frenchregime, 565 ;and Huguenots of New France,11 253-4 ; strained relations with canonsof Quebec, 2 432 ; Caughnawaga reservewithdrawn from their control, 4 717 ;forbidden to recruit their ranks abroad, 16 399 ;expelled from Louisiana, 11 15 ; expelledfrom France, 15 195 ; suppression of theorder (1773), 11 21, 15 195 and n. ;orderre-established, 196 ; return to Canada(1842), 196 ; Parkman on their heroismand devotion, 194. See Jesuit Estates.Jesus, Daughters of, 11 81.Jesus-Marie, Sisters of, 11 101.Jette, Sir Louis Amable (b. 1836), chief justiceof Court of King s Bench. Reports on Baiedes Chaleurs Railway Scandal, 15 203-4 ;member of Alaska Boundary Commission,6 146, 8 938 ;dissents and refuses to signaward, 6 146, 8 939, 950.Jewitt, John R., armourer of the Boston. Heldas a slave by Maquinna, 21 53 ; methodadopted to secure his release, 53-4.Jews. Immigration of, 7 571-2 ; attempts atland settlement by, 571 ; rapid increase in,571 ; as factors in sweating, 571.J. H. Plummer. Lakes freighter, 10 557.Jogues, Isaac (1607-46), Jesuit. His laboursand martyrdom, 2 407, 15 31, 89.Johanssen, George. First to employ hydraulicplant at Klondike, 22 630.John Bull. St Lawrence steamboat, burned in1838, 10 495.John By. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 499.John Eeane. Ship which transported first cargoof grain from Lake Michigan to Buffalo, 10502.John Molson. St Lawrence steamboat, 10 495.John Munn. Steamboat on Montreal-Quebecroute, 10 541.Johns, J., lieutenant, King s Rangers. Assistsin surveys for loyalist settlements on StLawrence, 17 <strong>23</strong>.Pope as arbiter, 6 107 ; agitation in Ontario Johnson, Alexander Smith (1817-78). Americanand motion for disallowance, 107, 15 197, <strong>com</strong>missioner on <strong>com</strong>pensation claims in17 170 ;claimants to, 6 107 ; summary of Oregon, 8 876.settlement, 11 22, 106.Johnson, Bill. Sets fire to the Sir Robert Peel,Jesuits. Their mission at Port Royal (1611- 4393.13), 2 383-6; hostility of Poutrincourt to, 383 ; Johnson, E. Pauline (1862-1913). Her volumeslinguistic difficulties encountered by, 384-5 ; of verse, 12 587.their mission to Micmacs, 385 ; on Mount Johnson, Sir Francis Goodschall (d. 1894).Desert Island, 386 ; raided by Samuel Member of council of Rupert s Land, 19 196 ;Argall, 386 ; their reception at Quebec administrator of Manitoba, 200.(1625), 2 397-8 ; granted fief of Notre Johnson, Guy (1740-88). Superintendent ofDame des Anges (1626), 398, 536, 16 508 ; Indian Affairs, 4 705 ;his influence with theoppose Montmorency Company, 2 398-9 missionaries ; tribes, 706, 17 42 ;details Indian exploitscaptured by Kirke, 401 ;return in 1780, 4 707after retrocession of ; suspension of, 722 ; signscolony, 403 ; account loyalist petition (1785), 3 1<strong>23</strong>, 17 35.of the Huron mission, 404-7 ; assume Johnson, James. Member of first permanentreligious obligations of One Hundred Asso presbyteryciates, 325 in Canada, 11 259.; educational activities of, 16 Johnson, Sir John, Bart. (1742-1830). At sur329-30, 384-5, 432, 435, 20 421 (see Jesuit render of Montreal, 15 146College) effect of ;his influence withpublication of the Rela the Indians, 17 42 ;tions, 15 28-9 ;32 invite ; escapes with his following; co-operation offrom the Mohawk valley, 4 706, 17 21-2 ;

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