Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESof loans, 7 485 ; his financial policy, 501 ;arbitrator in Ontario boundary dispute, 693, 8 896.Hind, Henry Youle (18<strong>23</strong>-1908). Teacher inToronto Normal School, 18 312 ; instructedto report on suitability of West for settlement, 19 60 his ; explorations west of LakeWinnipeg, 5 314-15 ; on presence of alluvialgold in New Brunswick, 14 691 ;his literaryworks, 12 525-6.Hindu Immigration. A menace to Canada, 7569 ;difficulties surrounding restriction,570 ; acclimatization and caste, 570.Hinshelwood, Archibald. Summoned to bar ofassembly of Nova Scotia, 13 105.Hitt, Robert Roberts (6. 1834). EndorsesButterworth s reciprocity measure (1887),9 166.H. M. Pellatt. Lakes freighter, 10 557.Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood (1816-95), Americanjurist. Commissioner in arranging Treatyof Washington, 6 48.Hoar Frost River. Back s ascent of, 4 686.Hobart, Robert, Baron Hobart, fourth Earl ofBuckinghamshire (1760-1816), secretary forWar and the Colonies (1801-4). Statesobjection to emigrant settlement by theIrish, 19 15 ;and grants to disbandedGlengarries, 17 68 ;and founding of RoyalGrammar Schools, 16 450.Hobert, Frederick. On iron and steel industryin British Columbia, 22 556-7.Hobson, John B. Operates gold-mines inCariboo district, 22 575, 576.Hobson, William Robert. Discovers record of Athabaska, 11 <strong>23</strong>1-2.Franklin s last expedition, 5 296, 305. Holmes, Abbe Jean (1799-1852). As a pulpitHochelaga, Iroquois village on Montreal Island. orator, 12 480 ;his work for education, 16Jacques Cartier s reception at, 1 37.417, 422.Hochelaga. Indian name for district extending from Holmes, John. United States boundary <strong>com</strong>Quebec to Lachine, 1 35.missioner, 8 772.Hochelay. Indian village on site of Three Holmes, R. Canadian painter, 12 625.Rivers, 1 40.Holmes, Ensign Robert. Tomahawked at FortHocquart, Gilles (1649-17<strong>23</strong>), intendant of Miami, 3 63.New France (1731-48). Calls in ordonnances, Holmes, Simon Hugh (b. 1831), editor of2517; issues card money, 518 ; says he is Colonial Standard. Premier of Nova Scotialosing control of colonial finances, 518 ; pro (1878-82), 14 390.motes shipbuilding, 508-9 ; announces dis Holmes, Dr. Member of medical faculty ofcovery of masting timber, 10 473 ;on the M c Gill University (1829), 16 496.habitants, 2 583, 15 94, 96.Holte, Lieutenant. Killed in affray of SevenHodges, Silas. One of grantees of township of Oaks, 19 37.Cramahe, 17 44.Holton, Luther Hamilton (1817-80). FavoursHodges, Thomas. One of fathers of Confedera <strong>com</strong>mercial union, 9 166 ;interested intion in British Columbia, 21 171 n.railway projects, 10 396, 397 ;and guaranHodgins, John George (b. 1821). Librarian and tees for Protestants of Quebec under Conhistoriographer of department of Education, federation, 16 483.Ontario, 18 324.Holy Cross, Fathers of the. Settle in Montreal,Hodson, Frederick W. (b. 1856). Official of 11 88 ;found college of Memramcook, 79.department of Agriculture, 7 674.Holy Name of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the.Hoey, James. Member of first legislative Founded (1847), 11 88 ;educational work of,assembly of the Territories, 19 2<strong>23</strong>.Hofmeyr, J. H. Favours colonial import taxfor imperial defence, 6 188.Holborne, Francis (1704-71). Attempts toblockade Louisbourg, 1 221, 256.Holbrook, Henry. Member of first legislativecouncil and assembly of British Columbia,21 166, 180 ; <strong>com</strong>missioner of Lands andWorks, 181.Holcroft, Captain, R.A. (d. 1858). At battleof Queenston Heights, 3 <strong>23</strong>1, <strong>23</strong>4, <strong>23</strong>5.Hold with Hope. Name given by HenryHudson to Cape Hope s Advance, 1 151.Holiness Movement, 11 399.Holland, A. H. Founds Acadian Recorder, 13274 his ; energy and fearlessness, 275, 277.Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, thirdBaron Holland (1773-1840). Negotiates unratifiedboundaries agreement with UnitedStates, 8 771, 783, 840.Holland, Samuel (1717-1801). His survey ofSt John s Island, 13 332-6 ;his instructions,332 ; voyage from England to Quebec, 332-3 ;builds winter quarters at Holland s Cove,333-4 ; on population, social conditions, etc.,335 ;finds only thirty Acadian families, 101 ;division into counties and lots, 335 ;ontown sites, 335-6 ; surveys for loyalist settlements, 17 <strong>23</strong> ; settles his disbanded loyalists,24 ; surveyor-general of Upper Canada, 15122 ; applies for grants in Eastern Townships, 148.Holland. Colonial policy of, in seventeenthcentury, 2 445-6.Holland House, near Quebec. Montgomery sheadquarters, 3 88, 90.Holmes, Benjamin. Introduces measure regulating savings banks (1841), 5 270.Holmes, Charles (1711-61), rear - admiral.Commands ships above Quebec, 1 287 ;reconnoitres with Wolfe, 291 final ; plan forreduction of Quebec <strong>com</strong>municated to, 295.Holmes, George (b. 1860). Anglican bishop of16 439 ;establish a school at St Boniface,20 421.Homer, J. A. R. Member of first legislativecouncil of British Columbia, 21 ICO ;166.Honguedo. Indian name for Gaspe Peninsula,1 35 n.Hood, Robert. Ac<strong>com</strong>panies Franklin expedition of 1819-22, 4 679 ;on Coppermine River,680 ;death of, 682.

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