Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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86 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESHebert, Louis Philippe (b. 1850). His work asa sculptor, 12 632.Heceta, Bruno, Spanish navigator. Discoversthe Columbia River, 8 846, 849, 21 21.Heck, Paul. Pioneer Methodist of UpperCanada, settles in Augusta township (1778),11 304.Hecla. Ship of Parry s Arctic expedition of1821, 4 685.Hector. Ship which conveyed first ScottishHighland immigrants to Pictou County,Nova Scotia, 13 111.Height of Land Lake. Explored by de Noyon,1 113.Heliopolis. Name of Royal George, when employed in Mediterranean service, 10 614.Helm, Boone (desperado). Visits Victoriaduring gold influx of 1858, 21 139.Helm, of Cobourg. Awarded prize at Cobourgagricultural exhibition (1848), 18 5G3.Helmcken, John Sebastian (b. 1825). Justice ofpeace of Vancouver Island, 21 94, 22 388 ;memberon a punitive expedition, 21 95-6 ;of first legislative assembly, 112; appointedspeaker, 113; opposes Confederation, 171;delegate to Ottawa, 174 ;elective memberof council, 176; sketch of, 117-18.Heming, Arthur Henry Howard (b. 1870).Black-and-white artist, 12 631.Henderson, Alexander (b. 1861). Attorneygeneralof British Columbia (1899-1900), 21224.Henderson, Lieutenant, afterwards Sir EdmundYeamans Walcott (1821-96). Surveys forHalifax-Quebec railway, 14 407.Hendrick, Mohawk sachem. On the quarrelsbetween English and French, 1 <strong>23</strong>8 ;slain atFort George, 243.Hendrie, Sir John Strathearn (6. 1857). Ministerwithout portfolio in Ontario cabinet, 17184.Hendry, Anthony. On Red Deer River, 1 140 ;his journey from Hudson Bay to theSaskatchewan, 197-8.Hendryx, W. A. Interested in Blue Bell mine,Kootenay Lake, 22 563.Heneker, R. W. Member of Protestant Committee of Council of Public Instruction,Quebec, 16 491.Henley House, Albany River. Its construction, 1 192, 8 899.Hennepin, Louis (1640-1706), Recollet. Takesup mission at Rente, 1 86 ;with La Salle onLake Michigan, 101 ; rescued by Dulhut,112 ; reports presence of coal on IllinoisRiver, 14 672.Henrietta. (1) Lake Ontario vessel, 10 494.(2) Steamboat on St John and Annapolisroute, 10 561.Henrietta Maria. Sails for Hudson Bay (1631),1 158.Henry IV of France (1553-1010). Conditionsfor evangelization of Indians, 2 381 ;effectof his assassination on French expansion inAcadia, 13 32.Henry VH of England (1457-1509). Patron ofJohn Cabot, 1 19 ;awards pension to Cabot,21 ;makes grants to western voyagers, 24.Henry, Prince of Wales (1594-1612). Patronof Merchant Adventurers (1612), 1 155.Henry, Alexander, the Elder (1739 1824).Taken captive by Indians at Michilimackinac,3 64, 15 125-6 ; partner in co-operativetrading <strong>com</strong>pany, 4 542 ; joins North-WestCompany, 543 his ; explorations, 643-50,15 126 ;on manner in which Indians obtained supplies from him, 4 644 ;ascendsthe Saskatchewan, 645 ;on Chatique smanner of exacting tribute, 645-6 ;describesa buffalo hunt, 647-9 ;on his voyageurs, 1572-3 ; signs Quebec traders petition, 140 ;applies for grant in Eastern Townships, 126,148 ;his Travels and Adventures, 12 512.Henry, George (1709-95). Organizes firstPresbyterian congregation at Quebec, 11 265,15 124.Henry, John. Sells confidential reports toUnited States, 3 195.Henry, Robert. On the Seven Oaks affray,19 36.Henry, Samuel. His farming operations onStewart River, 22 615.Henry, William Alexander (1816-86). Negotiates on reciprocity, 9 128.Henry Clay. Lake Erie steamboat, 10 501.Herald. (1) British survey ship on Pacificcoast, 21 88. (2) Kellett s ship in Franklinsearch expedition, 5 298.Herbert, Sir Ivor John Caradcc, Bart. (b. 1851),major-general <strong>com</strong>manding the militia inCanada (1890-95). Reforms Canadianmilitia, 7 428-9.Herbert, Michael H. British signatory toAlaska Boundary Convention, 8 933, 936.Herbomez, Louis Joseph d (1822-90). Vicarapostolicof British Columbia (1863-90), 11143, 147, 149, 179.Hercules. First towboat on St Lawrence, 10495-6.Herdman, J. C. Presbyterian superintendentof missions for British Columbia, 11 295.Heriot, Frederick George, major-general (1766-1843). Founder of Drummondville, 15 152.Heriot, George. Deputy postmaster-generalof Canada, 4 734, 736 ;his literary works,12 496-7.Heriulfsson, Biarne. His voyage to NorthAmerican coast, 13 15.Hermione. French frigate engaged in actionnear Sydney, 13 222.Hermitte, L . Engineer at Louisbourg, 1203.Hero. Privateer fitted out at Chester, NovaScotia, 13 221.Heron, Andrew. Associated in building theAlciope, 10 498.Heroux, Omer (b. 1876). Editor of Le Devoir,12 477.Herschel Island. Franklin at, 4 683.Herschell, Farrer, first Baron Herschell (1837-99). Chairman of Joint High Commission(1898), 6 135,9 169; dies at Washington,6 135.Hertel, Francois (d. 1722). His reason forpermitting himself to be taken alive byMohawks, 15 31.

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