Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXreceived for surrender of its territorial Hughes, Sir Richard, Bart. (1729-1812),rights, 19 207 and n. ;honourable traditions lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia (1778-81).of, 1 169-70 ;its treatment of Indians, 5 318- On masting trade of the St John, 14 600.320, 7 607 ;its services to exploration, 4 640, Hughes, Sir Sam (b. 1853). Serves in South5 312-13 ;and imperial extension and con African War, 7 439 ;and the cadet system,solidation, 8 907, 21 85 efficient administra 459.:tion of, 75 ; political status and legislative Hugonard, Joseph (b. 1848). Missionary priestand judicial functions, 20 3G6-8 ; conflicting in Qu Appelle Valley, 11 161, 193.interests of settlement and fur trade, 19 57-8,21 70, 82 ;what its rule ac<strong>com</strong>plished andHuguenots in New France. Hostility of toCanadian missions, 2 389 ; 397 ; their exwhat it failed to ac<strong>com</strong>plish, 19 148 ; crops clusion viewed from Richelieu s standpoint,grown at outlying posts, 20 558.15 25-6 ;their services to the colony, 11Boundaries :according to charter, 8 879- 253-4 ;Parkman on their expulsion, 254.880 ;claims (1719), 888-9 ; acknowledged by Hull, William (1753-1826), American general.British government to be 49th parallel, Takes part in War of 1812, 3 202841-2 ; arguments on ;his inlimits of territory in decision, 220 ;surrenders at Detroit, 2<strong>23</strong>.Ontario boundary dispute, 898-902 unde; Humbert, Stephen (d, 1849). His expulsiontermined, 20 369.from assembly of Nova Scotia, 13 168.Oregon and British Columbia : trade mono Hume, Edward, captain of the Perpetuana.poly extended in 1821, 21 62 ; organization Captured by the French and sent to Marand extent of Western Department, 63 ; tinique, 1 177.undersells Americans in Oregon, 65-6 ;dis Hume, Joseph (1777-1855), British radicalapproves of Mc Loughlin s aid to American politician. Supports nationalist party inimmigrants in Oregon, 70-1 ;British inter Lower Canada, 3 319 ;and Mackenzie sests <strong>com</strong>promised, 8 868 and n. ; anticipates reform movement, 346 ;obtains parliawithdrawal from Oregon country by settling mentary return on emoluments of deputyon Vancouver Island, 21 71, 76 ;under postmaster -general, 4 752.Oregon Treaty, 8 869 and n. ;founds Fort Hume, J. Fred. Provincial secretary of BritishCamosun on Vancouver Island, 21 77-8 ; Columbia, 21 224.desires control of territory north and west Hume, William. A pioneer salmon canner onof Rupert s Land, 79 ;obtains grant of Pacific coast, 22 467.Vancouver Island, 80 ;terms of grant, 80-1, Humphreys, Thomas Basil. A political re85-6 ; opposition to grant in England, 81-2 former of Vancouver;Island, 21 133 ; memarguments in its favour, 81-2 ;how condi ber of council, 176 ;member of first legislations enured to benefit of, 82-3 ;conditions tive assembly, 180 ;minister of Finance,inimical to development, 22 541-2 ;its 197 ;and the secession address, 198 ; promethods of stamping out <strong>com</strong>petition, 21 83 ;vincial secretary, 202, 208, 209.charged with instigating death of deserters Hungarian. Allan liner wrecked (1860), 5from its service, 93-6 ;its autocratic and 402, 10 605.monopolistic rule, 124-5 ; requests renewal Hungarian Immigration in Saskatchewan andof its trade monopoly, 125 obtains neutral;Alberta, 19 168, 177.ization of territory on west coast of North Hungerford, Sir Edward (1632-1711). OriginalAmerica during Crimean War, 8 929 ;House member of Hudson s Bay Company, 1 106.of Commons inquiry and its re<strong>com</strong>menda Hunt, A. S. Superintendent of Education,tions (1857), 21 125 ; revocation of trade Nova Scotia, 14 532.licence on mainland, 126 ;rule on Vancouver Hunt, Wilson Price. His expedition from theIsland ended and <strong>com</strong>pensation paid to, 127 ; Mississippi to mouth of the Columbia, 21ita stations and officials in charge, 127 n. 59-60;;on the abandonment of Astoria,and gold rush of 1858, 136-7 ; Lytton and 60-1.exclusive trade, 145 ;its administration of Hunter, Gordon (b. 1863), chief justice ofjustice, 22 349-50, 388 ;fur trade made British Columbia. Member of senate ofpossible by wealth of fish food, 446 ;in University of British Columbia, 22 442.augurates steamship service, 10 569 ; oper Hunter, Mrs Jeffrey. Gives lodging to Thomasates Nanaimo coal-mines, 22 559 ;associated Talbot, 17 64.with genesis of farming, 527-9 ;educational Hunter, Joseph. Member of first legislativework of at Victoria, 401-3.assembly of British Columbia, 21 180 ;Huet, Paul, R6collet. Founds Franciscan instructed to ascertain position of Stikinefriary at Quebec (1617), 2 390-1.boundary-line, 8 931.Huggeford, Peter. Leader of Lower Cove party Hunter, Sir Martin (1757-1846). Presidentat St John (1785), 13 164.and <strong>com</strong>mander-in-chief in New BrunswickHuggins, W. Hudson s Bay Company official, (1808, 1809-11, 1811-12), 13 184.22 528.Hunter, Peter (1746-1805), lieutenant-governorHughes, Charles, lieutenant-colonel. Repulsed of Upper Canada (1799-1805). Commandingat St Denis, 3 362 ;his second attack, 363. forces in Lower Canada, 3 156 ;applies forHughes, James. Superintendent of Indian improved postal facilities, 4 734, 735 ; 3Affairs, Lower Canada, 5 355.183, 4 451, 557.Hughes, J. C. Member of first legislative Hunter, Archdeacon. Anglican missionary inassembly of British Columbia, 21 180. Alberta (1858), 20478.

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