Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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96 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESin Nova Scotia, 360 ;in New Brunswick(1839), 301 ;Prince Edward Island (1838),361; in Canada (1911), 6 332, 11 310;general statistics showing numbers andwealth, 7 6<strong>23</strong>-5; on the Plains (1870), 20286; in the Yukon (1901), 7 610, 22 010;in Mackenzie River Valley, 649 ; of BritishColumbia coast, past and present, 21 287.Conditions : decimated by smallpox (1700),15 45 ; social and economic, 4 719-20 ;predisposition to tuberculosis, 7 615 ;prefer the bottle to the Gospel, 11 129 ;demoralized through contact with whites, 122 ;primitive, on Mackenzie River, 4 674 ; inthe Yukon, 7 610; demoralized by furtraders on Pacific coast, 21 53 ; disappearance of the buffalo and its results, 7 601-2 ;progress since Confederation, 605-6 ;remarks on their future, 622.See also under names of tribes.Industrial Disputes Investigation Act (1907).Its provisions and operation, 9 265, 343.Industry. Lake vessel, 10 486.Inflexible. War vessel on Lake Champlain,10 487.Inglis, Charles (1734-1816). First Anglicanbishop of Nova Scotia (1787-1816), 11 207 ;his visitation of Canada, 214-15 ;and founding of King s College, 13 241-2 ;favoursadmission of dissenters to King s, 262 ;introduces the Bishop Pippin apple, 14 655 ;sketch of, 13 241.Inglis, John (1777-1850). Anglican bishop ofNova Scotia (1825-50), 11 207, 211.Inglis, John. Editor of the EvangelicalPioneer, 11 366.Inglis, Sir John Eardley Wilmot (1814-62),colonel of Rifle Brigade, and grandson ofBishop Charles Inglis. The defender ofLucknow, 13 241.Ingraham, Joseph. Charts coast of QueenCharlotte Island, 21 39.Inkster, John. First teacher in Presbyterianschool at Kildonan, 20 425.Inland Lines of steamships. Merged in Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company(1912), 10553.Innes, John R. Black-and-white artist, 12 631.Institut Canadien. Year Book of, condemnedby Bishop Bourget (1868), 11 89.Insulter. Ship employed in suppression ofpiracy, 13 220.Intendant. Office of established (1665), <strong>23</strong>45 ;his powers and duties, 345-6 ; appointed president of council (1675), 348;zeal of holders of office for colony s wellbeing,5/8-9; omnipresent in functions ofgovernment, 579.Intercolonial Railway. Effect of AshburtonTreaty on Quebec and St Andrews scheme,10 378 ; military and political advantagesof Halifax and Quebec project, 378-80 ;surveys made and estimated cost, 6 29-30,10 378 ; appeal for imperial aid and itsrefusal, 379-80 ;colonial offers of assistance,380 ;scheme <strong>com</strong>plicated by European andNorth American Railway, 381 ;Howe scampaign in England, 381-2 ; imperialgovernment s offer to aid trunk line, 382 ;provincial <strong>com</strong>mitments, 382-3 ; conditionsof construction and estimated cost per mile,383 ; misunderstanding on imperial guarantee and its withdrawal, 383-4 ;rival routes,6 30-1, 10 384, 418 ; interprovincial agreement on construction, 417 ;statistics ofrailway mileage and cost at Confederation,417 ; imperial guarantee for, 417-18 ;acondition of Confederation, 418 ;Dominionaid to, 7 476, 481 ;a political, not a <strong>com</strong>mercial undertaking, 10 418-19, 405 ;Dominion ownership of, 6 327, 10 419 ; mileagein 1876, and total cost of construction, 419 ;acquires other lines, 466 ;attitude ofMaritime Provinces to criticism of, 466-7 ;effect of construction on postal development,7 634-5, 641-2 ;aids in fostering interprovincialtrade, 9 118 ;its <strong>com</strong>mercialfailure used as an argument against stateownership, 264.International. Red River steamboat, 10 567,20 287.International Bank. Founded at Cayuga, 5280 ;failure of (1859), 283.International Financial Association. Assumescontrol of Hudson s Bay Company (1863), 8930, 19 61.International Joint Commission (1910). Itspowers and status, 6 307, 9 219-20 ; membership and meetings of, 6 308.International Seal Conference. Treaty arranged at Washington (1911), 8 747-8. SeeBering Sea Dispute.International Typographical Union. Convention held in Toronto (1881), 9 300 ; benefitsof membership, 335-6.International Waterways Commission (1903).Members of, 6 363, 364, 306 ; questionsconsidered by, 364-0, 308-9, 8 838-9, 9 219 ;superseded by International Joint Commission (q.v.), 6 367-8.Interprovincial Conferences (1887, 1901), 15197-9, 212.Invermore. Steamer of Reid-NewfoundlandCompany, 10 502.Inverness, Eastern Townships. Copper oredeposits of, 16 583.Investigator. Ship of Ross s Franklin searchexpedition (1848), 5 297 ;sails with M c Clure(1850), 301-2.Ionian. Allan liner, 10 007.Ionic. Lakes freighter, 10 555.Iphigenia. Sailed by Meares under Portugueseflag, 21 33, 34, 36, 37 ;seized at Nootka, 42.Ireland. Address of American Congress topeople of (1776), 3 101.Irish Immigration. MacNutt s settlements inNova Scotia, 13 112-13; first immigrationsto Quebec, 15 162 ;Colonel Wyndam sscheme (1839), 5 205, 207 ; typhus epidemic(1847), 11 96-7, 13 206 ;in New Brunswick(1819), 191 ;in the forties, 14 404-5 ;movement from south of Ireland to Peterborough, 17 84-7; Irish Catholic arrivals,11 48.Iron. Ores of Appalachian Region, 9 34 ;deposits of Laurentian Plateau, 42 ;fluctua-

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