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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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84 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESHardy, Arthur Sturgis (1837-99), premier ofOntario (1896-99). Provincial secretary ofOntario, 17 200 n. ; protests against intrusion of armed forces from Manitoba, 6 95 ;endorses <strong>com</strong>mercial union, 110; ministerof Lands, 17 216 n. ; premier and attorneygeneral,178-9, 196 n. ;retires from publiclife, 179.Hardy, Sir Charles (1716-80), British admiral.At Louisbourg, 1 222 ;at Nsw York, 256 ;lays waste along Gulf of St Lawrence, 276.Hardy, Elias (1744-99). Member of NewBrunswick assembly, 13 163 takes ; part inSt John election (1785), 164.Hare Indians. Richardson s description of, 5299-300.Haren, Peter William de. At the battle ofBeaver Dam, 3 242.Harlan, John Marshall (b. 1833). Americanarbitrator in Bering Sea dispute, 8 725 ;hisdissent, 745-6.Harlequin. Lake Erie vessel, 10 491.Harmon, Daniel Williams (1778-1845), firstfarmer of British Columbia. Raises crops atFort Dunvegan, Peace River (1809-10), 20587 his ; diary at Fort Mc Leod, 21 57 ;hiscrops at Fraser Lake, 22 525-6.Harnett, Leigh. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Harney, William Selby (c. 1798-1889), Americangeneral. Lands troops on San Juan Island,8874.Harper, Jean (1801-69). Joins mission at StBoniface, 11 124, 20 418.Harper. Schoolmaster at Kildonan, 20 426.Harpooner. Ship which conveyedmigrants to Vancouver Island, 21 89, 121.Harrington, Benjamin. Shipbuilder at MahoneBay, 10 582.Harrington, Isaac. Captain of steamboatUnited Kingdom, 10 498.Harris, Joseph, Upper Canada College. Hisclassical attainments, 18 361.first imHarris, Lloyd (b. 1867). Opposes reciprocity,6 180.Harris, L. S. Canadian painter, 12 624.Harris, Michael. Anglican clergyman at Perth(1G19), 11 222.Harris, M. L. Shipbuilder at Moncton, 10585.Harris, Robert (b. 1849). His eminence inportraiture, 12 628.Harrison, David Howard (d. 1905). Premierof Manitoba (1887-88), 11 175, 19 120.Harrison, Edward. Signs Quebec traderspetitions (1764, 1770), 15 134, 140; memberof legislative council, 135.Harrison, John. Holds first Anglican servicein Nova Scotia (1710), 11 201.Harrison, Robert Alexander (1833-78), chiefjustice of Court of Queen s Bench, Ontario(1875-78). Arbitrator in Ontario boundarydispute, 6 93, 8 896.Harrison, Samuel Bealey (d. 1867). His resolutions on responsible government, 5 20-1 ;resigns over change of capital from Kingstonto Montreal, 40 ;member of provisionalcouncil, 42.Harrison, S. Frances (Seranua ).Writer ofverses, 12 588.Harrison, Thomas (d. 1906). President ofUniversity of New Brunswick, 14 558.Harrison, William Henry (1773-1841), Americangeneral. Defeats Indians at Tippecanoe, 3214, 4 714 ;in War of 1812, 3 <strong>23</strong>8, 244.Harrison Direct Line. Its service betweenEurope and Vancouver, 10 618.Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, first Earl of (1762-1847), British foreign secretary. Criticizesfailure of United States to ratify treaties asa whole, 8 840 and n.Hart, Aaron. Signs petition of Quebec traders(1770), 15 140.Hart, Ezekiel. Jew expelled by assembly ofLower Canada, 3 161, 162, 4 477.Hart, Mrs Julia Catharine (1796-1867). Authorof first book printed in Upper Canada (1824),12 535.Hart, Thomas (b. 1835). Professor in ManitobaCollege, 11 287, 20 426.Hart, Vincent C. (1840-1904). Methodist missionary to West China, 11 325.Hartley, David (1732-1813). British signatoryto Treaty of Versailles, 3 116, 8 753.Hartshorne. Quaker refused recognition atGovernment House, Halifax, 13 250.Hartwell, George E. (b. 1862). Methodist missionary to West China, 11 325.Harty, William (b. 1847). Commissioner ofPublic Works of Ontario, 17 179, <strong>23</strong>0 n.Harvard College. United Empire Loyalistgraduates of, 13 133.Harvey, Arthur. Secretary of Fruit-Growers*Association for Upper Canada (1859), 18567.Harvey, Horace (b. 1863), chief justice ofAlberta. Great Waterways Railway Inquiry <strong>com</strong>missioner, 19 277.Harvey, Sir John (1778-1852), lieutenantgovernorof New Brunswick (1837-41).Defeats Americans at Stoney Creek, 3 241-2 ;at Chrystler s Farm, 249 ;member of CanadaCompany Commission, 334, 17 89 ;hispopularity in New Brunswick, 13 202, 204 ;and Maine boundary dispute, 203 ;oncondition of Indians, 5 360.Harvey, of Indian Head. Pioneer farmer inSaskatchewan, 20 559-60.Harvey, near Pigeon Lake. Unsuccessfulpioneer settlement at, 17 84.Harvoough, Warren. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Haskell, E. E. American representative onInternational Waterways Commission, 8838.Hassack, Alexander. Pioneer settler on theChateauguay (1801), 15 157.Hassler, Frederick Rudolph (1770-1843). Discovers error in boundary - line on LakeChamplain, 8 789.Hatch, I. T. Instructed to inquire into reciprocity treaty, 5 256.Hathorne, Colonel. His unsuccessful attackon Fort St Joseph (1696), 13 58.Hatley. Charleston Academy erected at ( 1829),16 460.

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