Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXHaultain, Sir Frederick William Gordon (b.1857). Member of North-West Council, 19214; member of first Territorial assembly,224 ;on advisory council on finance, 227 ;agitates for control of public funds byassembly, 228-9, <strong>23</strong>0, <strong>23</strong>1 ; premier ofTerritories, 6 153, 19 240 ;obtains financialconcessions from Dominion, 240-1 ;defeatand resignation of his executive, 241-2 ;re-elected to executive <strong>com</strong>mittee, 243-4 ;affirms assembly s right to advise lieutenantgovernor,244 ; agitates for full provincialstatus, 250, 256-61, 264-5 ;his relations withconservative party, 251 ;on finance, 254-5 ;and exemption from taxation of CanadianPacific Railway, 258 ;and schools question,262 ;on work ac<strong>com</strong>plished by Territories,263 ;on financial requirements, 264 ;criticizes Laurier s scheme for Territorialdivision, 6 154, 19 267 ;leader of oppositionin Saskatchewan, 268 ;his claim to premiership, 6 157 ; denounced by Langevin, 157,19 271 ;his platform in 1905, 271 ;aseducational legislator and administrator,20 473-4 ; sketch, characteristics, andservices, 19 214, 225.Haultain, Theodore Arnold (b. 1857). Essayistand reviewer, 12 529.Hauser, Frederick. Visits the St John Riveras loyalist agent, 13 142-3.Haven, Edwin J. de (1819-65), Americanexplorer. Commands Franklin search expedition (1850), 5 301, 303; discoversMurdaugh Island and Grinnell Land, 5 303.Haviland, T. H. (1822-95). Confederationdelegate from Prince Edward Island, 13 373.Haviland, William (1718-84), British general,1 310, 311.Havre a 1 Anglois. Former name of Louisbourg,1 203.Hawke, Sir Edward (1705-81), British admiral.Disperses French fleet at Isle of Aix, 1 222 ;before Rochefort, 255 ;his victory atQuiberon, 270, 308.Hawkesbury, Robert Banks, Baron, afterwardssecond Earl of Liverpool (1770-1828). Concludes King-Hawkesbury Convention, 8 770,783.Hawkins, John Summerfleld. Boundary survey <strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 877.Hawkins, Samuel. United States agent inboundary survey, 8 828.Hay, John (1838-1905), American secretary ofstate. And alleged encroachments at Portland Canal, 8 935 ; concludes reciprocitytreaty with Newfoundland, 705 ; signsAlaska Boundary Convention, 936.Hay, John James. Administers Roman Catholic diocese of Toronto, 11 60.Hayes, James. Original member of Hudson sBay Company, 1 166.Hayes River. Radisson on, 1 173 ; namechanged to Ste Th6rese, 183-4.Hays, Charles Melville (d. 1912). His management of Grand Trunk Railway, 10 457-8.Haythorne, Robert Poore (1815-91). Confederation delegate from Prince EdwardIsland, 13 373.Haywood, William Henry (1801-52), UnitedStates senator. And Oregon boundarydispute, 8 866.Hazard, Stanton. Defeated in Northumberland County, New Brunswick, 13 163, 164.Hazen, John Douglas (b. 1860), minister ofMarine and Fisheries. Premier of NewBrunswick, 14 431 ; and Japanese control ofsalmon fishing in British Columbia, 22 459.Hazen, William (1738-1814). Captured byAmerican privateer, 13 136 ; member offirst council of New Brunswick, 154, 155.In <strong>com</strong>mand of the AmericanHazen, Captain.Rangers, 15 122.Hazen, Simonds, and White. Their premisesplundered by privateers, 13 137.Head, Sir Edmund Walker (1805-68), governorin-chiefof Canada (1854-61). Favourableto reciprocity, 5 <strong>23</strong>0 ;and establishment ofmunicipal institutions, 13 206 at ; inauguration of European and North AmericanRailway, 14 407 ;and the Brown-Dorionepisode, 5 78 ;on governor s presence atcouncil meetings, 128-9 ; and the doubleshuffle, 129; his view of fiscal autonomy, 134;condemns double majority, 149 ; governor of Hudson s Bay Company, 19 61 n.Head, Sir Francis Bond (1793-1875), lieutenantgovernorof Upper Canada (1836-38). Hisinstructions, 3 352-3 ; and reorganizationof <strong>com</strong>mon schools, 18 285 ; publishesGosford s instructions, 3 321 ;absolutistrule of, 354-5, 356 ;and suspension of speciepayments, 4 633, 635 ;inspects Indiansettlements, 5 336 ; his method of obtainingIndian lands, 336-7 ; views on Indianquestion, 337-40 ;his conduct duringRebellion of 1837, 3 365, 367 ; resignationof, 356.Head, Lady. Turns first sod of St John-Shediac Railway, 14 407.Hearne, Samuel (1745-92). His journey tomouth of the Coppermine River, 4 670-3 ;discovers Great Slave Lake, 649, 672 ; presentat massacre of Bloody Fall, 671-2 ;hisformal act of possession, 672 ; discoverscopper, 22 656.Hearst, George (1820-91), of California. Abandons project of acquiring Blue Bell mines,British Columbia, 22 563.Hearst, William Howard (b. 1863). Ministerof Lands of Ontario, 17 216 n.Heather Bell. Steamer tradingEdward Island, 10 563.from PrinceBeaton, Sir John Henniker (1848-1914), postalreformer, 7 643.Heavysege, Charles (1816-76). His drama ofSaul and other poems, 12 569-71.Hebert, Anne. Wife of Etienne Jonquest, 2 393.Hebert, Guillaume. Granted seigniory of StJoseph de 1Espinay, Quebec, 16 508.H6bert, Henri. Sculptor, 12 634.H6bert, Louis (d. 1627). First colonist of NewFrance, 2 3<strong>23</strong> n., 393, 15 18 ; grantedseigniory of Sault au Matelot, 2 452, 536 ;his industry, 15 19 ; location of his farm,16 506 ; number of his descendants in 1687,15 19.

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