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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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579-80. Nova Scotia : iron and steel production, 14 685-90 ; royalty, 475. NewBrunswick :Nipisiguit River deposits, 690-1.Ontario :furnaces, 18 617-18, 633 ;HelenMine in Michipicoten, 620 ; shipment ofores to and from United States, 9 125, 18633 ;<strong>com</strong>bined production and values offurnaces (1910), 634 ; smelting in 1910 <strong>com</strong>pared with that of foreign origin, 634 ;statistics (1906-12), 634. North-West Territories, 22 659.Iron Duke. First iron-hulled boat to run onSt Lawrence, 10 539.Irondequoit Bay, near Charlotte. La Salleencounters Senecas at, 1 90-1.Iroquois. First so named, 1 45 ; Champlainaids in attacks on, 46, 52 ; co-operate withGENERAL INDEX 97tions in production, 122, 185, 248. Quebec : Irving, Faulus ZEinilius (1714-96), colonel.mines of St Maurice, 2 511, 4 529, 589, 16 Lieutenant-governor576-7 ; Batiscan, Radnor, L Islet, and Drummondvilleforges, 577 ;of Montreal (1763-64), 4432 ; president and administrator of Quebeciron forges of Three (1766), 3 35.Rivers and Drummondville districts, 577, Irving, Washington (1783-1859). On the voya579 ;Bristol mines, 577-8 ;Hull deposits, ge urs and their services in Astor s expedition,578 ; iron sands of the Gulf, 578 ; opera 15 73-5.tions at Baie St Paul, St Lawrence, 578-9 ;ore export, 578-9 Irwin, Bennoni. Portrait painter, 12 628.; industrially unimportant, Irwin, Henry. Anglican missionary in BritishIsle des Oiseaux (Funk Island). JacquesCartier at, 1 28, 34.Isle-Dieu, Abb6 de 1 . See La Rue, Pierre de.Isle Jesus. Held by seminaryDutch of Quebecin fur trade, 46, 68 ; their incursions (1712), 2 553.on the colony, 2 330, 331, 413, 457-8, 15 28, Isle of Aix. Hawke breaks up French fleet at,30, 31, 35 ;terrorize other tribes and occupy 1 2?2.beaver lands of Ontario, 1 68-9 ; destroy Isle St Josenh (Christian Island). Hurons takeHuron mission, 2 405-8 ; make peace withat&quot;refuse 2 406.the French (1667), 1 82, 15 35-6; divert Isles aux Margaulx (Bird Rocks). Named bywestern trade to English and Dutch, 2 472 ;Jacques Cartier, 1 30.renewal of troubles (1683), 353-4; failure Italia. Brigof La built at Lunenburg, 10 681.Barre s expedition (1684), 351 ; chiefs Italians. Their qualities and defects as immiseized by Denonville and their surrenderdemanded by Dongan, 355-6 grants, 7 561-2 ;Black Hand societies, 562 ;;a war of value of their penal certificates, 562-3.reprisals, 357-8 ;Frontenac s successes Italy. Provisional <strong>com</strong>mercial arrangementagainst, 358 ; fraternize with French and with Canada concluded (1910), 9 <strong>23</strong>8.trade with British, 361, 370 ;French policyillustrated by negotiations preceding Treatyof Ryswick, 362 ; alarmed over Britishclaims to sovereignty, 362 ; sign treaty ofpeace with French (1701), 362 ; Britishsovereignty over, recognized by Treaty ofUtrecht, 365 ;French attempts to preventassertion of British rights, 366-70 ; andconstruction of forts in their territory, 367,368, 369, 371 ; policy maintenance of balanceof power, 373 ; their distrust of the whites,1 <strong>23</strong>8 ; parley with Montcalm, 252 ; loyalduring Revolutionary War, 17 42 ; canoesand their construction, 10 477-8. See alsoCayugas ; Indians ;Mohawks ; Oneidas ;Onondagas ; Senecas ; Tuscaroras ;SixNations.Iroquois. (1) Lakes freighter, 10 557. (2)Steamer on Varicouver-Ta<strong>com</strong>a route, 10573.Railway and land <strong>com</strong>pany enterprises in Alberta, 20 322-3, 591-2.Irrigation.Irvine, George (d. 1897). Attorney-general ofQuebec, 15 178 n. ; member of ProtestantCommittee of Council of Public Instruction,18 491.Irving, Sir flSmilius (18<strong>23</strong>-1913). Moves protectionist amendment to budget of 1876,680.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IColumbia, 11 <strong>23</strong>4.Isbister, Alexander. Witness before Parliamentary Committee of 1857, 21 125.Isis. British frigate, arrives at Quebec (1776),3 96.Island Of St John. See Prince Edward Island.Isle aux GoudreS. Sighted by Jacques Cartier,1 35 ; Durefl s fleet arrives at, 280.Isle-aux-Noix, Lake Champlain. Defended byBourlamaque (1759), 1 274; fortified postbuilt by Americans at, 3 81.Isle Bacchus. Name first given by JacquesCartier to Island of Orleans, 1 35.Ives, William Bullock (1841-99).the Bowell ministry, 6 126.Resigns fromIzard, George (1777-1828), American general.At battle of Chateauguay, 3 247, 249 ;atFort Erie, 260 ; checked at Cook s Mills,260.Jack, W. Brydone. President of UniversityNew ofBrunswick, 14 558.Jack. Nova Scotia ship, surrenders nearSydney, 13 222 ; subsequent career of,2<strong>23</strong>-4.Jackson, Andrew (1767-1845), president ofUnited States. Defeats British expeditionagainst New Orleans, 3 269 ; endeavours topromote reciprocal trade, 4 585-6 ; andaward of King of the Netherlands, 8 811.Jackson, Charles Thomas (1805-80), Americangeologist. And iron ore deposits of NewBrunswick, 14 689.Jackson, John. Associated in building theAc<strong>com</strong>modation, 10 494.Jackson, John. Pioneer Congregationalist inEastern Townships, 11 382.Jackson, John. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Jackson, William, railway contractor. On impsrialmotives for construction in Canada,10 405.

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