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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Hood s River. Franklin s ascent of, 4 681-2.Hope, Heniy (d. 1789). Lieutenant-governorand administrator of Quebec (1785-86), 3121 ; stops prosecutions for recovery of lodaet ventes, 4 497.Hope, William. Landscape painter, 12 620.Hope, Township of. Original grantees of, 17 44.Hope. ( 1 ) Ship in which Philadelphia Companydispatched settlers to Nova Scotia, 13 111.(2) Warship engaged in suppressing piratesin Bay of Fundy, 13 136. (3) Brig whichconvoyed Van Alstine s loyalists from NewYork to Quebec, 17 25. (4) Charts coast ofQueen Charlotte Islands (1791), 21 39.*Hope s Checkt. Button s farthest on HudsonBay, 1 156.Hopewcll. Hudson s ship, engaged in searchfor North-East Passage (1607), 1 150.Hopkins, John Castell (b. 1864). His literaryworks, 12 510, 5<strong>23</strong>.Hopkins, Lieutenant. Effects landing at Freshwater Cove, Louisbourg (1758), 1 224.Hopp, John. Operates gold-mines in Cariboodistrict, 22 575.Hppson, Peregrine Thomas (d. 1759). Governor-GENERAL INDEX 89in-chief of Nova Scotia (1752-56), 13 93, 14440.Horan, Edward John (1817-75). His ministrations during typhus epidemic (1847), 11 96Roman Catholic bishop of ;Kingston (1858-74), 55.Horan, Abb J. First director of Laval NormalSchool, 16 429.Horden, John (1828-93). First Anglican bishopof Moosonee (1872-93), 11 <strong>23</strong>1.Hornerite Movement, 11 399.Horse Indians, 1 128.Horseshoe Reef, Niagara River. Cession of, toUnited States, 8 831.Horticultural and Fruit-Growers Associationof British Columbia, 22 547.Horton. First Baptist church in Nova Scotiaformed at, 11 352 ; post office opened at(1788), 5 373.Horton Academy, Wolfville. Opened (1829),11 356, 14 517.Hotel-Dieu, Montreal. A specimen of French-Canadian architecture, 12 670.Houdin, Michael (d. 1766). Anglican clergyman at Quebec (1759), formerly Superior ofRecollet Convent, 11 213.Hoiiel, Louis, Sieur du Petit-Pre. Interestedin Canadian missions, 2 387.Houghtpn, Douglas (1801-45), state geologistof Michigan. On copper deposits of LakeSuperior, 18 621.Hovey, Richard. Joint author of Songa fromVagabondict, 12 579.How, Captain Edward. Shot while parleyingwith disguised Indians, 13 92.Howard, A. L.(Gat ).Killed in SouthAfrican War, 7 439.Howard, Joseph. Accused of <strong>com</strong>plicity inWalker outrage, 3 36.Howay, Frederick William. Member of senateof University of -British Columbia, 22 442.Howe, C. D. Aids in forest survey of NovaScotia, 14 621.Howe, George Augustus, third Viscount Howe(1725-58). Killed at Ticonderoga, 1 266.Howe, John (1752-1835), deputy postmastergeneralof Nova Scotia (1804-19). Printerof Nova Scotia Magazine, 13 243 ; foundsthe Weekly Chronicle, 274 ; obtains assistance from legislature in improving postalfacilities, 5 374 his ; report on mail routes,374-5, 377 n. ;loses on publication of Haliburtons History, 13 272.Howe, John (1785-1843), deputy postmastergeneralof Nova Scotia. His tour of 1825establishing post offices, 5 376 ; his in<strong>com</strong>ein 1840 <strong>com</strong>pared with Stayner s, 378 ;deputy for New Brunswick, 385-6.Howe, Joseph (1804-73), secretary of state forthe Provinces (1869-73). His first poem, 13244 ; acquires the Novascotian, 275 ; upholds Dalhousie s exercise of the prerogative,276-7 ; and freedom of the press, 278 ;begins his campaign for reform, 281 ; prosecuted for libel, defends his own case, andis acquitted, 283-4 ; elected for HalifaxCounty, 284 ;on Papineau s movement, 315;his Twelve Resolutions and their influencein securing reform, 13 285-6, 14 447-9 ;shows his parliamentary aptitude, 13 286 ;visits Great Britain, 286 ; an incident onboard the Tyrian and its historic sequel, 5365, 10 596-7, 13 286-7 ;in conflict withlieutenant-governors, 290-2 ; on overridingof governors by officials, 311; holds a seaton executive council, 14 448 ;editor of theMorning Chronicle, 13 291 ; poor throughimmersion in politics, 291 ; socially ostracized, 291-2 ; fights a duel, 292 ; provincialsecretary, 293 ; advocates Halifax andQuebec Railway scheme, 10 379, 388, 13294 ; conducts railway campaign in England,10 381-2 ; favours public ownership, 388 his ;prophecy of a transcontinental railway,420, 13 299 ; railway <strong>com</strong>missioner, 294 ;his recruiting campaign in New Englandduring Crimean War, 7 394, 13 296 ;defeated by Tupper in Cumberland County,295 ; member of Prince Edward Island LandCommission (1860), 366 ; declines invitationto Charlottetown Conference, 300 ;hismotives in opposing Confederation, 300-1 ;sweeps the province against Confederation,14 380 his ; repeal mission to England, 6 27,13 302, 14 330 ; secures better terms forNova Scotia, 6 29, 7 489-90, 14 381-2 ;accepts office in Dominion cabinet andconsequent loss of popularity in Nova Scotia,6 28-9, 7 620, 14 381 ;Hants election fight,382 ; his attitude to Reel River troubles, 634, 11 174, 19 70-1, 73, 81 ; declining yearsand death, 14 382-3 ; the man and hisachievement, 383-4 ;his literary qualities,12 531-2 ; his loyalty, 3 14-15 ; genius, 13282-3 his ;personal intrepidity, 292 ;hisservices in winning responsible government,293 his ;imperialism, 299 ;Nova Scotia stribune of the people, 6 26 ;his biographers and their works, 12 509-10.Howe, Sir William, fifth Viscount Howe (1729-1814). At the battle of the Plains, 1 298.

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