Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESHunter. (1) Ship of Wolfe s expedition of1759, 1 207. (2) Sloop-of-war at Quebec(1775), 3 85. (3) British ship engaged inbattle of Lake Erie, 10 492. (4) Steamboaton Collingwood-Chioago route, 10 546.Hunter-Duvar, John (1830-99). His poeticqualities, 12 584.Huntingdon, Collis Potter (1821-1900). Aidsin construction of Vancouver Island railway,21211.Huntington, Herbert. Joseph Howe s secondin his duel with Halliburton, 13 292.Huntington, Lucius Seth (1827-86). AccusesSir John Rose of favouring a <strong>com</strong>mercialunion which discriminated against GreatBritain, 9 129 ;demands independenttreaty-making powers for Canada, 176 ;hisresolution on Pacific Scandal, 6 55-6 ; andthe <strong>com</strong>mission of inquiry, 58 ; author ofProfessor Conant, 12 548.Huntley, Sir Henry Vere. Lieutenant-governorof Prince Edward Island (1841-47), 13 368.Hurlbert, Dr. First vice-president of Fruitgrowers Association of Upper Canada, 18567.Huron. Windsor-Detroit car ferry, 10 547.Huron College, London (Anglican). Established (1863), 11 242, 18 390.Huron-Iroquois, Indians. Meet Cartier atChaleur Bay, 1 32.Huron Tract. Acquired by Canada Company,17 91-2.Hurona. Thomson Line steamship, 10 614-5.Huronic. Northern Navigation Company ssteamboat, 10 555.Hurons, Indian tribe. Visited by Champlain,1 46, 55 ;a sedentary race, 53 ; ally withthe French, 47, 52, 68 ; quarrel with Algonquins,55 ; slay Etienne Brule, 57 ;Champlainannexes their country, 58 ; seek toprevent direct trading between French andNeutrals, 63, 64, 66 ; Le Caron s mission to,2 388 ; wel<strong>com</strong>e Champlain on his return toCanada, 402 ; Jesuit mission to, 404-8 ;number of (c. 1634), 404 ;destruction ofmissions and dispersion by Iroquois, 405-8 ;remnants established at Sillery, 557 ;withdraw from Lake Superior, 1 81 ;theirdecimated numbers, 15 45.Huskisson, William (1770-1830), secretary forWar and the Colonies (1827-28). Negotiatesboundary questions with United States, 8792, 844, 845 ;on retention of Canada, 3305-6 ; reforms colonial and external tradesystem, 4 567-75 ;an advocate of freer trade,567, 583 ; his influence in repeal of Navigation Acts, 555.Hussey, William. Begins coal-mining operations at Inverness, Nova Scotia, 14 679 ;discovers iron ore in Nipisiguit River, 690.Hussey, Father. Vicar-general for Quebec inLondon, 11 32.Huston, Guy. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Hutcheson, James. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Hutchinson, W. B. President of AcadiaCollege, 11 358.Hutton, Sir Edward Thomas Henry (b. 1848),major-general Canadian Militia (1898-1900).Scheme of reorganization, 7 436-7 ;frictionwith Militia department, 6 151, 7 443.Hutton, J. Scott. Principal of Halifax Institution for the Deaf, 14 534.Hutton, Maurice (b. 1856). Professor ofclassics at Toronto University, 18 390.Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-97). A rejected applicant for a chair in UniversityCollege, Toronto, 18 386.Hyde, Margaret. Her relationships withLieutenant-governor Patterson, 13 351.Iberville, Pierre le Moyne, Sieur d (1661-1706).Ac<strong>com</strong>panies de Troyes against Hudson Bay,1 177 ; captures Forts Moose, Charles, andAlbany, 178-80 ;returns to the Bay, 180-1 ;his campaign against New England, 181 ;captures Fort Nelson, 183 ; destroys Britishsettlements in Newfoundland, 184 ;defeatsEnglish fleet and recaptures Fort Nelson,185-7 ; charged with tainted motives, 15 58.Iceland. Henry Hudson replenishes suppliesat, 1 151.Icelanders. Their settlements in Manitoba, 7532, 20 296 ; progress and adaptability of,7 532-3, 20 435-6 ; condition on arrival(1876), 7 533 ; number of arrivals (1900-10),534.Ihonatiria. Br6beuf wel<strong>com</strong>ed by Hurons at,2 404.He Emenenic (Caton s Island). First Europeansettlement in New Brunswick established at,13 33.Be-Perc6e. Recollet mission at, 2 420, 424.He Royale. See Cape Breton.lie St Jean. See Prince Edward Island.Illinois River. Fort constructed by La Salloon, 1 102.Immaculate Conception, Canons of the, 11 69.Immigration. Special Articles Immigration:and Population, 7 517-90.New France : colonists brought byChamplain (1633), 2 325; arrivals in thecolony (1641), 15 28; the SovereignCouncil on distribution and best class ofimmigrants, 2 341 ; assistance given tosettlers and care exercised in selection, 469,15 3G-7 ; mortality heavy, 2 341 and n. ;new settlers put on apprenticeship, 342 ; deportation of undesirables, 342, 353, 417, 1532, 41 ; desertions of immigrants from theirmasters, 2 342 ; King s girls brought outto wive with settlers, 342-3, 541, 15 41-2 ;rapidity with which they were mated, 42-3 ;number of arrivals (1659-73), 57 ;numberof soldiers who settled in 1668, 1669, and1671, 57 ; majority of immigrants literate t90-1 ; cessation of immigration after 1713,2 370 ; evasion of decree requiring vesselssailing to Canada to carry labourers, 507 ;meagre in eighteenth century, 15 49.Under British regime as a means of :getting rid of surplus population, 4 576-7 ;influx of undesirables, 577 ; statistics (1826-32), 577 ; its effect in stimulating railwaydevelopment, 10 370 ; contrasted types of

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